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Tip.It Times Presents: N0valyfe Speaks!


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...so let the man enjoy what he does with his life.




Cocaine addicts enjoy what they're doing with their life... at the moment.




kinda seems right. runescape is hard to quit once you start playing. cocaine is hard to quit once you start snorting. makes you think.......

Any fool can write a rule, but any fool will mind it




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Hi nova, wherever you are . . .




I sorta agree, Y2G, I mean, he had this great plan for life it seems. Then RuneScape.




Then again, who's to say the real life is any more important, real, or fulfilling than a completely virtual life? Perhaps all reality's virtual...but that's an entirely different discussion.




And the thing is, he has a master's degree. He can get a decent job whenever he wants to. Judging on the way that he talks, I think that he could do anything that he really wants to. The thing that makes him different from so many other players is that he seems to have control over his situation, and he has the power to change it whenever he feels like it.




I'm glad that he decided to speak. He really gave an introspective view into the life of a dedicated player.




Way to go. Cheers.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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n0valyfe-nolyfe-NO LIFE




I h8 to say this i really do but i thaught i was addicted with about 3 -4 hours (wen i can sneak my laptop to bed) but you cant make rs your life you just cant spend 10-12hours on it

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Good article, it's nice to see that people can have near-perfect stats and still retain a nice personality. Although I don't blame Zezima for wanting to keep to himself. Maybe he just wants to see how the article affects N0valyfe before submitting to one himself.

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lemme get some things off my chest




1)N0valyfe can choose what he wants to do at the time being. he will probally quit after about 2 more years. along with a lot of other people.




2)I suggest to n0va that now he has 99 in all skillls (well will soon) he will take a month break to catch up on work and stuff, and probally (hesitates to say) get a job.... =P




3)Congratz on 99 in all skills for both nite and n0va, they are the only ones that havn't gotten black marks for account sharing.




4)I dont like it when you compare cocaine to a game that has given stress and joy to many people around the world.




5)Dont do drugs




and 6)I am the ruler of all pickels, good night yall (please dont comment)

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A few of my friends have taken the same choice as N0valyfe, and are very sucessful in life (Although they have chosen to play a much more expensive game and have had to work in the same period of time). In my opinion, he should do what makes him happy, until he is possitive he is ready for a job.




Here's a great example:




If you found that running makes you happy (marathos ect.) and you ran 7-8 hours a day, people would consider that healthy. Really is it? No. Does it matter what other people say? No. Are you trying to put him down just because he plays a game? It seem's so.




Message to N0valyfe: Do what makes you happy, until you are ready for a job.

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Double you - oh - double you! (wow!) 10-12 hours a day? I thought my 2-3 hours was addicted... With all due respect Nova, you play too much...I started March 8th, 04...84 combat, 1356 total... Good luck with the rest of your life. Make something of it. Be famous for something other than an mmorpg.

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I have a neighbor whose father plays video games all the time and it has caused them to nearly lose their home several times. He misses work often because he forgets to go and he falls asleep in his chair while playing his games late into the night. It is very sad.




That being said, good job n0va. We are proud to have you here on Tip.it.

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I would hardly say it's ruined his life. Sure, it's kept him from going into a career right away, but that happens with tons of people for many different reasons. He didn't throw anything away but his time. Honestly, in the long run, there's little/no difference in graduating when you're 22 (not saying this is his age) and going straight into work than there is graduation when you're 22 and going into work when you're 25. In the long run it makes little to no difference.




RuneScape makes him happy, so what's wrong with that? To top it off, hundreds of thousands of people around the world know who he is. Would this be the case if he didn't play RuneScape?




I'm not saying that everybody should put off work to play RuneScape. For most people that's entirely unfeasable, but he's in a situation such that it's not detrimental to himself to play so much, so let the man enjoy what he does with his life.




The only reason that it isn't detrimental to himself is because he is basically a freeloader (based on his own words). His family (who ever that may be) is letting him sit at home and play a damn game. He has a masters degree for crying out loud... and the best way he can utilize his time is by playing a game for 10 - 12 hours?




If that isn't ruining your life... I dunno what is. You of all people should know how hard it is to get through college... let alone a masters degree. Its pathetic to tie all that money up into an education, only to place it on the back burner.




And online fame should really be the last thing on anyones mind. Being known online isn't going to help you get known in a local area. Where being known would actually count for something. That was a pretty weak arguement there if you ask me. Being known around the world isn't fulfilling no matter what anyone says (unless you're like a REAL billionaire like Bill Gates and all those other people).




