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Double standards


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piss me off. Especially those of women vs. men. Man hits a random woman hard in the face; result, convicted of battery. Woman hits a random man hard in the face; result, nothing or the guy gets laughed at.


Or the bias of the judicial system that lets females lie about being raped and often does not punish them even if they are proved to be lying.


Or the case of Olga Zajac, a store owner in Russia. One day a man comes into her store and tries to rob her. She is a black belt, she floors him. She then ties him up and keeps him in a back room for 3 days, feeding him nothing but viagra and using him as a sex slave. [spoiler=source]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2013870/Robber-broke-hair-salon-beaten-black-belt-owner-kept-sex-slave-days--fed-Viagra.html



Apparently the story is possibly fake or something, but the real problem is the principle; this woman has a facebook fan page. Can you IMAGINE if the genders were reversed? The guy would have been murdered long ago.


And this [spoiler=The View clip - warning, strong language/swears]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrvDhSB7GHk



Unbelievable. Un-[bleep]ing-believable. Notice how at one point one of the women is talking about something that might make her cut off a guy's genitals (she's referring to rape) and they can't even SAY THE WORD. None of them will actually say the word rape. And yet half of them are laughing about this guy getting his genitals cut off.


Don't get me wrong, I know not all women are like this, but these kinds of things make it really difficult for me to care about women's issues.



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Meh, double standards will always exist in life. I don't like the stories of women claiming rape after a one night stand though.. which is known, but then a lot of rape cases are very much real so authorities have to treat each accusation with a lot of care, even if they may be thinking that it will turn out to be a load of rubbish.


Also, the courts are always something to laugh at as they rarely hand out appropriate sentences for the offences (that goes for both male and female).

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I think women lie about being raped is a bit of a hyperbolic claim; sexual assault maybe but rape? Not so much, I think people just band that word about to make it sound more dramatic. And it's not even exclusively women, loads of people male and female try to lie about it to garner compensation etc.


And the whole thing about hitting a woman may be kinda sexist, but it does have a good grounding in reason. Your average man is stronger than your average woman, it's just one of the sex differences men tend to be built more in the upper body while women are more in the lower body (for child bearing etc) which means in the average situation a man hitting a woman will quite probably do serious damage while a woman hitting a man is not likely to do much damage at all. It may be a left over sentiment from patriarchy but it does have so grounding within the average build of the sexes.


As for that story, no I highly doubt the man would've been killed if the sex's were reversed. People find it amusing and positive BECAUSE the man thought he could overpower the weak women and rob her and she got the upperhand; plus the fact it's not entirely true so it's kinda ok to laugh about it.


Basically all in all I think this topic is a load of hot air with little meaning or grounding in reality.


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There has always been a pro-female bias in the judicial system - the associated stigma with misogyny has gotten to the point where a double standard exists against men, which is frankly discrimination. It's exactly what they were trying to solve.


It has always annoyed me since it's so hypocritical to do so. Religion exemplifies this perfectly.



EDIT @above - that's precisely the problem. It's only applicable when both parties are average. It's unfair in a scenario whereby the female is stronger than the male, especially in sub/dom relationships.


My main thought is that on a forum with a majority being males, I don't think I'm going to like this thread. I don't like the topic of 'women lie about being raped' before and I don't like it now.


Does elucidating your preferences somehow change the truth value of the claim? It does occur, and it's not uncommon. It's exploitation of a judicial system that's very biased for minorities and women.

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Yeah! I hate how much scrutiny occupy wall street got from the media, and how little scrutiny the tea party gets!

It's like there's a conservative media agenda.


I also hate how the media was going through all of Jon Edwards stuff, being all super sleuthy, and reporting on rumors of his alleged affairs every day, when they didn't even mention any of the half dozen, credible and documented attacks against Herman Cain...



Get over yourself.

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My main thought is that on a forum with a majority being males, I don't think I'm going to like this thread. I don't like the topic of 'women lie about being raped' before and I don't like it now.


Does elucidating your preferences somehow change the truth value of the claim? It does occur, and it's not uncommon. It's exploitation of a judicial system that's very biased for minorities and women.

Of course it occurs, people of both genders will lie about all sorts of things to get sympathy and attention. The fact of the matter though in cases such as rape and domestic violence, men are often physically stronger than women. If my boyfriend were to hit me, for example, he could cause serious damage or even kill me. If I were to hit him he'd be lucky to get a bruise. The judicial system mustn't treat the two cases as equal. As for things like lying about rape, the fact that more women are raped than men means that there would also be more women lying about it.


