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Quick tip for all of you abyss crafters...


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I found a neat way to chase away all of those undesirable PKers that you hate so much, but you will have to sacrifice an inventory slot. Instead of equpiping that hatchet or pickaxe, equip a DDS and keep the tool in your inventory. If PKers give you any trouble, then on the next run, when you enter the wilderness put your DDS spec on and run up to the PKer, spec him, and quickly have the zamorak mage telport you into the abyss. I have found that if you keep doing it to them they will eventually get fed up with getting damaged + super poisoned and leave. I reccomend this only if you have full black dhide, a god cape, and an elemental shield for maximum magical protection (that's about 105+ magic defense).








HOWEVER, if you manage to get yourself entangled or iced, quickly teleport using your ectovial, especially if they entangle you because chances are in a few seconds you could find yourself tellyblocked... anyway, from there, teleport back to edge with your glory. If you are tellyblocked, keep clicking out of the wilderness and eat if you need to, and also drink a swig of prayer potion if you have it and flip on protect item and protect from magic. Once you reach edgey, log out and log back in to cancel out the tellyblock.








As a final remark, I'd like to say that if enough of us do this, than the PKers will see that the serpants they hunt for sport have fangs :twisted:




...and mabye we will see less of them. Not likely, but at least you will have some extra protection. And it makes crafting using the abyss more fun :twisted:

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This is a good idea, but without the danger from pkers, it takes the danger away from abyss crafting, so more people will use the abyss. With more people quickly rune crafting prices will drop, if only slightly. Also, pkers make it more interesting, which for me is good because i usually get bored runecrafting.

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That's not really a hint, to me it seems like using common sence :roll:








And i usually get the dds out of bank(with 2 sharks) after some1 has attacked me, this way I dont lose inventory slots if I happend to get to run without wnb pkers.








Oh and one more thing, all this "abyss pkers are laem!!!1" and "l3tz st0pp them abysse pekkers!11" posts are quite lame, i do pk at abyss occasionally when I'm low on cash on my pure, although I don't pray or tele while pking. After all the abyss runecrafting SHOULD have it's risks hence it's one of the fastest and easiest ways to get cash.

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Ehh, stupid idea, then if you die you lose the dds too. I prefer to say something to the point of "Haha! Stupid abyss pkers who can't pk like real men!" as I've never been pked in my 20k+ ess rc'd.








After insulting them 2 or 3 times, they ALWAYS stop trying to pk me, even if I stop to chat :lol:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Id just go all out pk all the rc pkers who are stupid enough to attack me. Most tele as soon as i tb them... ahh the irony








Yes and if the guy is in full mystic, and you super pot and prayer, dds can generally kill or seriously own the guy enough so he doesnt come back. If you are smart, tangle him again and ko him with scimmy. If he brings lobs to pk he gets owned quite easily.








Again, if you dagger him, make sure you bring food also. Even 99 hp is not a lot to hack down once you are in a tangle. If you lag then you die.








Another option is to have ancients on, ice burst, blitz or barrage the guy, then just jump in with 4 dds specials. The ancient spell itself would do 10-20 if it hits, + your dds and the fact that the guy is in robes, he gets killed!








And above all: RC PKer PKing 4 lyphe!!

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Ehh, stupid idea, then if you die you lose the dds too. I prefer to say something to the point of "Haha! Stupid abyss pkers who can't pk like real men!" as I've never been pked in my 20k+ ess rc'd.








After insulting them 2 or 3 times, they ALWAYS stop trying to pk me, even if I stop to chat :lol:




Exactly. It's hilarious and gets rid of runecrafting boredom when you taunt the Abyss pkers. My favorite is "I love them zeros that you're hitting, they're very cexy." :wink:

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This is a good idea, but without the danger from pkers, it takes the danger away from abyss crafting, so more people will use the abyss. With more people quickly rune crafting prices will drop, if only slightly. Also, pkers make it more interesting, which for me is good because i usually get bored runecrafting.




Taking supply and demand to the extreme there?




For me though, I wouldn't even bother. Your speed with abyss runecrafting depends a lot on how much time you spend running vs walking, which is effected by your weight, so I only take besides the standard necesities an ectophial and rune pick. If I get pked, it's annoying - but at least in the long run I saved time ignoring them instead of fighting them. Besides, engaging in combat with them increases your own chances of getting a quick tb+entangle, then there's a somewhat high chance of dying. I do like the idea but it's not for me.

