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Does Jagex have self confidence anymore


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10k give away. Obviously means Jagex can afford to throw that kind of money away, so they are.
We'll be drawing 10 lucky winners each month throughout the year and entry couldn't be simpler: for each day in a given month that your account has membership credit, you'll automatically be given one entry into the prize draw. For those of you who aren't members, you can still enter for free by sending us a postcard, giving you one entry into the draw.

Why make it so leaned towards people who have given their money already? For the price of sending a postcard first class every day, you might as well buy one month's credit. The answer's pretty obvious: it's better from a commercial perspective to keep paying players hooked rather than players who don't contribute anything to the company other than ad revenue.


If they feel as though their membership credit is an investment which could earn $10,000, they'll stay. Question is, why don't Jagex trust the content of the game to do this already?


Could not have said it better myself =)


Thought this was a GREAT question that deserved a thread on its own.



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TBH, I don't think that the prize draw will have a big influence on the amount of people who pay for membership. And since they don't make profit off the prize draw it seems to me that it was purely done to celebrate the 10th year anniversary and doesn't have anything to do with them not having confidence in the content anymore.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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TBH, I don't think that the prize draw will have a big influence on the amount of people who pay for membership. And since they don't make profit off the prize draw it seems to me that it was purely done to celebrate the 10th year anniversary and doesn't have anything to do with them not having confidence in the content anymore.


With the impersonal machine like profit minded Jagex that we have had recently I doubt that. Everything that Jagex does now except for Mods doing events and going on the forums is to make profit, and even that probably has an alternate goal in mind.


And the fact that you need to have a membership to have any chance of winning shows that this is another scheme to make money. Like really postcards for F2P haha.

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people seem to forget that jagex is a BUSINESS. Its here to make money. This prize draw is designed to do just that. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING. I'm sure they will make more than the 120k then they are giving away in new player ad revenue alone. the draw is an incentive to get you to bite if you were on the fence. it has NOTHING to do with the content's quality.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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TBH, I don't think that the prize draw will have a big influence on the amount of people who pay for membership. And since they don't make profit off the prize draw it seems to me that it was purely done to celebrate the 10th year anniversary and doesn't have anything to do with them not having confidence in the content anymore.


With the impersonal machine like profit minded Jagex that we have had recently I doubt that. Everything that Jagex does now except for Mods doing events and going on the forums is to make profit, and even that probably has an alternate goal in mind.


And the fact that you need to have a membership to have any chance of winning shows that this is another scheme to make money. Like really postcards for F2P haha.


How on earth could they do it any other way? If they didn't require membership to be eligible (I'm ignoring the whole postcard thing, since that's going to be pretty rare), then everyone could enter the competition by making loads of throwaway accounts. I don't mind if people point out when Jagex does something as purely a moneymaking scheme, but it doesn't mean that everything they do is a moneymaking scheme.


It's pretty unlikely that this is going to give a profit to Jagex anyway.

~ W ~



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Jagex do a competition and all the conspiracy theories go crazy? First it's they're trying to keep players, then it's they are failing at the game.. can't anyone look at outside the box and see maybe they just wanted to do $10,000 give-away for a competition...?





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Jagex do a competition and all the conspiracy theories go crazy? First it's they're trying to keep players, then it's they are failing at the game.. can't anyone look at outside the box and see maybe they just wanted to do $10,000 give-away for a competition...?






They're getting tired of this game, but simply can't bring themselves to quit. They're the worn-out veterans who feel the gameplay has gotten stale and ought to move on to another game, yet they still keep playing Runescape. They'd rather believe the game is dying, in decline, or Jagex is going to hell in a picnic basket instead of logging out and swearing off it forever since they haven't the willpower to quit. All I'm hearing are complaints instead of alternative and constructive suggestions to improve the game. Heh.

Prepare to Die! Path of Exile RPG



"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." Yeats

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Jagex do a competition and all the conspiracy theories go crazy? First it's they're trying to keep players, then it's they are failing at the game.. can't anyone look at outside the box and see maybe they just wanted to do $10,000 give-away for a competition...?






