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F2p melee training: rune scimmy vs. baxe


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The scimmy hits faster, the axe hits harder.




I'm not sure if you should make different considerations based on the monster you're training on, maybe different weaknesses to different attacks?




Any thoughts?

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The scimmy hits faster, the axe hits harder.




I'm not sure if you should make different considerations based on the monster you're training on, maybe different weaknesses to different attacks?




Any thoughts?




Training is all about getting the fastest exp in the fastest time. So, scimmy FTW.




Only difference could be if your after some decent loot while you train, and you cant take out the monster you want to loot with a scimmy - but that'd be rare.





'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


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I used to train with a rune battle-axe but it seemed like forever to wait when I had to hit. I was too lazy to switch to a rune scimitar, but when I was training at the Ice place south of port sarim, some guy died and i got his rune scimmy. so i train with a rune scimmy now and their a lot better than the rba


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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i disagree with u on tht 1..






u c skimmie is fast but u get low exp with ur hits




there for baxe is bettah cuz the bigger the hits the more exp but its slow


the baxe most used for high lvls around 80+ cuz they r able to hit 29+ so


baxe i would prefure to use

\../, ( * . * ) ,\../

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Personally, I favour the scimmy, though it would probably come out to 6 of one, half-dozen of the other.


My reasoning is this: as a lvl 58 warrior who trains on lvl 82 lesser demons, I need a fast weapon to counteract the speed of the demons. However, said fast weapon must also be able to dole out decent amounts of damage to monsters a few levels above myself. While a b-axe would certainly cover the damage part, it cannot match the attack rate of the demons; a dagger or short sword, while having the capacity to strike more than once for each attack the demons present, can not equal the lesser's damage without a greatly enhanced strength level (which I do not have). And I suppose the only reason I prefer the scimmy over the long sword: scimitars look so much cooler. :lol:

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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Another thing I considered:




bringing a baxe/r2h and a scimmy, and using the baxe/r2h for the first hit then switching to the scimmy.




I've tried doing a quick switch between the two weapons to get faster and higher hits in. No idea how well its working. Most of the time it seems like i'm slowing my attack rate down.

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But the experience gained is the same, and the overall hitting really evens out. I personally favour the scimmy. I just like using swords : P




Scimitar is not really a sword, a scimitar is a type of [big]blade that could cut through almost anything...




And I'd go with scimmy, I used it for a year or so, I gained xp really fast...

Proud founder of the Myriad

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actually i read that the scimitar was traditionally your light cavalry weapon fast sharp, you use it to mercilessly hack away your opponents flanks it was very effective for that purpose.




i favour the scimitar becase it is cheaper and because everyone else does. i swiched to battle axe but thigs werent the same. i would, however, reccomend using a strength potion with it if that is your style. that way you get a weapon which is undoubtedly fast with effective hits as well. just a though. you could do that same thing with the battle axe but i believe the scimitar would be a slightley better choice. the only reason i would choose the battle axe is if i wanted to train strength. another reason i have always gone with the scimitars is that i used to kill thousands apon thousands of chickens. the scimitar is best there because you can own the low leveles monsters faster. also if you are training skills, it is a faster way to kill the occasional NPC now and again becaus ethey usually have such low hits you can own them better. so if it were low level things i were killing, the scimitar would by my #1 for higher leveled things i guess its user preference. i would not reccommend the warhammer though... just dont like it


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Hmm... I don't know. Let's take a look:






-Hits faster than b-axe (+1)


-Cheaper than b-axe (it's about 30k @ normal price, so it's cheaper by about 20k) (+1)


-Hits lower than b-axe (-1)


-Faster hitting + average hitting + cheaper than b-axe = good choice for training






-Hits slower than scimmy (-1)


-More expensive than scimmy (it's around 50k @ normal price) (-1)


-Hits higher than scimmy (+1)


-Slower hitting + average/high hitting = good choice for training if you have the time, but not as good as scimmy if you want to train faster






^ Blog.


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B-axe does not give "better exp" nor is it "better for strength"


It's not more accurate than the Scimmy (that's based on your attack skill), so I don't understand how it could give better exp, when Scimmys hit twice as fast as the B-axe.




More hits= Better Exp.




But yeah, that's why a whip is so popular on p2p..

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I averaged xp with the two when I was around 110 combat. The battle axe got right at 25k xp per hour, while the scimitar was a little over 30k. That was when I switched to the scimitar. I really wish I'd spent those countless hours prior to that with a scimitar instead of a battle axe.




The battle axe is more accurate and stronger than the scimitar, but the problem is the bonuses are not adequate to balance out the weapons abilities. The scimitar is just too freakin fast. The result is no F2p weapon can come even close to the scimitar in effectiveness.




Even against armor the scimitar is more effective, though a real scimitar would be merely a slashing weapon with little effect against an armored opponent. The battle axe should be far more devastating, than the scimitar, for fighting other players wearing plate armor. In spite of this, the scimitar, in game, reigns supreme with no rival.




P.S. If you can't tell, I really hate the scimitar, and how blatantly inaccurate it's uses are in the game.

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Guest Nezikchened

Whip owns 8)


Ok, ok, I'd prefer scimmy, because I and my friend thought of that and we started fun dming. He was 106 level, I was 101 at the time. My friend had a baxe and I had a scimmy. We had 10 fights. Every fight ended up me winning with the lowest amount of lobs being 7, except one time. He luckily started to hit many 20+s in a row and I lost and he had 3lobs left. I guess it isn't enough to prove anything, but that's enough for me.

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