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How do you act to newbs?


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How do you act to noobs?


Personally, I'm very friendly with them.


I usually take the time to help them, and answer there questions.




Reason to that is because once, we were all noobs.


And we were all confused!


Back in the day, people would help you, and some were very friendly.


( Well, in 2003.. )


But now, we have snobby users, what do you think the reason is


behind this?




It could be possible that when they were noobs at first, no one helped




( Possibly a circle, that never ends? )




Anyways, back on topic!


How do you act to noobs?

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well, to noobs, i beat them down with a sense of good logic, then they don't have anything on me. as for newbs, i like to help them out whenever i can.

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I personally help them aswell as you, I mkae them armour if i got bars and they dont ask, or sometimes give out a little cash. But other wise if they beg i just walk.






Heh, yeah.. It's good to be productive.


Sometimes, when I giveaway something, they sort of follow you.


That's when it has to stop.

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I don't know why people give free stuff to newbies. Then they tell everyone (other newbs) they got FREE stuff (5t00f) and want more and other newbs beg and follow you and become noobs.




But for newbies who tell me questions I try to answer them the best I can. But sometimes this happends:


newb:where varock?


me:just follow this road east and you'll be in varrock


newb: k thx


newb: can u show me? *this part gets me kinda piss off since I told him


I gotta go to varrock anyway so what the heck I show him


newb: thx!!!


Me: no


Noob (same newb as before): can i have phr33 5t00f p10x????//

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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A noob is an abusive player, and a newb is a new player. Please learn the difference.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

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There is a huge difference between a noob that comes with the sole purpose of annoying you, and a newb that does something annoying not thinking it's that annoying...


To the first, i give them a kick in the face, the seconds, I help or gently ignore, depending if what they ask demands too much effor of my part -_-



Porygon 64

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depends on the person......




if a person comes up to me and sais "hi can you please show me how to get to fallador? im a noob so i dont know where it is"


i say "sure" and help thm out.....




but today in the p2p world a lvl 16 was running around saying "give me 1mill so i can buy full dragon, can u give me now"


to him i said "work for it," and left......


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I don't really have an option as to how to act towards them...being a moderator and all...I have to be nice...but I can tell them not to beg because it's so annoying, and they'll listen...

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Are you people aware it was a TYPO!?!? :evil:




Fix your typo then.






As for newbs, I help them, and make free steel armour if I have a Rune Pickaxe on me. Free food I always give away, and I usually give advice in how they can make money being beginners, and where things are located.




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How do you act to newbs?


Personally, I'm very friendly with them.


I usually take the time to help them, and answer there questions.




Reason to that is because once, we were all newbs.


And we were all confused!


Back in the day, people would help you, and some were very friendly.


( Well, in 2003.. )


But now, we have snobby users, what do you think the reason is


behind this?




It could be possible that when they were noobs at first, no one helped




( Possibly a circle, that never ends? )




Anyways, back on topic!


How do you act to noobs?

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Are you people aware it was a TYPO!?!? :evil:




Then...fix it!








i wonder when a mod will fix it for him im betting 2 days approx




if a noob talks to me and says fr33 st00fs pl0x or can you take me 2 varrok ill call him a noob and ignore him




if a newb asks me how to get somewhere or asks me another question about the game i am helpful


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

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I don't really have an option as to how to act towards them...being a moderator and all...I have to be nice...but I can tell them not to beg because it's so annoying, and they'll listen...


If thet refuse, mute them!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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The word noob annoys me. Overused, unoriginal, nerdy, etc. But that's just my opinion.




To new people, when they ask for money, I just tell them to go earn by yourself.




To annoying people, if I'm bored I play along, if I'm busy I just ignore them.



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Well, you're talking 2 different things here.




In your forum title, you mentioned "newbs." Well, I basically just help 'em out if they need it. But I don't help them out in giving them things. Just directions or something.




For "noobs," hah, I just basically tease them. For example:




Noob: Hey, if you drop something and press Alt + F4, your item will clone!




Me: Oh really? Let me try! (Drops Rune scimmy)




>Logs out<




Wait a few minutes...




>Log in<




(Notice the noob is standing where I "dropped" my Rune scimmy)




Me: Hey, [person other than noob], what did the [noob] say when I was gone?




Other person: He said, "Hah, what a noob."




:? (That was confusing, wasnt' it?) :lol: :roll:


^ Blog.


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Are you people aware it was a TYPO!?!? :evil:


The same typo not only made in the title, but also 3 further times in the topic body?




On topic: To noobs, I just ignore them or annoy them with my uber wit, and to newbs, I try to help them out, but sometimes their stupidity gets the better of me and I just run away or something else quite mean :(






Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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depends what they ask for, if they need help finding somewhere and are nice about it i'll go out my way to take them where they want to go, if they demand i just ingore them and walk off




if someone begs for money i usually ignore them or laugh at their patheticness (dunno if thats even a word lol) but sometimes im generous and give them 1gp :D but if someones trying to buy something... for instance a bronze pick i'll just give them it for free if i have one... same if someone desperatly needs a law and are offering stupid ammounts of money, i'll just let them have it .




but it really does annoy me how you can help someone out and give them something free of charge and then they want more, and when you say no they get all offencive... its just uncalled for




BASICALLY (im rambling on now so i'll shut up) i just play it by ear, if they seem nice enough and genuenly need help i will give it to them, if they are just beggin or being a prat i ignore/laugh at them :)

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