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law running is back!!!! free laws for you


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All you have to do is bring 27 un-noted pure essence to the law altar in world 66 and trade with someone in red robes. For that you will receive 27+ laws and 27 noted pure essence that you take back to the bank to un note and bring back to use for the same thing!! = free laws! enjoy it is a great way to make money.



This is a 24 hour service so come when you decide. This is an old tradition I would call it back in the early 2000's. There used to be so many people that di this and it was so popular and now that the regular trade is back it has started again!! If you want more info join clan chat: law 66

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Just a heads up:


I wouldn't really call this a tradition from the "early 2000's" so much.

Given that rc came out with rs2 which was 29th march 2004

And law runes were not craftable until august 2004 when Troll Stronghold came out with the law talisman reward.


Law Running did not really exists until the abyss appeared, which was June 2005, as it mostly air running. And even then I'd say it wasn't a big thing til early 2006.


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Just throwing this out there, but wouldn't double nat running be better?


Debatably, for runners' money (no big difference), but getting to altar would be slower, unless they'd use abyss. Also worse exp/trade for crafters.


99+ all 23rd March 2012 - 2496 total 13th June 2012.

9000+ dragon drops! Including draconic visage, d chains, d spears, d2h, d claws, d meds, d legs, d skirts... d bones, d hides :)?


I want jagex to put resource dungeons and dungeoneering skill doors to dungeoneering floors so I can dungeon and get dungeoneering xp while I dg so I don't have to dg to get dg exp, but I can dg while I dg :)?

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I guess the whole Zamorak Robes thing is a tradition, but not law running itself. Anyway, I'm happy that people managed to get together again to get it working, although having fairy rings without requiring a staff, I'm not one who needs that many laws.


Natures, on the other hand, are a different matter. icon_e_wink.gif

~ W ~



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You could always use the abyss.


On a side note, does the runner receive 27 runes or all runes that the crafter made? I haven't checked out W66 laws since free trade.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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Runners couldn't be making much more then 200k an hour with 27 laws per run.

I remember running/crafting back before free trade, doesn't sound very appealing to runners these days when I know the numbers. :P


Good luck though!

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Law running is great and is more profitable for the runners because;


1) some crafters can produce more than 27 laws for the 27 pure essence


2) the balloon method now exists which in 2006 it didn't which makes more than 2x quicker (englightened journey quest required)



very few crafters can give 40 laws most give about 30 average, also runners are encouraged to use all crafters rather than just those with higher rc you can read more about it on the world 66 law running thread


Quick find code: 201-202-828-62390902

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Hate to break it to you, but you're going to have to pay the runners some cash in addition to the runes to make it worth their while. RC exp is highly valued these days, so asking runners to essentially give it away for extremely cheap isn't going to work.

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Just a heads up:


I wouldn't really call this a tradition from the "early 2000's" so much.

Given that rc came out with rs2 which was 29th march 2004

And law runes were not craftable until august 2004 when Troll Stronghold came out with the law talisman reward.


Law Running did not really exists until the abyss appeared, which was June 2005, as it mostly air running. And even then I'd say it wasn't a big thing til early 2006.


I'm quite sure that there was law running before the abyss. By means of running to port sarim port and then going to entrania.


I recall it so because I tried to be a runner once.


There was a constant stream of people running from draynor to port sarim.



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Hate to break it to you, but you're going to have to pay the runners some cash in addition to the runes to make it worth their while. RC exp is highly valued these days, so asking runners to essentially give it away for extremely cheap isn't going to work.


It's still a decent moneymaker for lower levels, though.


Which I might add constitutes the majority of runners (at least pre-GE). A lot of people did it for money and didn't give a [cabbage] about RC.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Hate to break it to you, but you're going to have to pay the runners some cash in addition to the runes to make it worth their while. RC exp is highly valued these days, so asking runners to essentially give it away for extremely cheap isn't going to work.


It's still a decent moneymaker for lower levels, though.


Which I might add constitutes the majority of runners (at least pre-GE). A lot of people did it for money and didn't give a [cabbage] about RC.

Has less to do with the runners and more with the crafters. For RC exp this cheap, waaaay too many people will be willing to do it. You're either going to raise payment for runners to both attract more runners and weed out some crafters, or have 5 crafters to the runner, meaning it would be faster to just run the ess yourself.

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There are crafters willing for this, runners are indeed scarce, but there are a few!


And yeah, you give 27 ess for somewhere around 33+ laws...


I just checked it out myself...

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Forums like this are frequented by generally high-level players discussing things like the best ways to train skills / make money / fight Nex / PK / etc. This isn't the target audience, so you get a lot of people here who say things like "Oh this isn't worth it green dragons are better". If you can fight green dragons for cash, law running isn't targeted at your level bracket.


The target audience is low-level players, like level 20-60 combat, who can do this with zero risk whatsoever. Imagine, when you were first playing at level 20, being able to afford a set of full rune with only one hour of work! That's way better than the money you make collecting and selling i.e. cow hides. For the target audience for runners, law running is serious cash.


To the OP: If you're looking for more runners, it will be hard to find them here, because most of the target audience hasn't yet thought of looking for Runescape fansites with more detailed info on the game, let alone joining the discussion forums. You'll probably be better off telling people at the GE on different worlds, or maybe Lumbridge? The trouble is it's much harder to reach a large audience that way.



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In before/during/after people create armies of bots to run essence for them to get crazy runecrafting xp.







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