If he could balance out his life and Runescape, that would be great. But he indirectly said it himself... he needs a life.




[i'm also by no means suggesting I'm perfect. I'm in a similar situation I'd say. Just makes me feel good that I'm not that far gone as he is, and I probably never will be (I have a plan in life at least, where as he just seems hung up on a game).]


R.I.P Shiva

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He's breaking the JAGeX rules of responsible gaming.




It is again prooven that being on top of the game makes you have no life, it's his life, but i think he needs help. Spending 10-12 hours on a game, that's too much, certainly at a period in life you have to built up your future.




I'm dissapointed.




someone already said this probably...but jagex just said they are reminding people not to get to involved...its not a rule that u play for responsibly unless you go into scamming and other bad things lol. So seriously, read more carefully about the updates and its his choice about this, about spending 10-12 hours, i don't think your to say that it is bad. ANYWAY, i really thought that it was really interesting to see one of the top players answer some questions. 8)

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i agree with novalyfe (im not doing the capitals) the chat ive thoguht of exactly what he said before mine got confusing enough to clean my list down to 2 people then i added 2back got a raw shark buyer and added 1 person i think they arent going to change the chat because it seems like it might take more money than jagex has and it might just not seem important to jagex

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He's breaking the JAGeX rules of responsible gaming.




It is again prooven that being on top of the game makes you have no life, it's his life, but i think he needs help. Spending 10-12 hours on a game, that's too much, certainly at a period in life you have to built up your future.




I'm dissapointed.

he just wants to play aliitle longer then averge.By the the way this is the best article ever. :D
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thats pretty good mustve taking him alot of work to do that but i have a friend who has been playing little over a year on rs and she is already lvl 114 wich i think is pretty good considering i myself have been playing for about 5 years during classic and only lvl 89

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now n0valyfe is my number one idol for runescape. i did not know he got that high so quickley. wow. i am awed. good aricle. the bank was very enlightening. n0valyfe could buy a few partyhats if he chose, but i think keeping the money is a much better idea.


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Man...I've been playing for 4 months longer than him and I'm only level 80, and I've never had over 500k cash.





Then you haven't been playing much daily. I've been playing since September 2005, and I'm level 84 and a multimillionare. I know not quite amazing stats, but good for 6 months.




And another thing, why so much of everything? I mean 12 legends capes? What was it, like 14 whips or something? I mean it's nice to flaunt your achievements, but don't make us feel bad




I think its mainly for organization and ease.


If you take an item out, there's still another in the bank spot, so you always know where your stuff is.




Yes but what's with the 13 Tinderboxes, 14 knives, 18 hammers, 20 chisels, etc.




It's really strange having that many in the bank. I have a maximum of 3 at a time and that's generally a waist as well. What's with having so many of those basic items? :?

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i enjoyed reading this interview - it was.... inspirational lol




BTW: I saw N0va heading to the slayer tower one day :shock:

98% of teenagers have been drunk or around alcohol. Put this in your signature if you like bagels

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Yes but what's with the 13 Tinderboxes, 14 knives, 18 hammers, 20 chisels, etc.




It's really strange having that many in the bank. I have a maximum of 3 at a time and that's generally a waist as well. What's with having so many of those basic items? :?




I know that with only 360M, having a 15 extra 1gp items is super important.




I mean, why not that many?

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Yes but what's with the 13 Tinderboxes, 14 knives, 18 hammers, 20 chisels, etc.




It's really strange having that many in the bank. I have a maximum of 3 at a time and that's generally a waist as well. What's with having so many of those basic items? :?




I know that with only 360M, having a 15 extra 1gp items is super important.




I mean, why not that many?




Gee...you halarious...




My point was why would you pick an item off the ground or go to the General Store and buy the item when you know you have heaps of them in the bank already? :?




There not anything you need in amounts let along excessive amounts.

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There not anything you need in amounts let along excessive amounts.




I beg to differ (runes, arrows, logs, ess, etc)




Anyways, I think n0valyfe is great, I think he plays just a little bit too much, but i guess i shouldn't say that really cause i myself play around 5-8 hours a day :shock: . But I think your awesome n0valyfe, and you actually talk!!! I saw zezima today in front of camelot castle, and it was not a pretty sight :shock: . He just stood there while everyone was screaming either "your my idol, you rock" or "you autoer, you make me sick" while zezima said nothing at all. I guess i would do the same if i was in his shoes, people can take things waay out of context these days :?

~~Proud Member of The Supreme Skillers~~




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