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In what order do you kill your barrow brothers?


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I'm not massively high level and/or don't wear fancy barrows stuff to kill the brothers so I just go in counter-clockwise order using prayer. Naturally, I leave which ever brother is in the tunnel till last.




So my order is:




1. Verac


2. Torag


3. Karil


4. Guthan


5. Dharok


6. Ahrim

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well my cmb only 85 :) so i need to pray of i'll be killed in matter of seconds :)




It's not about the combat lvl, I no pray on ahrim everytime, and usually torag. And depending who I have in the tunnel I'll try to no pray guthan unless I need my food for the tunnel.




My cmb is only 82 and I've gained a few lvls recently, been there since about 77 combat (always fun getting followed around by people waiting for me to die).




This is using wind wave and lobsters.

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1. Arhim


2. Karil


3. Guthan


4. Dharok


5. Verac


6. Torag


7-30. Random Monsters...




I use super restores in this order...




1 Dose Arhim


1 Dose Karil


1 Dose Guthan


2 Dose Dharok


1 Dose Verac


No Dose Torag & all others




That order and doses works pretty good for me with slayer dart, using only 1.5 Pots per run (2 if Karil in tunnel) makes it really efficient and profitable.

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i do














torag(the idiot)




loli use lots of prayer though(look at my sig and youll know why) i havent gotten anythign in the 30 times ive been there...zero o well its fun im currently training for slayer dart


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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I just start with dharok, then go around to end up with ahrim..


(maybe verac is 5 and torag 4..)

Semi - retired, playing WoW

Combat lvl: 103 | Total lvl: 1542


Goals: | Fletching lvl: 97/[b:05c6bf8

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1. dharok


2. Verac


3. Karil


4. Ahrim (i use the prayer points left from karil to kill ahrim, no drinking p pots unless i'm 0 prayer left)


5. Guthan (mage in torags easy. excaliber special if i'm haveing a bad day for luck)


6. Torag (same for guthan, this guy's a joke)


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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With slayer dart....




1. Dharok


2. Guthan


3. Karil


4. Ahrim


5. Torag


6. Verac




With Ancients...




1. Dharok


2. Verac


3. Torag


4. Karil


5. Guthan


6. Ahrim


Click my signature for my blog!

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For some reason it seems im the only person doin it in this order but heres my order


>Wearin mage gear usin slayer staff<


Dharok (just to make sure i never run out of prayer on him)








>Switch to Rangers Gear<




>Switch to guthan helm, plate body, chainskirt, dds (changed to whip after special has run out) and obby shield<


Karil (karil last so if i run out of prayer i still have good defence and dont have to change for the duegon part)


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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1. Dharok


2. Verac


3. Torag


4. Karil


5. Guthan


6. Ahrim




I usually get ahrim or karil in the tunnels. Gotten torag, dharok, and i think verac in the tunnels before too.

1600+ Total.


18.3m/25m - DFS (or maybe a BGS)

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i just go anti-clockwise starting at:












ahriman(because if prayer runs out he wont hit me much anyway)


Slayer FTW!!! Currently Lvl 73

Barrows Items: 8 Dragon Drops: 5

1632 Total All Skills 60+ 1700 blog.

"If you have got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"-Flamers Watch Out

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1: dharok so i got full pray on him


2: Guthan use rest of pray on him


3: torag without pray


4: karil, usually 3 doses of p pot necesary


5: ahrim


6: Verac


What can I say? I'm a rebel, like Ché Guevara.



What the hell is Ash doing while Team Rocket says their rhyme?

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