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Everyone at Ge botting or what


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For some reason ive had like 30 people within an hour try to check if i was botting, is everyone these days at GE a bot or something? If everyones expecting it it's goto be more common than i even thought.

2 of the people where Player Mods.

1 Just came up to me saying "Reported for botting noob" without even checking first.


Do you guys just report people THINKING they're botting due to the large ammount these day or do you actually check first?



"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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I tend to not even respond to idiots like that. I know I won't get banned because I don't bot and Jagex seems to be good at not getting the wrong people, and it's also fun to further the stereotype that high levels don't talk.

[hide=99s]47,297th to 99 Attack, 12/10/08
47,898th to 99 Hitpoints, 3/29/09
78,286th to 99 Strength, 4/5/09
36,125th to 99 Range, 6/7/09, 12:30 in the morning.
70,280th to 99 Defence, 4/16/10
67,781st to 99 Magic, 8/13/10
Somethingth to 99 Slayer on some day during the Summer (I forgot to write it down)
169,099th to 99 Cooking , 4/9/11
Idk what to 99 fm at some point
Idk what to 99 prayer on 1/28/2012

?? 99 thieving 12/30/2015

?? 99 herblore 1/2/2016, ?? 99 dungeoneering 9/5/2016[/hide]


Even if it's a dumb story, telling it changes other people just the slightest little bit, just as living the story changes me. An infinitesimal change. And that infinitesimal change ripples outward-ever smaller but everlasting. I will get forgotten, but the stories will last. And so we all matter-maybe less than a lot, but always more than none.

-John Green (An Abundance of Katherines)

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We'll i'd rather respond due to my 1st account being banned in '07 due to "RWT" without any evidence, which i didn't do. Jagex then 3 years later unbanned it and gave no comment.

I would rather talk then be the stereotypical non-talking 130 i guess :???: .



"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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Wow i think i found a bot tbh. Either that or just a complete Ass



Making fires and this guy just comes up making fires right where i am. I left a few wholes in my line and he came right up and fileld them in with more fires. Asked him to leave andgoto otherside. No comment back, Think bot or what. I'm not to familiar with the bots and what they do.



"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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Lol this person places a birdsnare under him and he's stuck, is this sure sign of a bot. I'd rather not false report someone


I've layed a few bird snares in front of him and he keeps stopping for a couple minutes. Somethings up with him.



"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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Well, RWT is a lot different then botting. :P I'm sure Jagex is able to differentiate between the two. As long as you really aren't botting, you're fine.

Not always. A close friend of mine got banned for "botting" not too long ago, and he never botted. He just idled a lot and didn't always pay attention to the game, which is something many players, myself included, are "guilty" of.


Jagex is nowhere near perfect, and they too make mistakes more than you may think. I think the evidence of that can be found in the statements they made regarding botting with that whole old wilderness/free trade non-sense.


As for player mods, especially in the past they were pretty much solely selected on reporting bots, without other factors being examined, so it would make sense people would want to "hunt bots" or what they perceive as bots.


My advice would be to just respond to people that accuse you of botting one way or another, and hope not too many of said kind of players report you.





angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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i do alot of crafting there and i dont talk to anybody there because they donk make sense with their words. plus i like it there when someone needs something real bad they will pay a arm and a leg for like for example holy symbols i sold 6 of them for 5k each they cost me nothing to make made 30k profit=)

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Bot Hunting has always been a sport in RS and now that the prevalence of botting has been thrown out there again with Jagex's mention of it with the free trade and wilderness referendum more people have started specifically looking for bots to report. I've been fletching a fair bit at the Soul Wars bank recently and fairly often someone would come in and accuse everyone there of being bots and saying stuff like "If you don't talk, you're a bot and I will report you" which I personally ignore since I refuse to give people the satisfaction of thinking they've scared me into talking :P Something that really amused me was the other day when I was fletching one of the Top 5 Overall Players was also there and someone reported them for botting because they wouldn't reply to them :rolleyes:

Another factor is that people who desperately want to be PMods see going out of their way to locate and report bots as a sure fire way to get the silver crown.

And there are also some people who think anyone with better stats then them must have achieved it through botting...