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i prefer to bring a pray pot and nothing valuable except a glory. if i am getting owned, i drink my pray pot and protect item. all i drop when i die is a mith pick lightfeet boot essence and a vial..all i have to do is tele to edge to pick up pouches and other stuff, giving a net loss of 4k-6k..








as for pkers, i never pk htere, i just pk ppl who like to pk there. iron knives+pots+ pray+dag specs=winned abby pkers..

R.I.P. Shiva

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Taking supply and demand to the extreme there?




For me though, I wouldn't even bother. Your speed with abyss runecrafting depends a lot on how much time you spend running vs walking, which is effected by your weight, so I only take besides the standard necesities an ectophial and rune pick. If I get pked, it's annoying - but at least in the long run I saved time ignoring them instead of fighting them. Besides, engaging in combat with them increases your own chances of getting a quick tb+entangle, then there's a somewhat high chance of dying. I do like the idea but it's not for me.












Letting them kill you means the nub will go around to all his/her friends and say "l00k i l3ik pkd 3 gl0ries lololloloololololol" and all the friends will take up rc pking too. If the guy does not suceed / gets pwnt / gets completely killed and loses full ahrims and full karils he isnt going to come back ever again. Thus this ensures that your future rcing trips will be less tedious with less people trying to pk you. Therefore in the long run, owning an abyss pker is a good deed to yourself and all your other fellow rcers.

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Better than taking the time to do that, just keep your PK stuff together in the bank and if they start trouble with you, go back ready to fight. I've done this to several of them, and not a single one has lived without running away, and all who have died did so trying to run away.








People PK there because they don't have the faith in themselves to fight people prepared for combat. Give them a run for their money and they'll change worlds.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Better than taking the time to do that, just keep your PK stuff together in the bank and if they start trouble with you, go back ready to fight. I've done this to several of them, and not a single one has lived without running away, and all who have died did so trying to run away.








People PK there because they don't have the faith in themselves to fight people prepared for combat. Give them a run for their money and they'll change worlds.








They actually stayed to fight you? Overall, I have nothing against RC PK'ers. The only ones I despise though are those who will attack you whilst you're RC'ing, but teleport as soon as you come back ready to fight them :lol:

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Better than taking the time to do that, just keep your PK stuff together in the bank and if they start trouble with you, go back ready to fight. I've done this to several of them, and not a single one has lived without running away, and all who have died did so trying to run away.








People PK there because they don't have the faith in themselves to fight people prepared for combat. Give them a run for their money and they'll change worlds.








They actually stayed to fight you? Overall, I have nothing against RC PK'ers. The only ones I despise though are those who will attack you whilst you're RC'ing, but teleport as soon as you come back ready to fight them :lol:




That's why I see the whole thing as being a waste of time. Essentially you try to save your own time by getting them to change worlds instead of you, but in the end you just used up more time that you could have saved by quickly changing worlds within 30 seconds instead of withdrawing and changing all your equipment to fight. Then you get your abyss rc'ing stuff back out, only to find a new pker you have to take out, all the while risking your own death. Just not worth the time or effort to me. It might seem kind of cowardly, but when I rc, my goal is to get efficient and quick xp. Not to lay down the law or clear out the level 5 wildy, but just to runecraft. Abyssal pkers to me are just distractions that I don't want to have to deal with.

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Better than taking the time to do that, just keep your PK stuff together in the bank and if they start trouble with you, go back ready to fight. I've done this to several of them, and not a single one has lived without running away, and all who have died did so trying to run away.








People PK there because they don't have the faith in themselves to fight people prepared for combat. Give them a run for their money and they'll change worlds.

yep i almost got pked there i came back with rune and my weapon they ran away... What is the point of Pkin a runecrafter? an ammy?? waste of runes or time if ya ask me

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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Better than taking the time to do that, just keep your PK stuff together in the bank and if they start trouble with you, go back ready to fight. I've done this to several of them, and not a single one has lived without running away, and all who have died did so trying to run away.








People PK there because they don't have the faith in themselves to fight people prepared for combat. Give them a run for their money and they'll change worlds.

yep i almost got pked there i came back with rune and my weapon they ran away... What is the point of Pkin a runecrafter? an ammy?? waste of runes or time if ya ask me




the point is that they're skulled and have no prayer (unless they spend more time taking precautions each trip, which not too many do) so you get the glory from pking.








i know i always speak for the minority being lvl 109, but i rarely ever encounter anyone that can attack me while pking; it's just a waste of space to carry anything outside of the pouches and ess for me; in the rare event that a pker my level attacks, they're probably doing ice barrage, and the attack isn't quite fast enough to prevent dropping an ess, unequipping the glory and teleing to edge.








so my quick tip to abyss runecrafting is to level up until you're 105+ combat :P

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Better than taking the time to do that, just keep your PK stuff together in the bank and if they start trouble with you, go back ready to fight. I've done this to several of them, and not a single one has lived without running away, and all who have died did so trying to run away.








