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Tip.It Times Presents: English: Its Proper Form


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you shouldn't use "justify" as your text alignment for tip.it times because it look ugly in my opinion and i even had to stop about 1/4th of the way thought because i couldn't stand it.








please consider aligning "left" or "right"

Nah I reckon the justified text looks just fine. Very professional.
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you shouldn't use "justify" as your text alignment for tip.it times because it look ugly in my opinion and i even had to stop about 1/4th of the way thought because i couldn't stand it.




please consider aligning "left" or "right"








i prefer justification as well, always use it with my english homework...








also very good message to people, i hope it gets a message into the




"txt riterz headz".








on the other hand, i think a good place to type as fast as you can is places like world 1 + 2 as so that normal, rule abiding people can compete with the macroers


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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Here, Here (Or is it hear, hear? :? )








Unless I'm trying to sell something quickly, I try never to mispell stuff. No point sounding like an idiot. And to the people who go "omg u supr nerd gt a life", Uh isn't the whole point of being human is to be highly intelligent? After all: unarmed man vs bear, bear wins. Man who invented gun, with a gun vs bear, man wins. Crude example but it gets the point across (sort of)








And according to many people I talk to they're "dislxc" so it's not there fault, meaning easily over half runescape players are dislexic, which I doubt. No offence to the true dislexics.



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yea sadly its true




but there are also people whos motherlangue isn't the english




lol its always funny to see a dutch 10 year old trying to say something in english :twisted:


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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Yes... sadly, it is sad how some RuneScapers use their grammar these days, I never hear the end of it on the forums... always hearing, "shut up wbm! stupd nub!" it gets to me sometimes, so what if I type properly and they don't, no reason to be jealous... :wink: and I do type somewhat fast at the same time, I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I think I am one of the only people in the game that type with periods... that's a shame.... :?

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Thank you.








Let me tell you - I see people using shortcuts and text talk and 'leet speak' and immediately my opinion of them goes down. The arguments you make are devalued. In fact, I often skip them.








Just so you know, I've never, ever, seen a self-respecting programmer (professional) use 'leet speak' outside of a joke - and I work with them on a daily basis. It's something kids do because they think it makes them look cool.








If you want to be really cool, use correct grammar. That is counterculture. Being lazy and butchering English is conforming to the standard for teens.








Now, I don't have that big of a problem with grammar and spelling issues, if they aren't intentional. I think the kids who go around pointing out the incorrect use of the subjunctive are just attention seekers, too.

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I type like that and it actually helps me to scribble down fast notes with the abbreviations (except when people put in the nubers between words, like m3n, i can't understand that at all). I am also in the highest english class in my school and have gotten good grades, never a "C" on my report card.




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for starters id like to say u went deliberatly out of your way to make the start of the article harder to understand












thats wot people would normaly type




i would also like to say that i disagree with the article as this is the sort of thing that led to the formation of the english language in the first place> english is a mongrel language and a large proportion has been formed from shortening words from other languages. the use of shorthand on the internet is just a natural evolution of english and you cannot claim to be protecting it by standing against its evolution.it is exactly this sort of shorthand that has made english the greatest, largest and most versitile language on the planet and im all for it increasing its vocabulary!!!!!

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Ahh, I remember when I thought it was "cool" or "in" to be "tpign leik this" but I finally realized, that in fact, it only takes you another 5 seconds to write a post, or a fraction of a second to chat.








And I liked the fact you did realize, that everywhere is an English Classroom. I mean sure now we don't have teachers that we have to worry about, but your language does change. This reference may be a more localized one for me, but its like seeing someone move from the suburbs to inner-city. If you meet that same person a year later, the way they talk will be completly transformed.








And personally, now I see making little to no typos as actually the more envious of runescape chats. That way, you seem like you know what you're talking about, and people can just understand you. Like in the Runescape forums, you often times see people writing these long posts, sometimes with No punctuation. And I'm not talking a sentence or two. No I mean multiple paragraph lenght. I usually just reply with a friendly little note to try re-writing it, because, frankly, I can't understand more than a few words of what he's saying.








Well anyway, I liked your Tip It Times article, it was something that really needed to be addressed.








P.S. Going along with the "Natural evolution of english" this is not an evolution I'd want. As you may know, many people today around the world (when I say many I mean hundreds of millions) speak English as a second language. First off, I am disgusted, being an American, that many of us don't even have a second language. Yes many colleges are looking for atleast 3 years of foreign language, but if we started in 1st grade, we'd be pretty darn fluent.








And English is also considered, by many, to be the main language of computer programming. From what I've heard, English just happens to have more words that other languages don't, that refer to computer related things.








And seriously, if you know that "need=nede" and they are the same length letter-wise, why would you feel the need (no pun intended) to mess it up. Especially deliberately. And yes it is a habit. Even if you think "Oh when I need to type I'll remember to fix up my typing" you actually can't do tha 100%. You can try, but your natural inclination (try typing that with typo's) will always make you mess up.