So yea, people have been getting worse and the return of free trade probably wont improve the situation immediately but it will probably die down eventually. Best thing to do is just carry on with what you're doing and if someone accuses you of being a bot either ignore them or accuse them instead :P


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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Do you FM in W99? Because if so, I may have been one of those mods who did a bot test :wink:


Anyway, as long as you say something after, it's pretty obvious you're not a bot. I hate having to respond to people who say "if you don't talk you're a bot" but sometimes it's worth the 2 words in exchange for lowering the chance they report you and Jagex makes a false ban (not often, but I've played long enough for it to not be worth risking my acc).

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Not always. A close friend of mine got banned for "botting" not too long ago, and he never botted. He just idled a lot and didn't always pay attention to the game, which is something many players, myself included, are "guilty" of.

Jagex doesn't ban you for idling.


Help drive change Canada

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Not always. A close friend of mine got banned for "botting" not too long ago, and he never botted. He just idled a lot and didn't always pay attention to the game, which is something many players, myself included, are "guilty" of.

Jagex doesn't ban you for idling.

theres no difference from idling and afking

and afking is against the rules

so they can ban you

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Not always. A close friend of mine got banned for "botting" not too long ago, and he never botted. He just idled a lot and didn't always pay attention to the game, which is something many players, myself included, are "guilty" of.

Jagex doesn't ban you for idling.

theres no difference from idling and afking

and afking is against the rules

so they can ban you


Yea if you stand in the ge not doing anything for 1 minute, INSTABAN



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Not always. A close friend of mine got banned for "botting" not too long ago, and he never botted. He just idled a lot and didn't always pay attention to the game, which is something many players, myself included, are "guilty" of.

Jagex doesn't ban you for idling.

theres no difference from idling and afking

and afking is against the rules

so they can ban you

That's is just asinine. Jagex tracks how much experience you gain, why would they ban you for just sitting in a bank?


Also, Jagex tracks your mouse movements, mouse clicks and key strokes. And they also know when the RS window is in focus. So no, you won't get banned for idling.


Help drive change Canada

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random note...when you report for macroing...you can't get in trouble for false reporting that rule. If you suspect they might be a bot...just report them (or not, it's up to you), you WILL NOT get in trouble if they turn out to not be a bot.



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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theres no difference from idling and afking

and afking is against the rules

so they can ban you

AFKing isn't against the rules, AFK training is. So no, they shouldn't ban you just for idling. But of course, if you're idling you have to do something to stay logged in, if the thing you do looks like a stuck bot, then it may flip the system on you but thats quite unlikely.

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As others have stated, people in the game love to play WBM and go "bot hunting" :rolleyes:


I mean, what are you supposed to do at the GE, waiting on trades:


(1) talk about ones imaginary RL girlfriend(s)

(2) dance around in circles

(3) have an emote fit

(4) brag about how much weed you smoke / how high you are

(5) get some useful alching done via actual gameplay


I think we can all agree (5) makes the most sense. Yet somehow, if you do (5) you are a freaking bot.

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There should be a penalty for making False reports...it might rein in some of the wanna-be PMods. When I am training boring skills (fletching, crafting, or Alching at bank) I turn off Chat...I don't wanna be interrupted. As bad as the Bot Hunters are...and have itchy trigger fingers for reporting, I probably have been reported. Thankfully, I have not had a blip on my RS record so far...I check to see if I have marks, and have had no messages from Jagex.


But still...after playing for more than 8 years (on and off), it would really suck to have my account banned due to false reporting.


At this point in my RS career, I h8 Bot Hunters more than the Bots themselves...and that is due to the eagerness of players to report JUST BECAUSE they "believe" someone is botting. I, like several of the previous posters, refuse to answers every 30 seconds when some asks what level in "insert skill" everyone is. I usually respond with WHO CARES...if I respond at all.


I think false reporting should cause marks against someones account as well. You are taking up the time of someone at Jagex to investigate false claims...when they could be zeroing in on real cheaters.

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I think false reporting should cause marks against someones account as well. You are taking up the time of someone at Jagex to investigate false claims...when they could be zeroing in on real cheaters.

It's already been said in this thread but I'll say it again. You're not wasting Jagex's time by reporting bots beceause it goes through an automated system before a J-Mod checks it. That's also the reason why innacurate bot reports are not counted against you.

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