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will the 99 stat be the limit for all skills PERMANENTLY?


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it has been 5 years since rs started and ive been playing for 3 years now. i have gotten all the 99 stats in the skills i wanted and in other skills just enough to do the required quest or make the top item.








I WAS JUST WONDERING IF THE 99 STAT WILL GO ANY HIGHER? its quite boring now with no objective to do. im back to doing blue drag killing again after a 8-10 month hiatus due to whip drops. thats what i did when i played rs1 and now after 3 years im back doing blue drag killing again.








runescape doesnt seem to be dieing anytime soon. most of the old timers have gotten the 99 stats they wanted and some new players have gotten their 99 stats quickly. some people even have 200mil xp in one skill. getting 13mil plus xp in a stat is relatively easy now. probably in a month or so there will be 2 or 3 people with a 99 stat in all skills.








so im hoping for the day that i will see on upcoming updates on the main page of rs that jagex will increase the maximum limit of a skill.








to the noobs out there, no id rather not get 99 in all skills. id rather not do any other skill other than what i like to do bec basically firemaking, woodcutting and farming stinks. id rather not get a life bec i like mine and yours stinks. ive read enough topics of the past so no posts like that here pls. probably if rs1 pking is the same as rs2 pking, then i wouldnt have posted.








and yes the quote in my sig is true. the so called respected member of tip it community wrote that, sent it through pm, denied it then quit rs. comes back once in awhile in this forum to deny it from time to time.












so comments pls and FLAME ON.

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And what would they raise it to? 120? 150? 999?








For 999 you're talking trillions of exp, probably much more. Hell, lilyuffie88 has enough total exp to get just one skill around lvl 130. I really don't see this ever happening.












999 in a skill is something i never thought about. maybe 100 is a step towards the right direction.








somebody getting 999 in a skill is something we wont see happening. maybe for me coz i think id be dead by then. maybe u will see it.

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Jagex has stated many times that it isn't possible to raise the 99 limit without completly redoing the system which would require a complete stat reset.




I may not have 99 in any stat(I'm lazy lol) but I don't wouldn't want my past 5 years of work reset. And I'm sure most of the RS community feels the same.




So unfortunately I don't see this happening.

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so then they need to reset all players exp to lvl 99, so everyone should have same start, and i don't see that happening to people who hs 200 mil exp. and just give them free lvl's wouldn't be fair to other players who only has lvl 99 exp

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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id like the level caps raised too, but that they at 99 convert to a less exponential growth pattern doubling only 20 levels instead of 7 so that level 139 would be 52m xp rather than 684M which it is atm.








holy crap rofl. 684mil for level 139.








52mil xp cap would be good. it wouldnt be that hard i think. it would take me a year for one skill to get from 13mil xp. but if its prayer, then maybe 3 years. hahaha

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Jagex has stated many times that it isn't possible to raise the 99 limit without completly redoing the system which would require a complete stat reset.




I may not have 99 in any stat(I'm lazy lol) but I don't wouldn't want my past 5 years of work reset. And I'm sure most of the RS community feels the same.




So unfortunately I don't see this happening.








If Jagex has really stated this many times, then they are not the elite programmers many beleive them to be. I tend to think this is either a rumor, something said to quiet people constantly nagging for a lvl cap rise, or by a moderator who only does customer support and no programming. Surely a decent programmer would realize it would be very possible to extend the level cap...








Either way, raising the level cap without doing a statwipe should be a simple matter for any decently skilled programmer. Worst case scenario, they'll have to update the way the Skills page in game looks, possibly the Highscores too, and might have to take RS offline for a short while (anywhere from an hour to a day) to update the player skill database(which would require a small amount of effort to write a program to make the changes, it'd just be running for a long time). They already store an insane amount of experience in their skilll databases...








I don't see this happening either, sadly. We need something that would at least show off the true levels of those people who have insane amount of experience in a particular skill, possibly add an element of prestige to a skill again.








Like adding something for each level above 100 smithing that can ONLY be made by players... out of a new metal that requires high mining (like 95 perhaps) to mine. Restore some of the lost prestige to the skill, you know?

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they've been making several skills easier and easier. I'd imagine if they were to raise levels that they wouldn't necessarily adjust the leveling system, but would adjust the rate of xp you can get.








It would be a major revamp if they ever did this, and tons of things would change... RS3 perhaps? :P



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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adunakhor raise your mining and smithing woodcutting and fletching :)




















i started playing this game with 6 friends and my brother. among my 6 friends, we have a 99 crafter, fletcher, cook, fish, smither, farming and high runecrafting. i buy whatever i need other than what my friends cant make. like this quest(splitbark armor quest) that needed high firemaking, all i needed to do was to buy some wood and there you go i finished quest rofl. we got our phats, masks santas, drag equipment whips. i dont even remember the last time my phat saw rs sunlight lol. i must have taken it out 3 times since rs2 started. if a quest requires high mining in jagex standards then ill just go get it. jagex called 3500 farming xp in the latest quest as a generous amount of farming xp lmao.

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they've been making several skills easier and easier. I'd imagine if they were to raise levels that they wouldn't necessarily adjust the leveling system, but would adjust the rate of xp you can get.








It would be a major revamp if they ever did this, and tons of things would change... RS3 perhaps? :P








rs3 would be good. fix the existing skills, remove the caps, fix pking, fix the graphics etc etc. but i think jagex is more concerned in making a german or spanish speaking runescape i think. si, no mas, que pasa, ich bein, sig heil or whatever rofl.

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they've been making several skills easier and easier. I'd imagine if they were to raise levels that they wouldn't necessarily adjust the leveling system, but would adjust the rate of xp you can get.








It would be a major revamp if they ever did this, and tons of things would change... RS3 perhaps? :P








rs3 would be good. fix the existing skills, remove the caps, fix pking, fix the graphics etc etc. but i think jagex is more concerned in making a german or spanish speaking runescape i think. si, no mas, que pasa, ich bein, sig heil or whatever rofl.








and bring back the 3 rounds of fighting to the wildy, maybe not every where but just wildy, sure would spice up life.

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Jagex has stated many times that it isn't possible to raise the 99 limit without completly redoing the system which would require a complete stat reset.
No they haven't. They stated that it would be very easy to change the level cap to for example 199.


40,919th person to access Turmoil. 21,559th person to access Overloads.





Are there any hidden bonuses here?


No bonuses


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That's the bad thing about being all these high levels who've done everything in the game. Nothing to do but PK and mini-games. I've seem Zezima in Castle Wars one, in bronze armour :lol:










By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Jagex has stated many times that it isn't possible to raise the 99 limit without completly redoing the system which would require a complete stat reset.
No they haven't. They stated that it would be very easy to change the level cap to for example 199.












well ive heard, they could do it, they would have to stat wipe people, thats what ive heard tho.

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Raising the level cap would be nice...and at leats RS2 isn't like WoW (I know I'm gonna get flamed for that one) where getting level 99 is a challenge. I think being able to smith Dragon weapons would be good, but make it hard, like Killing dragons, a rare drop is dragons blood which can be smithed with 30 coal to make a dragon bar, at level 90 smith or something...just a random and probably bad idea but i think it would give higher players something to go for, for once.

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what is this rs3 talk? I thought the new game in 2007 was going to be completely different...who's to say its even going to be along the same story lines

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Raise The CApS!!!!! Even thoug i am no where near 99 in any skill, it would be nice to know that i can get to lvl 150 or so9mething if i wanted. I thibk that the cap on max level and combat should be raised.


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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