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Jagex Account Guardian


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Ok I might be a bit premature posting this here but noticed something on the official RuneScape wiki when I accidently clicked on a mods contributions. I noticed that today they have been making a page which currently is titled JagexHidden Testpage1. Now the page is protected which means noone buit Jmods can view it but I was able to decipher some details from looking at the edit history notes. I presume they are busy preparing the article on the wiki for an imminent update.


There will be sections entitled:

  • How do I disable Jagex Account Guardian?
  • How can I enable Jagex Account Guardian on my RuneScape account?
  • What happens if someone steals my password and I have Jagex Account Guardian enabled?
  • What happens if someone else learns my security questions?
  • Where can I get more advice about keeping my account secure?

The page was created on the 29th August but large chunks were edited on it today. That's sadly about all I can glean from the wiki as the rest of the content is protected. Jmods have alspo been tweaking viewable pages relating to account security and phishing prevention as well over the last few days.


Definitive proof that the guardian is being released wednesday? Possibly.

Is this the oft requested 2-step verification system first proposed in 2008?! We'll have to wait and see.





Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Another large chunk of edits between 13.49 and 14.45. This image has also been uploaded.





Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I don't see the image =S

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?~ Marianne Williamson


For account help/issues, please follow this link:

Account Help

. If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to PM me or post here.

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This certainly seems interesting. I am looking forward to the release of the JAG, it really is about time hacking accounts becomes harder in Runescape. I have myself been a victim to hacking myself a few times. And it really isn't anything funny. So the sooner they release this, the better it is. Great find!

(Mercifull, I can't see your picture either btw)



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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The picture was just a 2480 by 3508px grey box




Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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From what I can tell from the Recent changes log the page as it stands contains 8765 characters. Bearing in mind that titles use code like ==Title== which adds extra characters to the count and images use code like [[File:Whatever.jpg]] it still comes out to a fairly large page.


If it were ONLY letters it would be about the size of this quote.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed risus eu massa aliquam cursus. Cras ultrices suscipit nibh ac convallis. Nunc adipiscing eros gravida nisi lacinia interdum. Vestibulum dignissim dictum justo sed vulputate. Sed sollicitudin dapibus augue, vel dictum mi dapibus in. Quisque lobortis placerat magna ac scelerisque. Aliquam ultricies, lacus id iaculis iaculis, mauris risus elementum eros, ut mattis nibh magna a lorem. Donec non massa velit, vitae commodo leo. Maecenas tempus, arcu ut egestas aliquet, elit sapien rhoncus nibh, quis viverra leo ligula feugiat nulla. Cras vitae erat eget metus faucibus laoreet. In faucibus faucibus massa egestas accumsan. Cras eu commodo erat.


Aenean facilisis nulla at velit porttitor euismod. Vivamus id ipsum ac mauris ullamcorper tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel urna nunc, vel ultricies libero. Nam risus urna, euismod at volutpat vitae, congue id mauris. Sed pretium auctor sapien non porta. Aenean congue, quam vitae pretium interdum, mauris nibh vulputate leo, vel tempor dolor nulla ut ligula. In tincidunt libero in justo dapibus ut porta nibh adipiscing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras condimentum lorem eget urna porta et porttitor lacus dictum. In et eros dolor, lacinia facilisis quam. Phasellus eu nisl lacus. Nulla erat ante, lacinia pellentesque dignissim id, malesuada ac diam. Cras malesuada commodo ipsum non pellentesque. Phasellus gravida, nunc vel euismod tempor, tellus dolor faucibus mauris, a tempor lectus ipsum sed elit.


Praesent dapibus consequat dapibus. Suspendisse libero magna, faucibus nec rutrum et, adipiscing at mauris. Nunc vel enim velit. Vivamus dapibus egestas felis ac malesuada. Aenean scelerisque lacinia massa, et pellentesque est volutpat eu. In condimentum sapien et neque cursus vulputate. Quisque laoreet volutpat nisl in feugiat. Fusce varius, lectus tempus porta aliquam, massa felis dignissim libero, ut ornare tellus elit a ipsum. Sed cursus lorem nec ante blandit consectetur.


Phasellus bibendum tortor quis orci mattis sollicitudin. Vestibulum vel venenatis elit. Etiam turpis mauris, vulputate et mattis id, viverra sed velit. Mauris accumsan nisl id elit bibendum nec malesuada lorem elementum. Vivamus et sem nisl, quis tristique tortor. Nam volutpat, magna in tempor laoreet, massa felis lacinia arcu, non feugiat turpis nisl vitae purus. Aliquam ornare interdum lorem. Ut bibendum tortor sed turpis adipiscing ut mattis nisi sollicitudin. Sed ullamcorper tempus enim, at vulputate nunc lacinia varius. Donec diam odio, volutpat adipiscing interdum non, rutrum non eros. Nullam velit urna, tincidunt eleifend semper id, congue eu erat. Donec lorem tortor, vehicula vitae porta eget, tempus vitae nisi. Nunc porttitor lorem eu nulla suscipit eget imperdiet sapien sagittis. [bleep] sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean eget est quis enim egestas pretium vitae ac nisi. Suspendisse potenti.


