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Gotta love US obesity laws....


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Yup, gotta love them. I'm fairly sure anyone in the U.S is familiar with them (that goes to school).








Well, for now they have been fine. However, a new law passed a little ago made it so that schools can no longer sell items such as Ice Cream, chips cookies or anything else that might be unhealthy. Because of this, my school is:








- Getting rid of Soda machines




- Getting rid of all of the Ice cream they sell at lunch




- Getting rid of the cookies they sell at lunch




- Getting rid of Chips (common, chips?) at lunch.












Now excuse me, but I don't need a government or school to tell me how to eat. The worst thing is, they restrict all of this, yet my school pizza (which is grease city) is still there. Doesn't make any sense I tell 'yeh.












Anyways, i'm interested if anyone knows about their schools doing anything such as this. I know our school is, and from what I know, it's because of a new obesity law. :?

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Not sure if it was just my state or not. May need to clear that up.








if i'm wrong about it, then eh.. excuse that. Hard to get the right fact's from what i've just heard.

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We *just* got a new soda machine to replace an old one :lol:








It's pretty nifty (uses a conveyor type thing and it has a seethrough panel) and it sells chocolate milk! Although they have upped prices on pop to 1.25..... and the chocolate milk is 1.50 =\


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Which is the great thing about going to a Private University. Here, its cheaper to eat the junky dorm food instead of the expensive health food.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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My school has sodas but they're in fruit flavors. No Sprite or anything like that, but you can get em from the soda machines hehe. The pizza here is so greasy it's like pizza with a layer of orange liquid over it. It's got chips, popsicles, ice cream and fatty stuff. I don't think that where I got has any restrictions of the sort your describing. All I can say is this: You, along with all the other people in these schools, are unlucky people. :cry:

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Yup, gotta love them. I'm fairly sure anyone in the U.S is familiar with them (that goes to school).








Well, for now they have been fine. However, a new law passed a little ago made it so that schools can no longer sell items such as Ice Cream, chips cookies or anything else that might be unhealthy. Because of this, my school is:








- Getting rid of Soda machines




- Getting rid of all of the Ice cream they sell at lunch




- Getting rid of the cookies they sell at lunch




- Getting rid of Chips (common, chips?) at lunch.












Now excuse me, but I don't need a government or school to tell me how to eat. The worst thing is, they restrict all of this, yet my school pizza (which is grease city) is still there. Doesn't make any sense I tell 'yeh.












Anyways, i'm interested if anyone knows about their schools doing anything such as this. I know our school is, and from what I know, it's because of a new obesity law. :?








Same thing here.It's just too out of hand though...Like on Valentines Day, you couldn't even have any boxes of chocolates.I mean really, boxes of chocolates?!Thats what the whole freaking day is about!(kind of anyways..)

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Heh, I'm actually fine with the new laws. I stopped drinking as much soda as I used to (which is a great thing) and it doesn't affect my appetite at all. Either way, if you really wanted to, you could always walk off campus and get a soda/cookie/chips at the store across the street.








Remember, the greasy pizza earns the school money. Hidden motive.


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Heh, I'm actually fine with the new laws. I stopped drinking as much soda as I used to (which is a great thing) and it doesn't affect my appetite at all. Either way, if you really wanted to, you could always walk off campus and get a soda/cookie/chips at the store across the street.








Remember, the greasy pizza earns the school money. Hidden motive.








dont earn them money just costs them less :P

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I remember at my high school, they took out the two soda machines for juice machines... Of course everyone was a bit annoyed and such, but the real kicker was that if you looked at the nutrition facts for the juice that they sold it was actually quite a bit worse than your for soda. And tasted horrible too.








People just need to, I don't know, eat less? And healthier. It's not a hard concept to grasp.








To quote Bash:








The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?

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Heh, I'm actually fine with the new laws. I stopped drinking as much soda as I used to (which is a great thing) and it doesn't affect my appetite at all. Either way, if you really wanted to, you could always walk off campus and get a soda/cookie/chips at the store across the street.








Remember, the greasy pizza earns the school money. Hidden motive.








