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Do YOU believe in God?


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Everyone has their own beliefs, I for one belive in God. But wouldn't it scare you that if there isn't a God or a Satan then there will be no afterlife? You will go into total non existence? From the day you start as a sperm, that is when you are really born.




I believe there is a Heaven and a Hll and that God is real.




He sent himself down to Earth as Jesus, some say.




Or Jesus may just be ralted to God.




But nonetheless, God is real.




Many atheists belive that the only reason why so many people belived in God is because the Christian faith is the biggest.




But I don't know that, I'm a mere 12 year old.




how do you even know god is a person?




He never even said God is a person.


there is only 1 GOD:


jezus is 100% GOD > and 100% human at earth


god the father is 100% GOD


the holygost is 100% GOD




god the father sended his son: jezus to earth, to pay with his blood for us,


we killed him... and so he payed the price for us...




its hard to explain and believe...




It's Jesus, and yes... you're right, it is very hard indeed to explain and believe.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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How was the big bang possible if no one was around to supervise, if you will, the happenings.


You're saying if no one sees it, it doesn't happen?




No, I'm saying somebody had to be there to make it happen, the somebody being God. He has to make the stuff happen. Or else it would just be nothingness forever. Something had to make it.




Right.. So someone made crystals form, someone made mountains form (ignore plate tectonics, thats just a theory); all because you say so, and then you invent infinite nothingness to base this argument on.




He was talking about the matter/energy for the Big Bang, not mountains :|

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How was the big bang possible if no one was around to supervise, if you will, the happenings.


You're saying if no one sees it, it doesn't happen?




No, I'm saying somebody had to be there to make it happen, the somebody being God. He has to make the stuff happen. Or else it would just be nothingness forever. Something had to make it.




Right.. So someone made crystals form, someone made mountains form (ignore plate tectonics, thats just a theory); all because you say so, and then you invent infinite nothingness to base this argument on.




He was talking about the matter/energy for the Big Bang, not mountains :|


He was talking about someone had to make the "stuff happen", mountains are no different.

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The big bang:




The big bang is against everything science explains. It goes against the law of conservation of mass stating:


In a chemical reaction, no atoms are lost or gained in the transition from reactaint to product


So, unless something was created before by a superior being, either the universe or the big bang happened, and I think that the universe DOES exist.

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The big bang:




The big bang is against everything science explains. It goes against the law of conservation of mass stating:


In a chemical reaction, no atoms are lost or gained in the transition from reactaint to product


So, unless something was created before by a superior being, either the universe or the big bang happened, and I think that the universe DOES exist.




It's not conservation of mass, its conservation of energy. When the big bang formed, particles didn't exist because the energy was too concentrated to allow particles to be formed. Some more examples are nuclear reactions, they don't have the same atoms from one reaction to another, however their overall energy is conserved.

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you want to see miracles? how come 1 billion + people in the whole world turned to christianity? thats about 1/6th of the world. mabye 1/7th. does this happen every day? how does one man and his 12 peeps turn into 1 man and 1 billion peeps? thats one major *#&%*&$ miracle right there. i believe in God because of this (along with the many other graces he has brought the world.) evolution, i believe, is part of God's plan. but just think about life for one minute, and if you think deeply enough, you will be astounded. were just... here... existing... atoms, molecules, etc. and then theres us and the outer space. living pointless lives, running in circles. think about whats outside outer space, if there is an outside. places we will never go or find out. humans are doomed to be confused. to find reason theres God, and thats good enough reason for me.

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The funny thing about scientist is that they claim to back up these 'theorys', but frankly they don't know anything.




Take a look at the sun. Now explain to me how it works. You can't even explain that so why bother making theorys that arn't worth anyones time?




[mybelief]Now christianity on the other hand offers you something. Eternal salvation.[/mybelief]

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The funny thing about scientist is that they claim to back up these 'theorys', but frankly they don't know anything.




Take a look at the sun. Now explain to me how it works. You can't even explain that so why bother making theorys that arn't worth anyones time?




[mybelief]Now christianity on the other hand offers you something. Eternal salvation.[/mybelief]




Are you fore real? :?

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Take a look at the sun. Now explain to me how it works. You can't even explain that so why bother making theorys that arn't worth anyones time?




I can and will tell you.




A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, ops wrong one.






A 5 billion years ago +- a few hundred million a mass of hydrogen got too close and the gravity of their relationship became aparent and they collected into a mass nearly 1,000,000 miles across. Gravity was still influencing these little hydrogen atoms and continued to compress them untill things started heating up between them. At the very center of all this chaos was a place where the hydrogen was getting a little too close together and they merged. This merger created something new, helium. This merger also released alot of heat that calsed other little hydrogens to fuse together and slowly the new star started shining and gave birth to life on other planets.




[mybelief]Now christianity on the other hand offers you something. Eternal salvation.[/mybelief]


Is god going send you to hell for believing in science? Also do you really want to be at the same place for many trillions of years with the same people, wouldnt you get bored?




I also would like to congradulate you on the creativy of your profile.


Location: Uranus




Occupation: Your Mom


Interests: Your Mom

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i believe in the elephant god from india, i saw him in my closet last night :roll:






god was made up to explain things we could not explain but now we can/try




and everyone who stil believes is stuck in the past

not everybody wants to hear the bubblegum pop garbage.

im gonna burn in hell and drink all of satans beer.

trashmetal/deathmetal/hardrock/folkmetal die hard

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The funny thing about scientist is that they claim To back up these 'theorys', but frankly they don't know anything.