They're getting tired of this game, but simply can't bring themselves to quit. They're the worn-out veterans who feel the gameplay has gotten stale and ought to move on to another game, yet they still keep playing Runescape. They'd rather believe the game is dying, in decline, or Jagex is going to hell in a picnic basket instead of logging out and swearing off it forever since they haven't the willpower to quit. All I'm hearing are complaints instead of alternative and constructive suggestions to improve the game. Heh.

you mad bro?



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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Could not have said it better myself =)


Thought this was a GREAT question that deserved a thread on its own.




No, it's a pretty piss poor question that offers no intelligent conversation and boils down to "omg dat bidness iz trying to maek a profet?? BOYCOTT WE PAY WE SAY JKFSKLDFJKLDAJKLFJKL"




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Would you give $10,000 to someone who isnt paying you a cent?


Why shouldnt it be leaning towards members? We make the business run that F2P gets to use.


Here's a question for ya: If you ran a raffle and said everyone gets one free ticket just for signing up, but you can purchase more tickets if you wish, who would have a better chance to win? The people who bought more tickets or the person who entered their sole free ticket?


Dumb question. Obvious answer. Discussion over.


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I'm not going to touch the question of whether or not they are still confident. If you have the most popular free to play game and aren't then you would have to be crazy.


About the post cards, by law they have to allow entry without charging you because otherwise it is considered gambling akin to a lottery. They use post cards because very few will go through the effort. Many companies do this, for example mcdonalds with their monopoly game and subway with their scrabble game.


Just like how those companies have the contests for their customers Jagex is having it for its customers. Ie, members.

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How is Jagex's confidence in question? They put in free trade, the old wilderness, the old staking system, all to risk their entire enterprise...


without hesitation?



Come to my Clan chat (I'm there if I'm online) if you wish to borrow a Green H'ween mask, Blue H'ween Mask, Red H'ween Mask, or Santa for a reasonable price.

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How is Jagex's confidence in question? They put in free trade, the old wilderness, the old staking system, all to risk their entire enterprise...


without hesitation?



They weren't risking anything, they knew that people wanted Free trade and wildy.


While I hate free trade I love the wildy =)


If the game was more popular with Free trade and wildy how is it a risk to put it back on. The real risk is when they took it off, that move took some balls on Jagex's part.


All that I'm saying is that Jagex made a 10k giveaway and made the members the only people with a chance to win, this could be a play in order to increase membership, and if so then why isn't Jagex confident in their own material anymore. Which leads to my question on Jagex's self confidence.... oops thats right not my question, If your going to try and flame someone then flame the right person (not towards you amitoz)

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Jagex do a competition and all the conspiracy theories go crazy? First it's they're trying to keep players, then it's they are failing at the game.. can't anyone look at outside the box and see maybe they just wanted to do $10,000 give-away for a competition...?






They're getting tired of this game, but simply can't bring themselves to quit. They're the worn-out veterans who feel the gameplay has gotten stale and ought to move on to another game, yet they still keep playing Runescape. They'd rather believe the game is dying, in decline, or Jagex is going to hell in a picnic basket instead of logging out and swearing off it forever since they haven't the willpower to quit. All I'm hearing are complaints instead of alternative and constructive suggestions to improve the game. Heh.


Remind me to put this in my signature later. This seems to explain a lot of stuff I see on the boards.


Really though. They are spending 120k on this. Now, the question is, are 2000 people going to get 12months memberships in order for this draw? Are 10000 going to get ONE months membership for this? That's the amount of people needed in order for Jagex to break even, based on $5 a month for membership. Now, since I'm fairly sure it's higher then exactly $5 a month, then that would be approximately how many people need to get membership for Jagex to profit.


Really, giving the draw to free players is impractical. Many, I'd argue MOST of F2P, has no way outside of the in-game messages for Jagex to contact them, for one. Add in a massive amount of people making new F2P accounts for the draw....


Or, as people have pointed out, maybe it just simply IS what Jagex has said it is, that being a celebration for 10 years of RuneScape? PR maybe?


EDIT: To above poster, if rumours are true, then it didn't take "balls" to remove free trade/wilde. That rumour being that due to the amount of credit card fraud associated with RuneScape in order to pay for Gold-Farming accounts, the credit card companies threatened to cut off RuneScape FROM credit card payments, which would probably result in over a third of members to quit paying for membership, simply because they can't use credit cards anymore.