That's probably not an option for most highschool students unless their high school allows them to leave for lunch =\


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I'm pretty satisfied with the new laws. Public schools need funding, and in order to get that funding they must bend to the federal government's whim. It's a fair exchange, in my opinion. Our school has not gone as far as removing vending machines, but at lunch, no soda or unhealthy items are sold. Bring your own lunch if you don't want the government looking over your lunch tray :wink:


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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I'm pretty satisfied with the new laws. Public schools need funding, and in order to get that funding they must bend to the federal government's whim. It's a fair exchange, in my opinion. Our school has not gone as far as removing vending machines, but at lunch, no soda or unhealthy items are sold. Bring your own lunch if you don't want the government looking over your lunch tray :wink:








Sadly, I know a few people that will have their entire lunch consist of a pop and a bag of chips instead of paying $2 for a school meal (Maybe 50 cents saving, but with the price increases at your vending machines now it's the same)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I'm pretty satisfied with the new laws. Public schools need funding, and in order to get that funding they must bend to the federal government's whim. It's a fair exchange, in my opinion. Our school has not gone as far as removing vending machines, but at lunch, no soda or unhealthy items are sold. Bring your own lunch if you don't want the government looking over your lunch tray :wink:








Sadly, I know a few people that will have their entire lunch consist of a pop and a bag of chips instead of paying $2 for a school meal (Maybe 50 cents saving, but with the price increases at your vending machines now it's the same)








It's a shame. I know school food isn't the greatest, but it's not the worst either. Pop and chips is just really unhealthy and I would be in support of getting rid of every snack there is on my campus.








Actually, there is a recent article I read about a school which allows students only to pay with a pre-paid card. The students' parents are able to control what their children are allowed to buy and how much of it. It's a really neat system.








Link: http://www.theeagle.com/stories/022706/ ... 227024.php


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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Last yr, in new york they did that. They put in snapple machines. Took out the chips and stuff. But we can still go out and get food. But it really hurts fundraisers, cause you can't sell unhealthy foods during lunch. They would make a better amount of money with the unhealthy food. Also, my school is on the 10th floor of a building, so I have to wait for the elevator and stuff just to get a soda...

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Its not just the US, its happening over here too. Theres actually a discussion on the BBC this week about it.








Its annoying me a LOT that postions of things are getting smaller, sweets and fatty foods are getting more expensive and people are lobbying to get taxes increased on fast food. I eat sweets, i eat fatty foods, i eat fast/junk food but i am NOT fat.




I excercise and eat a balanced diet, if you are fat its your own fault. I should not be punished because ppl cant eat properly. It is not the responsibility of the government to dictate what we can and cant eat and drink.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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from a parents point of view i'm glad they are doing something here about school food. its is grease city. thats one reason why i refuse my children school meals, ok sarnies are extremely boring, but at least i know what they are eating more than i do if they are having school meals.








on a bad note, its all fine saying what we can and can't eat, but when is someone gonna bring the prices of the healthier stuff down? for anyone who is living on a tight budget, crisps are a hell of a lot cheaper than a bunch of grapes, and more likely to fill a hunger gap. if goverments want us to eat healthily they need to do something about the fresh stuff.




i love my veggies, but i'd much rather eat a packet of crisps over an apple thanks very much :twisted:








btw i think its healthier for people to go to the local chip shop and eat the chips from there than the ones from schools. at least they taste like a chip, unlike the process variety schools and fast food places call chips (by chips i mean fries, not crisps)








but you can keep the chips thanks- much rather eat potatoes in healthier ways than frying them (yes i know i'm in a minority)

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

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I actually think this is a good idea. It's run by the government, so they have every right to say what can and can't be sold in there. Do they allow you to bring your own junk food\drinks in, or do they take those too, because you didn't mention that. Me, and I assume probably a lot of others, only ate the unhealthy school lunch because it's all there was. If it was healther I would of ate that instead.




And you know, eating chips, fries, soda, pizza isn't what gets you fat, it's the calories that come with it, you would get as fat if you ate as many calories from fruit. A little twig boy can eat 20000 calories a day of fries and burgers and pizza and coke (providing his metabolism is fast enough which for 20000 is impossible, I'm just exagerrating a bit ;) ), and will not gain a single ounce of weight. I'm sure if he had blood work done, his arteries would be filled with cholesterol, his heart filled with unhealthy fats, not getting all required vitamins and minerals etc.. The point is, just because someone "looks" healthy, by no means does it mean they "are" healthy.




Having said that, fat people do usually tend to eat junky food, because they like food and it usually tastes good, and also some like me- because it's the only food available. It won't give anyone heart attacks, quite the opposite actually, to server healthy foods instead of the garbage they serve now. It won't kill them to wait about 7 hours to eat all that crap at home, and if it did that's less taxpayer money that goes towards paying doctor and hospital bills for fatties.

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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The reason it anoyed me is I generaly will get a chicken sandwich, than some chips or maybe an ice cream. (i'm not any where near fat.).












I mean, wouldn't the better thing be to just sell healthy stuff along with it? You know, some healthy choices?












Also, sadly, I don't have the option to go anywhere else. And packing your lunch is a pain, and generaly consists of a sandwich. :oops: .

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much rather eat potatoes in healthier ways than frying them (yes i know i'm in a minority)








I think every screaming 3-4 year old will join me with this one














I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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