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Leveling Farming

Roose Bolton

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Farming is one of those few skills that I've always had trouble leveling even though it is perhaps one of the easiest.


I'm currently level 80 and might as well aim for 99. Does anyone know how long it would take roughly?



What can I do to maximize my daily XP for farming? so far I plan to do the following;



3 herb runs (Highest possible for my level?)

1 tree run per day (Magic)

1 fruit tree run (Papaya or higher)



What other methods can I do for farming XP which are worth it?, ie is warbands still worth it? perhaps penguin points? (never done them before intentionally).



I appreciate any help and sorry for the long post.




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I'll start off saying I have no idea about warbands since I was already 99 before they came out, and I'm pretty sure pengs wouldn't be worth it.


Unless you're making an alright profit off the herbs I wouldn't bother.

As for your daily runs, you can do 2 tree runs a day and 1 fruit tree run. You don't have to be super strict with the runs assuming you have plenty of other skills left to train and you aren't going for 5b xp. I always tried to do a tree run before school and a full run before bed, but some mornings I wouldn't have enough time for the first tree run :P.

Also quick tip, I don't remember exactly how much farm xp livid farm gives you but if you are planning on going for a comp cape you should definitely consider doing this before you max. It also gives a fair bit of magic, agility, construction, and crafting xp.


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Pretty much what the above poster said. Use highest level trees but herbs only do the ones that profit really, the xp difference isn't that big of a deal imo. Also you can do strawberries, or watermelons for added xp during those runs. I can't remember which one was better for xp though, I think i was watermelons.

As for livid farming I would agree if you plan on getting completionist cape, but if not, I wouldn't do it, it's rather slow as far as xp goes, and really monotonous... i could only do a couple hours of it at a time before I wanted to go and run into traffic and play chicken with semi trucks. If you do go for that route it's helpful to know that you can also do fletch in between the rounds. I think there is about 15 seconds between if you time it right where you can fletch like two rounds of arrows. :P but thats just for maximum efficiency.

Summoning help:
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Warbands is still worth it. Despite the dangers of pking and the 7 hour wait time placed on the activity, it has become more organized where players still average good exp per day. However, with that said don't depend on being able to use your exp on farming. depending on the world a camp may not have it. Here is a link for more info: http://www.warbandtracker.com/


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

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Warbands is still worth it. Despite the dangers of pking and the 7 hour wait time placed on the activity, it has become more organized where players still average good exp per day. However, with that said don't depend on being able to use your exp on farming. depending on the world a camp may not have it. Here is a link for more info: http://www.warbandtracker.com/


I've always wondered how it worked but never bothered to check it out myself, maybe I will sometime


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I'll start off saying I have no idea about warbands since I was already 99 before they came out, and I'm pretty sure pengs wouldn't be worth it.


Unless you're making an alright profit off the herbs I wouldn't bother.

As for your daily runs, you can do 2 tree runs a day and 1 fruit tree run. You don't have to be super strict with the runs assuming you have plenty of other skills left to train and you aren't going for 5b xp. I always tried to do a tree run before school and a full run before bed, but some mornings I wouldn't have enough time for the first tree run :P.

Also quick tip, I don't remember exactly how much farm xp livid farm gives you but if you are planning on going for a comp cape you should definitely consider doing this before you max. It also gives a fair bit of magic, agility, construction, and crafting xp.


Herb farming is always worth doing if you have juju's and the scroll of life (and of course magic secateurs and you use super compost). ATM Lantadyme + all make about 40 k per patch or 200 k profit per run in ~4 minutes. 3 mil per hour is only beat by Nex and KK afaik, not including that he values the herblore exp (with torstols ~9 k exp/run).


Do watermelons/strawberries if you feel so inclined on a different run than herbs because you won't have time to get all the patches done in a single juju dose if you do anything but the herbs.


Besides that the above advice on tree farming is good. I support doing Livid Farm as well if you value magic and construction exp at all.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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I'll start off saying I have no idea about warbands since I was already 99 before they came out, and I'm pretty sure pengs wouldn't be worth it.


Unless you're making an alright profit off the herbs I wouldn't bother.

As for your daily runs, you can do 2 tree runs a day and 1 fruit tree run. You don't have to be super strict with the runs assuming you have plenty of other skills left to train and you aren't going for 5b xp. I always tried to do a tree run before school and a full run before bed, but some mornings I wouldn't have enough time for the first tree run :P.

Also quick tip, I don't remember exactly how much farm xp livid farm gives you but if you are planning on going for a comp cape you should definitely consider doing this before you max. It also gives a fair bit of magic, agility, construction, and crafting xp.


