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Another finished char. Thoughts? Opinions?


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Impressive feat, i just hope your topic doesnt turn in to a flamefest



Unfortunatly I think it will. All posts so far have been negative because of ignorant people assuming just because someone has high levels on a game that they have absolutly no life. It is rather sickening. I'm done with that, I'm sure just that will spark some flames :?




That is quite impressive. I guess now he can collect chompy hats, ranks, rares, cw armor, stuff like that..




Grats to The Old Nite.


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kill 4,000 chompies


play castle wars for all gold armour


defeat all the champions


collect items




get the best games room ranks


get number 1 overall


get number 1 in every other stat


player kill




collect all the music


some other weird/imaginative goal


make/manage a fansite




take a temporary break



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Congrats to him. :D Glad he finally got it. Although I wasn't there to see him level I did make the after "party". Was fun. Now I must convince him to play Castle Wars with me. ;)




Congrats again to The Old Nite. He's "beaten" RuneScape. Well done. :D



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Congrats to him. :D Glad he finally got it. Although I wasn't there to see him level I did make the after "party". Was fun. Now I must convince him to play Castle Wars with me. ;)




Congrats again to The Old Nite. He's "beaten" RuneScape. Well done. :D




Sadly its far from "beaten", unless he had done all the quests, finished all the mini games and such. Because rs is supposed to be a "unbeatable" game.

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amazing feat, regardless if its a game he should be proud of himself :) And to all the fhckwits with the negative comments .. get a life, and go hit puberty before trying to flame someone who has beat the game, that YOU play. Once again grats to the old nite 8)


maxed out melee back in 06, when it was still considered an accomplishment. same with getting 85 slayer, was in the top 2k players to get it.

R.I.P Runescape.. Feb 2, 02 - Jan 2, 08

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Now everyone forgets Zezima and start shouting "I R NITES LIL BROTHER GIVE ME FR33 ST0F OR HE WIL KILL U" :lol:




Wasn't he 2054 totalt for a while and started getting levels out of nowhere? He had about 2065 total few weeks ago.

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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what i would like to see is the old nite getting more exp then zezima...


just to see if his name would appear above the one of zezima...




such as in fletching, whoever gets 200mill exp first stays on spot 1 ... whoever gets max total lvl first stays at spot 1 to nonetheless the amount of exp?




anyway congratz to the old nite although i never really liked him for various reasons :)

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Gratz... And taking over the rares economy IS a good suggestion.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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