91 RC!!! #332 to get it!


"D'you wear a black armband

When they shot the man

Who said 'Peace could last forever'" Guns N' Roses

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Finally someone who points out this problem!




I mean sometimes it is even as bad as that you can't read it without thinking about what each word might mean.








I am swedish, a busy person and 14 years old. Sure, I speak good english (or at least write it), so that's no problem for me.








Don't think it is for others either, if you can write "u" you can certainly write "you". People take it more seriously when you write properly. The fact that Jagex made it impossible to write capital letters in the middle of messages so all I become i is another matter. :P

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Excellent article! I couldn't agree more..








Sadly, as much truth as this article speaks, it will never teach people to stop typing like that. Though more people are realising the error of their ways, it will take a long time for them to completely stop doing it.

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Ah, yes. I can almost hear the argument screeching out of the collective subconscious like a banshee chained to a jet engine. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅThe internet is not an English classroomÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ



New sigzor^^

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A very good article; the two shortcuts that I find most annoying are "kk" instead of "ok" (it gives the image of not caring when you say "kk" in response to something that someone has said) and "idk". IDK? How about "I don't know"? Why would you every say "idk" to a friend? These two things bug me to no end :x

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I am so very happy that someone finally speaks my opinion on this! Unfortunaly, for those of us who type "proper," whether on games or chat rooms or forums, are not so glorified by the RuneScape typing system. It automatically capitalizes the first letter in every sentence, making some appear very SLIGHTLY smarter. However, it leaves out any others that need to be capitalized in the middle of a sentence. However, I feel this is a worthy sacrifice. This prevents people from using the other degrading form of internet-speak, Caps Lock. I feel it's a useless key, unless you're typing the name of a company or acronym (Ie. NBA, NASA). I try to use it (Proper typing/grammar) in every game I play. In RuneScape and Diablo, I REALLY stand out. In Maple Story, however, I am among many who use it.

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Definately true, this was a good one, if not a rude awakening for some people nowadays. I must admit, I do tend to use the "Internet Slang" language on RS as many people do (ex: y, r, u, nvm, ect.), but it is usually with people I know or around people who are really casual, like when just mining in the swamps of Lumbridge. Most of the time while mining, fishing, ect., the people use the shorthand so they can keep a hand on the mouse in case of a random they aren't equiped to fight. But when I meet someone or am trying to seem respectful/respectable, I will seem quiet for longer times because I don't type the "correct" way and thus it takes longer to type correctly.








Anyways, I kind of got off the point of my message. It was a good subject, well written, and probably an extremely akward awakening for the "less than motivated" players out there.

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That is funny, and on a side note, thanks for posting that, was trying to remember the link to that a few weeks ago.

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

[hide=My Stats]Jake_Corsair.png[/hide]

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Good article. Especially lazy typers annoy me on the forums, as you have all the time to type your post here, which is slightly different in the real-time chattings ingame. However, I oftenly doubt that sentences like "omg lol i jst hti a 20!!2111w oww" are typed faster then "cool I just hit a 20! wow!".








I don't mind people who use generally accepted abbreviations in chat though - chat is real time and fast paced, thus it's not totally true that noone cares how fast you type. Plus, you can only write so much in one sentence in chat.

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Well I haven't seen this arguement a thousand times...








u do make sum gud points however this is ur opinion and ur opinions matters little to me...i speak like this wen im talkin on the internet nd i will continue to do so...no1 will stop me








In real life I consider myself to be a rather accomplished linguist having recieved two C grades in English language and English literature in the higher tier paper which is quite an accomplishment for someone thats been in the middle of the school ranking system throughout my school life...








i dont really care if i get flamed 4 presenting tha oposite of the arguement i believe in free speech and anyone who trys to take my right to speak how i want as long as im not breakin the law i will continue to speak how i want nd id lyk sum1 to try n stop me :D








Just because people speak a certain way doesnt make you any better than that person and it also doesnt give you the right to judge them however I mentioned I believe in free speech so say what you wish about me or anyone you want if those people are smart they will know to ignore you and your blithering one sided arguement about something you know little about.

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This article was nothing but pointless and wont accomplish much of anything.








Made you want to reply, didn't it? Keep in mind the purpose of the Times is not only for a good read, but also to entice readers to discuss the article, whether or not they liked what the author had to say... so if what you read got you stirred up and made you want to refute him, it accomplished exactly what we want it to.








Just because I replied doesn't mean that the article wasn't pointless. Because it was. :roll:








It comes off as if the author is trying to get people to not express themselves in a certain manner that some may consider to be embarassing (best word I can think of)... When the truth is how you express yourself on the internet doesn't carry over into your actual exercises in the real world. They only carry over if you are weak minded enough to let them.








This article is pointless because it is one sided and comes off as if he wants people to change. The article might have been more worthy of reading if it were a lot more open minded then that.








And I, for one, was under the impression that all online shorthand is wrong to this person. If thats inaccurate... it should've been covered well enough in the article. All I honestly saw was a person babbling on about pointless nothings. Sorry, but the article is still pointless. Whether I refute/reply to it or not.


R.I.P Shiva

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