This is just a bad topic to have imo =/


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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There has always been a pro-female bias in the judicial system - the associated stigma with misogyny has gotten to the point where a double standard exists against men, which is frankly discrimination.

Go back 100 years and then see. Emancipation is something relatively new, and not something that is even worldwide or complete. That said, the coin has two sides. Need I to start a list with double standards against women?



My main thought is that on a forum with a majority being males, I don't think I'm going to like this thread. I don't like the topic of 'women lie about being raped' before and I don't like it now.


Does elucidating your preferences somehow change the truth value of the claim? It does occur, and it's not uncommon. It's exploitation of a judicial system that's very biased for minorities and women.

I'm sure that will occur, however I'm not convinced it is common. I assume you are aware that most rape victims do not dare come forward because of the pain, humiliation and stress that comes with accusing a man of rape, and that a poor number them are even convicted?


I'm also fairly certain that if a woman were proven to abuse her husband she would be convicted for assault like a man would for abusing his wife.


Point is, double standards exist to the advantage and disadvantage of both males and females. At the end of the day it would be nice to see equal treatment for all though.





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I actually wrote a piece on this, due to some real life occurrences.


Everyone has double standards. Literally everyone. Those who 'don't' rather ironically have the double standard of 'Everyone has double standards except for me'.


I hate to refer to postings from the abyss of the internet, but I've seen some images where are unfortunately true. For instance, the notion of the guy paying for the meal is 'grounded in tradition', which makes it OK. But the reason for the man paying, is because of the tradition of the man being 'the breadwinner'. But of course, people are allowed to pick and choose sections to vivify and elucidate, whilst repressing traditions they consider archaic or sexist (or more accurately, when it's sexist and not in their favour).


When feminists say that men can't be feminists, it does annoy me. Feminism is the persual of equal rights for Women; so that Men and Women (or Womyn, if you're a follower of socio-anarchist Germaine Greer) are equal.


Coming back to double standards, unfortunately there are cases of females crying rape after a one night stand, but, the majority of cases are legitimate and the law upholds that investigations must be taken into, and herein lies the problem - rape cases stand out because lack of 'evidence' pretty much doesn't exist. Sperm will identify you, whether it was consensual or not. The only word a court needs to go on is the victim's, and lying behind tears is easy.


Again, I'd just like to make it clear that I do not think that every rape case is fraudulent, rather that a minority of rape cases are the result of regret.

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Of course it occurs, people of both genders will lie about all sorts of things to get sympathy and attention. The fact of the matter though in cases such as rape and domestic violence, men are often physically stronger than women. If my boyfriend were to hit me, for example, he could cause serious damage or even kill me. If I were to hit him he'd be lucky to get a bruise. The judicial system mustn't treat the two cases as equal. As for things like lying about rape, the fact that more women are raped than men means that there would also be more women lying about it.


This is just a bad topic to have imo =/

There is a very serious problem with men who are the victims of sexual or physical abuse by females not reporting it, because there is a perception in society that men are stronger than women and therefore cannot be raped. I don't think that the above statement is particularly conducive to reversing that trend, or getting male domestic abuse victims the help they need.


All rapes are serious. Lying about being sexually abused is abhorrent, as far as I'm concerned, but it doesn't mean we should treat reported rapes any less vigilently, and it certainly doesn't mean we should assume a woman is "telling stories".

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Of course it occurs, people of both genders will lie about all sorts of things to get sympathy and attention. The fact of the matter though in cases such as rape and domestic violence, men are often physically stronger than women. If my boyfriend were to hit me, for example, he could cause serious damage or even kill me. If I were to hit him he'd be lucky to get a bruise. The judicial system mustn't treat the two cases as equal. As for things like lying about rape, the fact that more women are raped than men means that there would also be more women lying about it.


This is just a bad topic to have imo =/

There is a very serious problem with men who are the victims of sexual or physical abuse by females not reporting it, because there is a perception in society that men are stronger than women and therefore cannot be raped. I don't think that the above statement is particularly conducive to reversing that trend, or getting male domestic abuse victims the help they need.


All rapes are serious. Lying about being sexually abused is abhorrent, as far as I'm concerned, but it doesn't mean we should treat reported rapes any less vigilently, and it certainly doesn't mean we should assume a woman is "telling stories".

What he said. Just because men are often physically stronger than women doesn't mean abuse is any different - the two cases should be treated equally.


Not to mention I've met plenty of women capable of causing serious physical damage.

