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Bomb Threat at school today


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Today at my school there was a bomb threat. Someone found a note at school that said there was a bomb. This is are second bomb threat at are school the other one was about 4 or 5 years ago. So right now theres abunch of police men searching the school for a bomb. preatty scary not know if it was real because there was rummors of the the bomb threat going around during 3rd period (school took everyone 4rth period).

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Last year we have 2 bomb threats in 2 weeks. Generally this stuff never happens around here. The first time school was evacuated and we got the day off. The second time we just went on the field and did the mandatory police check. That was a good 45 minutes out in the cold...

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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Last year we have 2 bomb threats in 2 weeks. Generally this stuff never happens around here. The first time school was evacuated and we got the day off. The second time we just went on the field and did the mandatory police check. That was a good 45 minutes out in the cold...








At our school, if there's a bomb threat we stay inside. :)

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Last year, a kid at my school called the school from outside and said that he had a gun, and that he was going to kill a teacher ect. Then he came inside the school. SWAT was at our school within 10 minutes really, and we were forced into the gym for 5 hours. That was a boring day...

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We haven't actually had a bomb in school, but some guys who robbed a bank claimed to have planted a bomb in a vehicle on the parking lot. Obviously it was just to force to police to spend resources securing the parking lot instead of following them, but it was enough for them to close one of the school buildings. Normally I wouldn't mind, but my jacket and stuff were in a locker that building. Walking home in the middle of the winter in t-shirt ftw.

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We had a bomb threat at one of the schools I went to... but, we stayed in the building while the police searched.








Once, I was at Wal-Mart, looking at CDs, when someone walked up to me and told me that there was a threat on the building and I had to leave immediately. A guy near me heard the man tell me this and he freaked out, jumping over an entire display of TVs, and making a run for the door. After that, everyone panicked. We were all evacuated to the parking lot while the police and bomb squad was called. We weren't even allowed to get in our vehicles and leave. Me and my family probably sat on the parking lot for three to four hours before they told us we could leave.








The sad thing about it was, my parents were checking out when they evacuated the building, and we couldn't go back in to finish checking out. We just had to go home without buying anything. :?

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ahh yes the school bomb threats... had one like last year everyone just laughd but we had to go to the top of the oval mostly everyone just started playing up their until school ended lol



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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We had a bomb threat at one of the schools I went to... but, we stayed in the building while the police searched.








Once, I was at Wal-Mart, looking at CDs, when someone walked up to me and told me that there was a threat on the building and I had to leave immediately. A guy near me heard the man tell me this and he freaked out, jumping over an entire display of TVs, and making a run for the door. After that, everyone panicked. We were all evacuated to the parking lot while the police and bomb squad was called. We weren't even allowed to get in our vehicles and leave. Me and my family probably sat on the parking lot for three to four hours before they told us we could leave.








The sad thing about it was, my parents were checking out when they evacuated the building, and we couldn't go back in to finish checking out. We just had to go home without buying anything. :?








That's what you get for shopping at Wal-mart. ;)

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We had a bomb threat at one of the schools I went to... but, we stayed in the building while the police searched.








Once, I was at Wal-Mart, looking at CDs, when someone walked up to me and told me that there was a threat on the building and I had to leave immediately. A guy near me heard the man tell me this and he freaked out, jumping over an entire display of TVs, and making a run for the door. After that, everyone panicked. We were all evacuated to the parking lot while the police and bomb squad was called. We weren't even allowed to get in our vehicles and leave. Me and my family probably sat on the parking lot for three to four hours before they told us we could leave.








The sad thing about it was, my parents were checking out when they evacuated the building, and we couldn't go back in to finish checking out. We just had to go home without buying anything. :?








That's what you get for shopping at Wal-mart. ;)








its also not the established procedure




they are supposed to ask everyone to leave via the pa system


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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Heh, I remember one year while I was in school, 8th grade I believe, we had a whole string of bomb threats.








Every day for 2 months, we'd have to evacuate the school. We all knew that there would be no bomb, but the crews came out to search the school nonetheless...




And this wasn't just a middle school, this was a large school complex.




2 middle schools @ 2k students each, feeding into a high school of 4k students. Count in the staff and crews, you could easily rack up 9k people at any given moment being forced to go huddle out in the cold for a few hours every day.








It didn't take the state assembly long to decide that bomb threats needed to be a felony (and remember, this was years before 9/11).



Semi-Permanent Interim Temporary Leader of the Supposed Inmates of the Alleged Insane Asylum of What May Or May Not Be RuneScape

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Last year we have 2 bomb threats in 2 weeks. Generally this stuff never happens around here. The first time school was evacuated and we got the day off. The second time we just went on the field and did the mandatory police check. That was a good 45 minutes out in the cold...








yes same thing happens to us,




but have u ever thought they disguise the bomb as a sprinkler or bury it then




ur sure to be blown up :\




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Last year I think it was, at the beginning of the year, there was about 4 bomb threats in no more than 2 weeks. I knew there was nothing in the school, but we evacuated anyway. There hasn't been one this year yet.

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We had a bomb threat at one of the schools I went to... but, we stayed in the building while the police searched.








Once, I was at Wal-Mart, looking at CDs, when someone walked up to me and told me that there was a threat on the building and I had to leave immediately. A guy near me heard the man tell me this and he freaked out, jumping over an entire display of TVs, and making a run for the door. After that, everyone panicked. We were all evacuated to the parking lot while the police and bomb squad was called. We weren't even allowed to get in our vehicles and leave. Me and my family probably sat on the parking lot for three to four hours before they told us we could leave.








The sad thing about it was, my parents were checking out when they evacuated the building, and we couldn't go back in to finish checking out. We just had to go home without buying anything. :?








That's what you get for shopping at Wal-mart. ;)








its also not the established procedure




they are supposed to ask everyone to leave via the pa system








They did after walking around to try and calmly tell everyone didn't work.

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My high school had 17 bomb threats last year, and 6 so far this year. We just evacuate to the bleachers, which are about 100 feet away from the school anyway :roll: . But I'm in Maryland, so when people say winter they mean 60 Fahrenheit, and everyoen still whines about how cold it is even though it isn't.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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:lol: Ive only experienced two, both in middle school.








The first oen was probably a huge surprise (i was in grd 7 at the time). But how the teachers delt with it was idiotic. That day it was pajama day, so half the student body was wearing their PJs (im not stupid enough to come to school in the middl eof winter dressed like that...). So when it was called at lunch time, half the student body was outside already (the people in pj's just had coats and boots on, but felt warm all huddled together near the school). The other half was rushed out, most of them wearing pjs, but were not allowed to get their coats. So now were out their, standing in -12 (lucky no windchill). And we had to stand their for 2 hours.... only 100 meters away from the school. The second time was almost the same, only slightly warmer, and no pjs.


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Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Last year we have 2 bomb threats in 2 weeks. Generally this stuff never happens around here. The first time school was evacuated and we got the day off. The second time we just went on the field and did the mandatory police check. That was a good 45 minutes out in the cold...








At our school, if there's a bomb threat we stay inside. :)








dude id be outta there soooo fast. no matter what the stupid teachers say, if theres a bomb thread i grab my bike and get the hell out of there.

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