Nulla leo felis, tempor non vestibulum eget, accumsan vel lectus. Aenean ac quam in nisl ullamcorper fermentum. Praesent pellentesque tincidunt orci eu cursus. Quisque varius pulvinar placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin at odio a augue porta eleifend sit amet eu tortor. Sed nunc arcu, placerat faucibus sagittis at, imperdiet vitae eros. Aliquam ipsum eros, ultrices vitae dignissim in, bibendum at leo.

Maecenas commodo porttitor convallis. Pellentesque diam felis, luctus a posuere quis, auctor eu nunc. Vestibulum malesuada massa in ante luctus ut placerat felis condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. In quis enim mi. Nam non augue dolor. Quisque eget neque vitae eros rutrum porta. Praesent commodo varius urna vestibulum pretium. Proin pellentesque orci id arcu tristique dictum.


Pellentesque in mi neque. Morbi diam odio, semper non viverra vel, molestie eu sapien. Sed feugiat ultrices hendrerit. Vestibulum lobortis massa eget neque vulputate cursus. Nam ligula ligula, faucibus in fermentum id, tincidunt ac leo. Sed in enim nec enim consectetur lobortis. In vitae libero metus, vel ornare nisl. Sed non orci arcu.

Cras gravida, purus quis hendrerit rhoncus, urna enim ornare tortor, quis porta nibh orci sed diam. Nam sed justo ut nibh fringilla condimentum. Nullam lacus velit, ultricies vel tristique feugiat, suscipit in quam. In non sem sit amet nisi consectetur venenatis. Curabitur pellentesque ullamcorper ipsum, id porttitor erat varius eget. In non orci arcu, et suscipit velit. Donec dui elit, aliquet bibendum rutrum sed, egestas non urna. Sed id leo vel orci mollis scelerisque. Aliquam lobortis viverra dui non blandit. Cras molestie lacus mauris. Donec ac nunc dui. Maecenas a magna libero, sagittis bibendum nunc. Nunc fringilla, ipsum a tempor elementum, metus nulla placerat felis, sed bibendum felis lectus a est. Morbi malesuada elit libero, et facilisis massa.


Nulla vitae felis nunc, vel rhoncus lorem. Phasellus eu nunc leo. Nam gravida lorem eget felis commodo commodo. Nulla ullamcorper lacinia congue. Curabitur eu est purus. Quisque venenatis molestie nisi eget tempor. Curabitur magna metus, feugiat eget iaculis eu, tincidunt quis sapien. Ut id posuere purus. Integer a magna arcu, quis tristique massa. Pellentesque suscipit leo vel justo rutrum ullamcorper faucibus id tellus.

Nulla vitae lectus sem, ut lobortis nibh. Quisque feugiat pulvinar mauris, vitae viverra diam molestie ac. In vel sapien nibh, eu feugiat neque. Fusce vitae risus in sem suscipit convallis sed in orci. Aliquam sodales leo et arcu bibendum iaculis. Duis elementum commodo ante nec auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula sapien in nisi dignissim porttitor.


Phasellus tincidunt lacinia nibh vitae suscipit. Pellentesque tortor nunc, tempor et accumsan sit amet, facilisis sit amet arcu. Fusce convallis sollicitudin molestie. Aenean turpis felis, venenatis quis interdum ac, aliquet pulvinar quam. Sed nisl dolor, hendrerit bibendum bibendum id, dapibus nec felis. Integer fringilla tempor tristique. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In dapibus ultricies felis, eu lobortis leo posuere ac. Morbi tincidunt turpis condimentum felis ultricies vel bibendum est sodales. Aliquam ac mauris nulla, sed fermentum est. Vestibulum vulputate dui ut arcu varius vulputate. Suspendisse sollicitudin lobortis pretium. Sed lacinia ipsum eu neque aliquam quis laoreet metus malesuada. Aenean lectus neque, egestas vel condimentum rhoncus, euismod in tortor. Nunc congue, enim quis feugiat placerat, ipsum urna laoreet enim, id tempus ipsum sapien eget mi.

Etiam eu malesuada purus. Vivamus non lobortis odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent rutrum nulla a metus rutrum ullamcorper. Fusce enim lacus, mattis vel ullamcorper ut, rhoncus et sapien. Vestibulum varius, justo vel molestie vehicula, nibh diam tristique leo, sit amet viverra enim enim in ligula. Aenean arcu ligula, pretium eu adipiscing vel, porta vitae arcu. Duis ac sapien et tortor convallis semper. Nulla sit amet faucibus purus. Pellentesque in quam ac enim lobortis rutrum id vel eros. Curabitur sodales purus varius dui interdum sodales. Ut leo elit, adipiscing sed rutrum eget, suscipit ut est. Aenean iaculis, magna nec faucibus vulputate, nunc quam cursus lacus, quis luctus nisi nisi a quam. Proin a lectus eu est adipiscing varius quis non mi.