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Everybody has double standards for much the same reason that Walt Whitman contradicted himself - ie, we all contain multitudes.

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Just to put this radical concept out there, males can rape other males. Women can rape other women, men cape rape women and women can rape men.


Like obfuscator said, the cases should be treated equally, no matter who committed the crime and who is the victim.

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Oh boy, this is one touchy subject.


When feminists say that men can't be feminists, it does annoy me. Feminism is the persual of equal rights for Women; so that Men and Women (or Womyn, if you're a follower of socio-anarchist Germaine Greer) are equal.


I'm all for equality for men and women (who isn't?), but I really wish the feminist movement was renamed to something that actually suggests the idea of equality instead of simply the empowerment of women. This is the 21st century, and gender inequalities have become a multi-headed beast that longer goes in one direction. They should be rooted out one by one. Perhaps "Gender Equalism", or even just "Equalism".


Men can be feminists. As far as I can see, any suggestion otherwise as an attempt to say what I can or can not think.

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Women are all about "equal rights," and they should accept the fact that having equal rights means that they should share the same punishment as men do for crimes such as rape or assault or murder. Just because they are physically less apt to do harm to others doesn't mean that they should get off the hook so easily.


For instance, if a dude severely pissed me off, I'd knock them out. Since the women want equal treatment, should I knock them out too? I'm leaning towards a yes on this one.

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I have a few female friends who would say yes. If they get into a fight they want a fight. But I, being a frail midget, have a slightly different view.


If a woman caused a man harm then of course I'd want it to be dealt with as severely as the same amount of harm caused to a woman by a man. I'm thinking more of individual cases really, where in general the woman is going to be far less able to retaliate.


As for matters of rape I'm not sure what sort of discussion there can be. All kinds of people get raped, no matter what their gender, and all cases should be treated seriously. Some people may lie, but that doesn't seem like a factor to me, I don't see it as a gender thing or a double standards thing.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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The fact of the matter though in cases such as rape and domestic violence, men are often physically stronger than women. If my boyfriend were to hit me, for example, he could cause serious damage or even kill me. If I were to hit him he'd be lucky to get a bruise. The judicial system mustn't treat the two cases as equal.
If a woman caused a man harm then of course I'd want it to be dealt with as severely as the same amount of harm caused to a woman by a man. I'm thinking more of individual cases really, where in general the woman is going to be far less able to retaliate.

Do you have any consistent opinion whatsoever on this matter?

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The fact of the matter though in cases such as rape and domestic violence, men are often physically stronger than women. If my boyfriend were to hit me, for example, he could cause serious damage or even kill me. If I were to hit him he'd be lucky to get a bruise. The judicial system mustn't treat the two cases as equal.
If a woman caused a man harm then of course I'd want it to be dealt with as severely as the same amount of harm caused to a woman by a man. I'm thinking more of individual cases really, where in general the woman is going to be far less able to retaliate.

Do you have any consistent opinion whatsoever on this matter?


Maybe she is saying that a bruise isn't as bad as a broken face.

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The fact of the matter though in cases such as rape and domestic violence, men are often physically stronger than women. If my boyfriend were to hit me, for example, he could cause serious damage or even kill me. If I were to hit him he'd be lucky to get a bruise. The judicial system mustn't treat the two cases as equal.
If a woman caused a man harm then of course I'd want it to be dealt with as severely as the same amount of harm caused to a woman by a man. I'm thinking more of individual cases really, where in general the woman is going to be far less able to retaliate.

Do you have any consistent opinion whatsoever on this matter?


Maybe she is saying that a bruise isn't as bad as a broken face.

What I'm saying is that a hit from a woman doesn't equal a hit from a man. The same amount of harm does.


I find this whole topic a bit dodgy, to be honest, when it sprang from discussions of how loads of women pretend they were raped for sympathy.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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What I'm saying is that a hit from a woman doesn't equal a hit from a man. The same amount of harm does.


I find this whole topic a bit dodgy, to be honest, when it sprang from discussions of how loads of women pretend they were raped for sympathy.


That is what I thought you meant. However, if the woman can knock the face off of the man just as the man can knock the face off of the woman, the charges should be the same? That is what you are saying right?


The topic isn't dodgy at all. The problem is that you are uncomfortable about it seeing as you fall into the group that is getting discussed (criticized).

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This one time, there was a double standard, and it was bad, and it made people angry. Then everyone realized it wasn't going away and got over it. Thus everybody was happy.





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