Thanks, guess I'll aim for 2 tree runs a day although at 14 hours growth time I suppose every other day I will achieve just the 1. I had a look at livid farm and it's an option I'm considering, perhaps spending a few hours a week there if I get the time.



Pretty much what the above poster said. Use highest level trees but herbs only do the ones that profit really, the xp difference isn't that big of a deal imo. Also you can do strawberries, or watermelons for added xp during those runs. I can't remember which one was better for xp though, I think i was watermelons.

As for livid farming I would agree if you plan on getting completionist cape, but if not, I wouldn't do it, it's rather slow as far as xp goes, and really monotonous... i could only do a couple hours of it at a time before I wanted to go and run into traffic and play chicken with semi trucks. If you do go for that route it's helpful to know that you can also do fletch in between the rounds. I think there is about 15 seconds between if you time it right where you can fletch like two rounds of arrows. :P but thats just for maximum efficiency.

Warbands is still worth it. Despite the dangers of pking and the 7 hour wait time placed on the activity, it has become more organized where players still average good exp per day. However, with that said don't depend on being able to use your exp on farming. depending on the world a camp may not have it. Here is a link for more info: http://www.warbandtracker.com/


I'll have a look at the other patches and see what I can do thanks. I managed to get a few levels prior to the WB update but haven't bothered since, I'll definatly try and do one camp a day since I still need to max construction so the odds of getting either a Con/Farm camp is fairly high from previous observations.



I'll start off saying I have no idea about warbands since I was already 99 before they came out, and I'm pretty sure pengs wouldn't be worth it.


Unless you're making an alright profit off the herbs I wouldn't bother.

As for your daily runs, you can do 2 tree runs a day and 1 fruit tree run. You don't have to be super strict with the runs assuming you have plenty of other skills left to train and you aren't going for 5b xp. I always tried to do a tree run before school and a full run before bed, but some mornings I wouldn't have enough time for the first tree run :P.

Also quick tip, I don't remember exactly how much farm xp livid farm gives you but if you are planning on going for a comp cape you should definitely consider doing this before you max. It also gives a fair bit of magic, agility, construction, and crafting xp.


Herb farming is always worth doing if you have juju's and the scroll of life (and of course magic secateurs and you use super compost). ATM Lantadyme + all make about 40 k per patch or 200 k profit per run in ~4 minutes. 3 mil per hour is only beat by Nex and KK afaik, not including that he values the herblore exp (with torstols ~9 k exp/run).


Do watermelons/strawberries if you feel so inclined on a different run than herbs because you won't have time to get all the patches done in a single juju dose if you do anything but the herbs.


Besides that the above advice on tree farming is good. I support doing Livid Farm as well if you value magic and construction exp at all.


I like the sound of that profit :XD: , I'll focus on the most profitable herbs then, will help pay for the magic seeds and perhaps I'll go for the more expensive fruit tree ones.


Warbanding farming is a cardinal sin. Please do not do it. Please just farm normally.


Sorry buddy but if there's a shortcut available then I'm going to take it, wont be as bad as the xp other people gained prior to the update at three camps a day, most I can do is 1, 2 at best a few times a week perhaps.


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most I can do is 1, 2 at best a few times a week perhaps.


3 warbands per round (logging on once a day) is perfectly doable on current warband state. Without buying crates, of course.


Oh wait... JaGeX still hasn't fixed 'you have already looted everything you can for today' bug. Even then, you can resort to pking the remaining crates, since only looting from camps is affected by this bug.

R.I.P. oO000oO0oO00, RS2 range pure transformed to a maxed PvM char in EoC, ten years of time completely wasted.
Good to be gone :)

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Warbanding farming is a cardinal sin. Please do not do it. Please just farm normally.

I don't understand your issue with warbands, rather with people suggesting warbands to add to regular skilling...


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Warbanding farming is a cardinal sin. Please do not do it. Please just farm normally.

I don't understand your issue with warbands, rather with people suggesting warbands to add to regular skilling...

I have an issue with farming warbands because it's the only one that's actually inefficient to do.

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You cant really speed up farming. But you can do two normal tree cycles if you want, one in the morning and one before bed.


You're meant to to do it slowly and enjoy it.


It is the best skill in the game imo, no contest. It even has room for more improvement. Farming Livestock(combined with construction and POP) is personally the only update I want to see in RS anytime soon.


1593th to 99 Farming - July 08.

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Warbanding farming is a cardinal sin. Please do not do it. Please just farm normally.

