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What would you do if RS was real?


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Let's say, if the items/locations/abilities in RuneScape were in real life, what would you do? Get in a bar fight then teleport out? Get in trouble with the police and just kill them? Alch your mom's necklace? Post what you would do! I for one would walk around in full Torags. If I got into a fight no-one could hurt me lol.








Also, I made a funny pic:









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wow, runescape in ways resembles the dark ages just much is taken out because well the dark ages were very very barbaric times.








Now, sure ok, so if u were in the dark ages today ud kill ppl for no reason and all this yeah ok.








But see, our minds have evolved and we have learned morals.








So if you really want to expirience runescape first hand, go back to the dark ages by building yourself a time machine, take whips and cannons with you.

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But see, our minds have evolved and we have learned morals.











That's very debatable. Some would say that our behavior are motivated by our repressed unconscious mind and that Societies rules and creation was made to supress our natural instinct to live and pass on our gene pool. Others would say that Man is actually "Tabbula Rass" meaning a blank slate. We become who we are by experiencing things where no Morals really exist but those of your surrounding enviornment (A boy can be raised in China were a dog can be eaten and a boy can be raised in England where a dog is a pet.)[/off-topic]








[on-topic]I'd go to Party City and purchase as many Party Hats I could and then burn all of them until I only had 5 or so sets left.

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teleport from my door step to my office.. and from my office to my doorstep..








Your doorstep is in lumbridge, varrock, camelot, falador, watchtower, trollheim, arodougne, lletya, draynor, edgeville, karamja, al kharid, edgeville dungeon, canifis, ectofuntus, in the wild, etc.?

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