Vestibulum tincidunt, eros eget blandit facilisis, neque nibh aliquet urna, id elementum mi lacus in risus. Etiam vitae turpis mi, eget venenatis purus. In pulvinar odio at leo commodo nec accumsan ante mattis. Nunc venenatis iaculis tortor id porttitor. Nam neque risus, gravida quis porttitor et, scelerisque vel velit. Phasellus viverra tincidunt nisl in tempor. Integer vel nibh ipsum, non semper tortor. Sed rhoncus neque in felis dictum eleifend. Proin blandit sodales scelerisque.


Vivamus pharetra commodo risus at bibendum. Integer quis erat sem. Duis tincidunt tincidunt mattis. Donec velit tortor, ullamcorper et porttitor ut, iaculis sit amet sem. Proin vitae auctor dolor. Donec lacinia tincidunt diam, vitae elementum lacus egestas pulvinar. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus commodo cursus ante nec imperdiet. Curabitur diam dolor, vestibulum laoreet porttitor sed, sodales eget erat. Mauris tincidunt velit sit amet nibh feugiat placerat. Proin bibendum, odio nec eleifend dapibus, justo orci bibendum diam, ac semper nibh justo eu tellus. Phasellus tristique aliquam pretium.


Suspendisse lectus felis, vulputate at consectetur eu, placerat at nulla. Praesent egestas tortor eget erat iaculis sed.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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About the picture: Ah, I understand. I thought it was broken lol :P

For those who are interested, the recent changes page of the official RS wiki can be found here: http://services.runescape.com/m=rswiki/en/Special:RecentChanges

I bet we will have the JAG released either today or tomorrow.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Would make sense for it to come early in the month to let us get secure before their new bot detector goes live (assuming that it will go live this month else Botany Bay will be rather quiet) on the basis that with botting more effectively locked down the account sellers/gold sellers are likely to turn to hijacking for their stock.

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Whatever it is, I sure hope that they learned from google and allowed for landline support. If not, well, then I'm boned because I don't have a cellphone, which is utter bullshit.

Don't worry, I'll get you a cellphone then we can text all day. Luv ya babe xo.

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Whatever it is, I sure hope that they learned from google and allowed for landline support. If not, well, then I'm boned because I don't have a cellphone, which is utter bullshit.

I'd prefer the ability to opt out of it. My cell phone can't do anything other than make calls and I'd rather not have my account tied to a landline.

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Whatever it is, I sure hope that they learned from google and allowed for landline support. If not, well, then I'm boned because I don't have a cellphone, which is utter bullshit.


It'd be interesting if it were SMS and E-Mail only. Also, very, very unforgiving to anyone that didn't have a mobile.

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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If it's email based at all that doesn't really solve the problem.


Whatever it is, I sure hope that they learned from google and allowed for landline support. If not, well, then I'm boned because I don't have a cellphone, which is utter bullshit.

I'd prefer the ability to opt out of it. My cell phone can't do anything other than make calls and I'd rather not have my account tied to a landline.


I'd totally understand that, honestly. Some people aren't comfortable with it. To be honest since it's new for Jagex, I'm not exactly all that comfortable with it either.


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It'd be interesting if it were SMS and E-Mail only. Also, very, very unforgiving to anyone that didn't have a mobile.


I thought not having facebook was bad, what kind of recluse doesn't have a cellphone in 2012? It wouldn't be unfair for Jagex to make the assumption that most do.


99 farm easy

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Not having facebook or a mobile is not the sign of a hermit. It's still only around 60% of people in the US who have cellphones. I'd bet cash on the spot that the cellphone ownership for people between the age of 12 through 18 is less than that. That's a big chunk of your customer base to leave out. It's just an overall smart move to allow another option, especially in the US where texting and data plans are ridiculously high compared to other countries.


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Not having facebook or a mobile is not the sign of a hermit. It's still only around 60% of people in the US who have cellphones. I'd bet cash on the spot that the cellphone ownership for people between the age of 12 through 18 is less than that. That's a big chunk of your customer base to leave out. It's just an overall smart move to allow another option, especially in the US where texting and data plans are ridiculously high compared to other countries.


I was talking about first world countries mainly, in the first world parts of America most of them have cellphones.


99 farm easy

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What I meant is I wouldn't expect too many cellphones in the swamps of Louisiana, but in New York city I would expect a lot of them.


You can't make the assumption that all US players come from metropolitan areas though.


Well I guess you could but it would be horribly wrong.


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What I meant is I wouldn't expect too many cellphones in the swamps of Louisiana, but in New York city I would expect a lot of them.


You can't make the assumption that all US players come from metropolitan areas though.


Well I guess you could but it would be horribly wrong.


The US players with the ability to play Runescape typically don't come from the third world parts of the US.


99 farm easy

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