People PK there because they don't have the faith in themselves to fight people prepared for combat. Give them a run for their money and they'll change worlds.

yep i almost got pked there i came back with rune and my weapon they ran away... What is the point of Pkin a runecrafter? an ammy?? waste of runes or time if ya ask me




Yeah, waste of time for both sides especially since they'd have tellied if you didn't tellieblock them first. The odds are just against you in getting a good outcome in going down to their level and even acknowledging that they're there. First you consider the time you originally wasted going off track to get your new equipment to fight. Then you go to fight and there's a small chance you're the one who ends up being killed if the pker knows what he/she's doing or if you lag up. Then assuming you don't die, there's only a small chance they don't run, or escape on the brink of death. Then the fight is over and you either have to return to edgeville with nothing (you died) or go back and switch back to rc'ing gear. All that work just to continue runecrafting where you could have just taken 30 seconds to switch. And even assuming you got rid of the pker, what's stopping another one from coming seconds after you killed the first one? Just an endless cycle of world switch pkers world chasing world switch rc'ers. IMO the rc'ers win by just ignoring them. Not giving them attention by entertaining them (whether they win or lose) with a fight, but by them not havign anyone to fight.

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Abyss PKer tactics might have changed since I've last played... but normally when I would run into someone who entangled me... they would either equip a whip and swing away at me or just try and beat me with God spells (neither of which ever worked).








This was all when the DDS was non-existent.








Anyways... when it would get to the point of annoying. I would just grab my plain old poisoned drag dagger and just special the heck out of them. Nearly got a whip that way. So maybe now with the newer poisons... you could get some kills depending on how well you hit.








So yeah, its decent advice I guess. Nothing new though I'd say.


R.I.P Shiva

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well those kids seriously need to learn how to pk in wildy :) at my lvl i have plenty of those guys standing with 75-85 mage tryign to get me. anoying but oh well.




soemtimes would be fun just get full pray, dds and run to them hit few times and give poison, just any them like they do rc'ers :) i bet that would give some smilies in your face ;)








night ppl

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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i use drag spear :) if they melee i spec them, and sence im in full blk hides mage doesnt work very well. only 1 or 2 ppl my lvl have tryed rangeing. :shock: and whoever sayd train to 105 is nuts, im 105 and ppl are atting me all the time :roll:

i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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I'm level 125 combat and have only been pked once in 7 lvls of rcing, when i got attacked i quickly dropped all 4 pouches and glory, ended up in Fally dead :roll: teled back to edge and picked up my 4 pouches and glory 8)








Its not worth the hassle of runing up and trying to take them on, just wastes valuable rcing time :lol:

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Better than taking the time to do that, just keep your PK stuff together in the bank and if they start trouble with you, go back ready to fight. I've done this to several of them, and not a single one has lived without running away, and all who have died did so trying to run away.








People PK there because they don't have the faith in themselves to fight people prepared for combat. Give them a run for their money and they'll change worlds.








They actually stayed to fight you? Overall, I have nothing against RC PK'ers. The only ones I despise though are those who will attack you whilst you're RC'ing, but teleport as soon as you come back ready to fight them :lol:




That's why I see the whole thing as being a waste of time. Essentially you try to save your own time by getting them to change worlds instead of you, but in the end you just used up more time that you could have saved by quickly changing worlds within 30 seconds instead of withdrawing and changing all your equipment to fight. Then you get your abyss rc'ing stuff back out, only to find a new pker you have to take out, all the while risking your own death. Just not worth the time or effort to me. It might seem kind of cowardly, but when I rc, my goal is to get efficient and quick xp. Not to lay down the law or clear out the level 5 wildy, but just to runecraft. Abyssal pkers to me are just distractions that I don't want to have to deal with.








To each his own really. But for all you know when you get to the next world there's just going to be another PKer. I'd rather get rid of the few that come than hop 5 times to find a safe place.








Not to mention, if you know me in game I'm not the type to hop worlds just cuz somebody shows up trying to interrupt what I'm doing. Many have considered me a jerk cuz of this (when mining, gathering 2nds, etc)... but in the long run it seems to save a bit of time.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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