Actually, I think the real numbers would be well over HALF (especailly considering how many current methods of payment weren't available when the whole thing happened) would end up "quitting" RuneScape.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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All that I'm saying is that Jagex made a 10k giveaway and made the members the only people with a chance to win, this could be a play in order to increase membership, and if so then why isn't Jagex confident in their own material anymore. Which leads to my question on Jagex's self confidence.... oops thats right not my question, If your going to try and flame someone then flame the right person (not towards you amitoz)


You're assuming Jagex is doing this to bring in more members because they think the content isn't enough, which is not only presumptive, but based off of no facts whatsoever and just makes the person raising the question look like they're grasping for anything and everything to make some nonexistent point.


If you think that the $10,000 giveaway is members only because Jagex is grabbing for money, rather than to weed out a mass amount of throwaway accounts, you should probably sit down and stop posting. It's better to keep quiet and have people think you have no idea what you're talking about, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.




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I don't think my original point was about money or profit, it was about people maintaining membership status. It's nice to see people care about what I have to say so much that they'll create a whole damn thread based on something I didn't actually say..


Or does that just prove you're ignorant?


Perspective, I guess.

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All that I'm saying is that Jagex made a 10k giveaway and made the members the only people with a chance to win, this could be a play in order to increase membership, and if so then why isn't Jagex confident in their own material anymore. Which leads to my question on Jagex's self confidence.... oops thats right not my question, If your going to try and flame someone then flame the right person (not towards you amitoz)


You're assuming Jagex is doing this to bring inkeep more members because they think the content isn't enough, which is not only presumptive, but based off of no facts whatsoever and just makes the person raising the question look like they're grasping for anything and everything to make some nonexistent point.


If you think that the $10,000 giveaway is members only because Jagex is grabbing for moneytrying to keep all the money they have, rather than to weed out a mass amount of throwaway accounts, you should probably sit down and stop posting. It's better to keep quiet and have people think you have no idea what you're talking about, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


There. Really, the cynicism towards the 10k giveaway is based on the idea that it's P2P only, and thus attempting to gain cash (and in this case, spending 120k to earn 120k+ or spending 120k+ in order to save 120k+ are really the same thing.) You've just shifted the cynicism of it from "desperate attempt at new members" to "desperate attempt to keep members." The problem is, your taking the cynicism as fact, proven by the fact that you endorse the question "Question is, why don't Jagex trust the content of the game to do this already?" That question obviously assumes that Jagex is, in fact, doing the 10k give-away in order to keep members. However, there cannot even be any discussion on that question if the assumption Jagex expects their net profit to be higher WITH the 10k a month give-away then without the 10k a moth give-away is false. Rather then discuss your question, we are discussing (and refuting) the unwritten assumption you have based your claim (or in this case question) upon.


Yes, Jagex is a corporation. Yes, the objective of corporations is to make money. Does this mean every single thing Jagex does they do solely with the attempt to make money, or make us happy and therefore earn/keep membership?


If you answered Yes to that question, then I must question why you are even playing RuneScape in the first place. Or, if you are not playing RuneScape, then I must ask why you are reading a thread in general discussion about RuneScape.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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I don't think my original point was about money or profit, it was about people maintaining membership status. It's nice to see people care about what I have to say so much that they'll create a whole damn thread based on something I didn't actually say..


Or does that just prove you're ignorant?


Perspective, I guess.


A quote is a quote, and just like I assume that Jagex MAY have lost confidence you guys equally assume that they haven't.


Things like this have been used in other games for the reason of making money, all that ginger warrior is trying to say is that it could be possible for Jagex to be doing this to make money. Its a speculative question and to shoot it down is extremely ignorant as it is entirely possible.


Sure it could be a giveaway but Jagex is a business and businesses make money. Its just a possibility


and remember that when people get memberships they could quite possibly continue their memberships, this could be the bait for the customer to buy membership and to continue using it.

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I figured it was because when you sign up for members, they already have some of your personal information.


When I made my f2p account back in the day, I don't recall giving any information up.


Guess its just easier to tell who is who considering there's money involved in members.

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