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When Being Nice Doesn't Pay Off...


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Well... I was in Ardougne North Bank, planning to go range some hell hounds with a friend, when I see a level 11 newb asking people to take him to Fally. No one is responding, so I asked him what his mage level is, to see if I could give him the runes to tele, but it was only 7.




When I was level 13, a long time ago (I think it might of even been back in RSC), I got lost in Rimmington, and was stuck there for days, not knowing where to go, without the aid of any maps due to my old computers 'speed'!




What I'm trying to say is, that I felt sorry for him. I messaged my friend saying that I would be right back, and told the poor guy to follow me on the long trek from Ardougne to Falador. Off we set, and I tried to start talking to him, but all I got was one word answers. Slightly annoyed, by his lack of appreciation, I shut up and just kept going. As we approached White Wolf Mountain, he suddenly stopped. I told him this was the way to Fally, but his reply was 'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh', and then he ran off back to Ardougne!




Now I know my expense was only 5 minutes and 2 law runes, but it's just the fact that I had gone to the trouble to help him, and I get not even a word of thanks! I can now see why many older players who have been playing since RSC, or who are just mature children/adults (I'm 15 btw, and have been playing RS almost since the beginning. My stats don't show this due to my inactivity on and off for the best part of 3 years) think that younger players, often reeled in by MiniClip, are ruining RS.




Thanks for reading, and all comments/sympathy are welcome.




I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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This is like a super old argument. and its mostly true lol



-------------------------------|||121/124 Cmb|||-------------------------------

|||98/99 Str|||99/99 Att|||97/99 Def|||82/90 Range|||91/94 Magic|||


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God! don't put a LINK TO MINICLIP!!






Anyway he was probably scared of the wolves and thought you were trying to get him killed :roll:




Lol! I have edited it now!


Never thought of that actually, but comon running through them wouldn't hurt, and as he wasn't wearing anything, it might have been better if he had died... that probably would have been closer to Falador anyway...


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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Yeah, he was level 11 the wolves could of owned him. But he could of at least said thanks for your time... I hate it when people just assume you have time for anything they want.


I was in fally the other day when some level 33 comes up to me. He starts shooting questions at me. I answer them, as the minutes passed he asked a question I didn't know the answer to. I said I didn't know and he called me a noob and ran off. No thanks for the other questions I had answered?

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Ya, at my school I used to be the only one playing...but then some kid saw me and started playing, and told his pal who told his brother who told his friend...and now there are about 50 people playing!! :evil: I hate miniclip and all it's games!!!(except runescape)

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Yeah, he was level 11 the wolves could of owned him. But he could of at least said thanks for your time... I hate it when people just assume you have time for anything they want.


I was in fally the other day when some level 33 comes up to me. He starts shooting questions at me. I answer them, as the minutes passed he asked a question I didn't know the answer to. I said I didn't know and he called me a noob and ran off. No thanks for the other questions I had answered?




Lol yeah... what we do for our masters hey?




Anyway, I'm off to bed as I live in England, but I'll check post in the morning to reply to all of you guys' wonderful comments!


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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90% of the players playing rs are 10 year old kids who don't even know how to spell "thank you" in whole or understand what "manners" mean.




And with the shear annonymity of rs, you are most likely never ever gonna see them again anyway.




Being brutally nice doesnt pay, though i do occationally spare a few souls (no puns intended) and tele them.




The thing is, some of these noobs dont even bother looking IN THE WORLD MAP, or THE MANUAL. They expect someone to be there for them to teach them everything so they can be t3h pwn in one day. They can teleport to fali, but them don't even wanna use their own runes.

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:( happens all the time. :? A better idea next time is to use tele-other, ask him to check the map, and finally show him the bank and teach him to use the 'lumbridge tele.'

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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lol once a newb came to me and asked me where the monestary was (I was at edgeville) then I decided to show him... so I walked there, he followed me, then I walked back nad suddenly got attacked with ancients by some1 my level... I teleported back to edgeville with glory... when I looked at public chat history I notced that the newb said "Yes got him!!!" when I got attacked lol


kinda sad :P

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He might have thought you were trying to kill him, considering he didn't know where he was (Or atleast I'm guessing he didn't know) So he probably thought that anyone who tried to get him killed wasn't worth a thank you?




Whatever, in the end, we all end up still livin life.

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I would of taken him by boat and not over the mountain...




Just a thought if the same situation comes up again...




Though now I just zap them to whereever they need to go...








(((hugs her mage lvl)))





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You be nice for rewards? I dont see that as being nice to be honest. He most likely thought you were trying to kill him which is why he ran


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When you do something nice for someone, for they need help. Remember its in your own free-will. And don't expect something to be returned for the nice thing you did. For if you expect it, notihng will be returned towards you. Instead just carry on with what youyou do and Karma will take its course :P


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well saying thanks doesn't take a lot of time and effort.

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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thats acually a quite often occurance with me too much, cuz im an uber nice guy on rs and people like that always merk me..

"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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When you do something nice for someone, for they need help. Remember its in your own free-will. And don't expect something to be returned for the nice thing you did. For if you expect it, notihng will be returned towards you. Instead just carry on with what youyou do and Karma will take its course :P




No, I wasn't asking for a bronze med helm or 10gp or anything (lol), but just him trying to make the effort to have a conversation with me, and/or say thanks would have been nice. I wasn't expecting any rewards at all, but good point, and thanks for making it.


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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You could have also taken him around the edge of the mountain (many people forget that there is a safe path around the lower edge of it cause its longer than going on the mountain).




I do agree it was rude of him though.

Call me Kat, or Kathy Corkat

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Yeah... I realise now there were many other routes I could have taken, but that was the first one that popped into my head.


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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Well, simply you could go around the mountain instead of through it.. or if hes done the quest you could of gone underground.. Well anyway this proofs how cold-hearted people can be...

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Knowing that you have helped someone is a reward in itself.




I do acknowledge that there are some players in RS who lack proper manners and therefore it can be frustrating to help out those. But equally there are some new players who are very polite and will thank you appropriately after you have helped them.




We shouldn't be put off from helping others because of a small number of immature players. When I started playing about 6 months ago, I was mining coals west of Seers and kept getting attacked by Giant Bats. The guy who "rescued" me in now one of my best mate in RS :)

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Knowing that you have helped someone is a reward in itself.




I do acknowledge that there are some players in RS who lack proper manners and therefore it can be frustrating to help out those. But equally there are some new players who are very polite and will thank you appropriately after you have helped them.




We shouldn't be put off from helping others because of a small number of immature players. When I started playing about 6 months ago, I was mining coals west of Seers and kept getting attacked by Giant Bats. The guy who "rescued" me in now one of my best mate in RS :)




Yeah, good point! This has made me want to be even nicer to other RS players, in the hope of new friends and appreciation.


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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