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anyone got an account like this still left?


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the only way i see it possible to do it at level 3 is if fatigue was out when quest items were tradeable or when wormbrain was in the wildy for a little. then have 100 percent fatigue on classic and use the safespot to mage the dragon, i did it at level 12 this way buti had to get magic to tele grab




magic got fired back at you twice so hard if you fired it at lvl the lvl 110 green dragon...



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the only way i see it possible to do it at level 3 is if fatigue was out when quest items were tradeable or when wormbrain was in the wildy for a little. then have 100 percent fatigue on classic and use the safespot to mage the dragon, i did it at level 12 this way buti had to get magic to tele grab




magic got fired back at you twice so hard if you fired it at lvl the lvl 110 green dragon...




Mage got fired back twice as hard if you maged kbd.. not elvarg.

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everyone is posting their...so ill post mine
















wish i would have got around to doing drag slayer :\








btw this is the very first account i ever created on RS...back like a few months after RSC started












you were stat wiped? lol

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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  • 6 months later...

My friend has a 9 hp, 14 ranged account. :shock:






Just so everyone who doesn't know knows, all RSC accounts started with 1018 HP exp, but in RS2 that's only level 9 HP. I have one of those accounts as well.

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I have about 10 accounts with 9 hp :\




Rlly? Can I have one :pray:






I'd love to see the look on a friends face.. : :shock:




Could only find three, but nope you can't have them.




Dark Dude 5, Dark Dude 6, Dark Dude 7




I have 2-4 aswell but never went on them so they don't have 9hp.

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i did have one actually, i forgot the password,




Limp Miner




I had Limp Arch(still in use)(made before tutorial)


Limp Wiz(forgot PW)


Limp Muscles(I liked this one)


Limp Miner




whats your deal, do you have ED or something??




and yes, my char named "chias" is 9 hp and 60+ mining and 50+ smithing :D




You have to remember this was back when i liked limp bizkit back when i was about 13-14...




i had the plan of making 3 different pures...




have em all in one spot, and if i ever died with my main while pking...i'd log onto the pure...sadly i ended up joining members, which totally kicked [wagon]...and never got around to it.




btw, really old topic

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well 1 thing in rs1 you got xp for quests 2... so i guess that is another acc who you show there




its called a statwipe account. ppl who macro'ed and were caught had their accounts wiped of their stats. there were reports of ppl in heroes guild too i think

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I had one, but mine got deleted and re-made by jagex to have 10hp... :cry:

The Zebera is getting faster! The road to 99 Agility

Previous 99s (in order)

Fishing, November 23rd, 2009.

Attack, November 23rd, 2009 (got it about 10 minutes after Fishing)

Hitpoints (well, it was back then), December 28th, 2009

Defence, February 27, 2010

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