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TET March Calendar is out!


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Thanks to Arctic for the fun calendar!








This month!








Saturday March 4th: CASTLE WARS!!!




Saturday March 11th: PI Day! Come eat pie and celebrate 3.14...... F2P!




Saturday March 18th: Saint Patrick's Day Freak Train! F2P!




Saturday March 25th: You've been waiting for it! The Tip.It Slave Auction!








The month of March is also dedicated to our fallen friend Shiva.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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whats slave auction?












the original slave auctions were, the buyin and selling of black slaves to rich, usually plantion owners.








Or in more relevant terms, we auction off famous TIF members to basically do whatever you want for an hour. I think we got something like 25 million for Misterxman last year. We have an all-star lineup of slaves, though :P.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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whats slave auction?












the original slave auctions were, the buyin and selling of black slaves to rich, usually plantion owners.








Or in more relevant terms, we auction off famous TIF members to basically do whatever you want for an hour. I think we got something like 25 million for Misterxman last year. We have an all-star lineup of slaves, though :P.
















25m, hmmm think how much $ u could make off him on ebay

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whats slave auction?












the original slave auctions were, the buyin and selling of black slaves to rich, usually plantion owners.








Or in more relevant terms, we auction off famous TIF members to basically do whatever you want for an hour. I think we got something like 25 million for Misterxman last year. We have an all-star lineup of slaves, though :P.
















25m, hmmm think how much $ u could make off him on ebay









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lol slave auction sounds kewl








No doubt if I ever ended up as a slave some people round here would want to get thier revenege upon me for some stuff i say








But doubt i can join in tht event :( Lost too muhc recently so kinda need all my money and besides I'd have no idea to do with a slave XD








but will try to hit some other events


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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hehe id love it if i had the $$ to pay for slave auction, still awesome month. :)



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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"Saturday March 11th: PI Day! Come eat pie and celebrate 3.1440503... F2P! "








Ouch...that hurts me to look at. Pi=3.1415926 (to the decimal place that you have it at)


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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Blah, I just punched in 3.14 and started hitting random buttons.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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"Saturday March 11th: PI Day! Come eat pie and celebrate 3.1440503... F2P! "








Ouch...that hurts me to look at. Pi=3.1415926 (to the decimal place that you have it at)








Argh, you stole my post! Meanie.








Anyhoo, I'll be at all o' these. Can't wait for the slave auction! Better start saving me some cash.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Who are the slaves?








I think we'll release them when we put the post for that event which is later in the month








I'll volunteer to be a slave. :)

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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