Take a look at the sun. Now explain To me how it works. You can't even explain that so why bother making theorys that arn't worth anyones time?




[mybelief]Now christianity on the other hand offers you something. Eternal salvation.[/mybelief]


Great way of showing science doesn't know anything by showing your own ignorance, good job.


Why waste your time making a worthless post that has completely no point?

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The big bang:




The big bang is against everything science explains. It goes against the law of conservation of mass stating:


In a chemical reaction, no atoms are lost or gained in the transition from reactaint to product


So, unless something was created before by a superior being, either the universe or the big bang happened, and I think that the universe DOES exist.




It's not conservation of mass, its conservation of energy. When the big bang formed, particles didn't exist because the energy was too concentrated to allow particles to be formed. Some more examples are nuclear reactions, they don't have the same atoms from one reaction to another, however their overall energy is conserved.




Two things wrong:


1.In order for there to be energy, there must be atoms.




Energy-the ability or power to work or make an effort


(definition by msn)




In order for there to be effort, there must be something making the effort. According to what you said, there was energy before atoms.




2. The law of conservation of mass applies to ALL CHEMICAL REACTIONS. The big bang theory states that there was a biproduct of dust after the explosion which is proof that the theory involves a chemical reaction.

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Mater and energy are the same. Einstien proved that with his theorys of relitivity and used the formula E = MC^2 to build the ABomb. The energy present before the Big Bang was not in a form that exists today because the four fundemintal forces did not exist at the time, it was one supper force. With todays tech we still dont know what happend but we are getting close.



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I know that this is kinda far back, but.....




I believe in God. I mean, there is really no scientific evidence to go either way. Until man creates man from nothing (not cloning) or proves evolution (which has NEVER, EVER, been done), I will continue to put my full faith in God. It makes much more sense than a freak occurance creating all this.




Now, there is nothing that I read in the bible that says evolution never happened. What starts out being false is that man came from nothing without god. The reason is that god created man, but he created animals before man. There is nothing in the bible that says man didn't come from animals.

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God(s) was/were (grammer nightmare..) merely constructed by the minds of humans to give us a sense of hope, for without hope there is no purpose in living. Religions supply one with this hope for Heaven, of Val-halla, Nirvana, whatever you want to call it, it was created to give us hope. I personally find any form of fundamentalist following of a religion pointless; all we need are the basic moral values it gives us. Organized religion is pointless, corrupt, and at times manipulative (just look at the Middle East for one thing).




Guess I'm done with my rant. As for whether I believe in a God or not, I'll just quote a statement I remember from seeing House-




Us trying to understand God and the mysteries of the universe is as pointless as a penguin trying to understand nuclear chemistry.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Most religions state that if they disobey there god, they will not go to these places. However, from what I've seen, god is real and not following him is like not taking a drink in a desert, you will be sorry you didn't.




Anyways, you don't need to understand something to know it. It's called faith, and I think if there is a rope over an endless pit that can't be jumped but can be swinged, I would pretty much have no choice to have faith in it.

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Now, there is nothing that I read in the bible that says evolution never happened. What starts out being false is that man came from nothing without god. The reason is that god created man, but he created animals before man. There is nothing in the bible that says man didn't come from animals.


Very well put. Who says that science and religion have to disagree? I don't know who said this, but:




In the end, Religion and Science will be united as one.




Come to think of it, every day religion and science are agreeing on more and more things. Just watch Discovery Channel :wink: (*gasp!* educational television!)

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Two things wrong:


1.In order for there to be energy, there must be atoms.




Energy-the ability or power to work or make an effort


(definition by msn)




In order for there to be effort, there must be something making the effort. According to what you said, there was energy before atoms.




2. The law of conservation of mass applies to ALL CHEMICAL REACTIONS. The big bang theory states that there was a biproduct of dust after the explosion which is proof that the theory involves a chemical reaction.




Your definition has nothing to do with atoms. Force fields (like electric and magnetic fields) are not composed of atoms yet they have the ability to ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åmake an effortÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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I want everyone to read this with an open mind and let me say now that there is no way in any way that I am putting down any specific group or person.






Question: What good has religion brought about?


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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Question: What good has religion brought about?




Today it has done nothing but devide many people. Everyday people in the MiddleEast are blowing them selves up for their god. In the US millions are being lost to constant law suits over id and evolution. Just 150 years ago the Confederate States of America used religion to justify slavery and that resulted in one of the worst wars in American history.




Scientific advancement in Europe during the 1st to the 15th centuraries was at a near stand still and because the church was going to torture/inprission/kill nearly anyne that counterd the bible in any way. The crusades were a compete failure in history and resulted in the deaths in millions of people just to claim a city that a guy died in.






I think that religion did play a huge part in early human history, but that was it. Religion helped man settle down and form stable societies, it provided man with an answer to the whys and hows. Religion was man's basic law, if their was no government then religion told man that if he killed, he get punnished. Religion's use ended around the time that an advanced government arose and were able to control it's citizens along with defend itself.

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I think that religion did play a huge part in early human history, but that was it. Religion helped man settle down and form stable societies, it provided man with an answer to the whys and hows. Religion was man's basic law, if their was no government then religion told man that if he killed, he get punnished. Religion's use ended around the time that an advanced government arose and were able to control it's citizens along with defend itself.




Most ancient empires known for their greatness had their religions. :wink:

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