I don't understand your issue with warbands, rather with people suggesting warbands to add to regular skilling...

I have an issue with farming warbands because it's the only one that's actually inefficient to do.

It's inefficient to warband farming if he values any of the other skills more then farming. For his question, I didn't gather that. Now if he want mining or smithing exp over farming then of course it is. But you didn't say that in your post. You didn't even ask if valued any other warband skill remotely.


So to correct my post, it is worth doing warbands for farming/construction (since he mentioned he'd like con exp too) so long as you do not value mining, smith, or herblore as much as the other 2. Otherwise warbands would be best used for mining/smithing.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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It saves money on the seeds, so it's worth the what, 15-20 minutes time to get a massive amount of xp.


Do Warbands, a fruit tree run a day, 2 tree runs, as many herb runs as you want/can stand, and a calquat every day and a half isn't bad too ;)

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To hark back to an earlier point of not relying on warbands always having farming tent.


You have a 6/10 odds of there being the tent you want if you go looking for one specific tent.

This rises to 9/10 if you have 2 tents you look for.

10/10 for 3-5 tent choices.


So whilst you can't 100% count on it the odds are in favour of it being there more often than not and if you add in another tent to look for you'll be good most camps.


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The xp/h for Warbanding farming is a good bit lower than the xp/h for tree runs, I think. You do save the money of course.

Supporter of Zaros | Quest Cape owner since 22 may 2010 | No skills below 99 | Total level 2595 | Completionist Cape owner since 17th June 2013 | Suggestions

99 summoning (18th June 2011, previously untrimmed) | 99 farming (14th July 2011) | 99 prayer (8th September 2011) | 99 constitution (10th September 2011) | 99 dungeoneering (15th November 2011)

99 ranged (28th November 2011) | 99 attack, 99 defence, 99 strength (11th December 2011) | 99 slayer (18th December 2011) | 99 magic (22nd December 2011) | 99 construction (16th March 2012)

99 herblore (22nd March 2012) | 99 firemaking (26th March 2012) | 99 cooking (2nd July 2012) | 99 runecrafting (12th March 2012) | 99 crafting (26th August 2012) | 99 agility (19th November 2012)

99 woodcutting (22nd November 2012) | 99 fletching (31st December 2012) | 99 thieving (3rd January 2013) | 99 hunter (11th January 2013) | 99 mining (21st January 2013) | 99 fishing (21st January 2013)

99 smithing (21st January 2013) | 120 dungeoneering (17th June 2013) | 99 divination (24th November 2013)

Tormented demon drops: twenty effigies, nine pairs of claws, two dragon armour slices and one elite clue | Dagannoth king drops: two dragon hatchets, two elite clues, one archer ring and one warrior ring

Glacor drops: four pairs of ragefire boots, one pair of steadfast boots, six effigies, two hundred lots of Armadyl shards, three elite clues | Nex split: Torva boots | Kalphite King split: off-hand drygore mace

30/30 Shattered Heart statues completed | 16/16 Court Cases completed | 25/25 Choc Chimp Ices delivered | 500/500 Vyrewatch burned | 584/584 tasks completed | 4000/4000 chompies hunted

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The xp/h for Warbanding farming is a good bit lower than the xp/h for tree runs, I think. You do save the money of course.


Ahh nice, With magic trees I'd only be able to do an 1-2 runs per day so a warband or two would help, at one warbands a day for a 30 day month I would get around 2m Xp 8-)


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Assuming you get 100 k exp per warband (the average on your way to 99) each warband is worth ~7 magic trees (for the sake of this example I will only be dealing with magic trees) or 1.2 mil in cash.


That same exp in herblore would cost you 1.7 mil making the extremes and then turning them into overloads. Making just the most cost effective extreme (xmagics) it would cost you 942 k but would be considered a waste because overloads are far more useful and if you ever decide to make them you will have to make equal numbers of the other extreme potions and then turn them all into overloads.


The same exp in construction would cost you 1.65 mil doing mahogany tables with a demon butler and planks.


The same exp in smithing would cost you 1.4 mil.


The 3 other buyables (at least one will be present in every warband) save you close to 200 k cash vs. using the warband on farming. Mining is a different story because it saves you more than 1 hour of time (con gold with all available boosts) which you can use to make money so it "earns" you whatever your best money maker is, glacors and QBD close to 3 mil+ per hour.





TLDR: Every other skill is better than farming from an efficiency standpoint, especially in long term goals of maxing or having a high total level. If you only value farming experience then do whatever the hell you want.


Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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