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What is your IQ?


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My official pro IQ test puts me at 168. In other words, I'm in the "genius" catagory. I took this test last year.




This online test gave me a 115, putting me at "Above Average". It's a bit off. Just a bit. I don't trust online IQ tests.




einstein's estimated iq is between 160-180. so i assume your a world class physicist? :roll:




bill clintons iq was 182, and i dont believe he was all that great of a physist.



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My official pro IQ test puts me at 168. In other words, I'm in the "genius" catagory. I took this test last year.




This online test gave me a 115, putting me at "Above Average". It's a bit off. Just a bit. I don't trust online IQ tests.




einstein's estimated iq is between 160-180. so i assume your a world class physicist? :roll:




bill clintons iq was 182, and i dont believe he was all that great of a physist.




i highly doubt his iq was 182. monica was ugly as hell.

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My official pro IQ test puts me at 168. In other words, I'm in the "genius" catagory. I took this test last year.




This online test gave me a 115, putting me at "Above Average". It's a bit off. Just a bit. I don't trust online IQ tests.




einstein's estimated iq is between 160-180. so i assume your a world class physicist? :roll:




bill clintons iq was 182, and i dont believe he was all that great of a physist.




i highly doubt his iq was 182. monica was ugly as hell.




And you think Einstein's affairs were hot?


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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I tried iqtest.com a while ago and got 191, and just now I got




Personalized IQ report for Alex !




Your age adjusted IQ score is 154 and the average score of all test takers is 100.




Quite honestly I thought the test was malarky. There was only one question on there I couldn't answer and that was due to my laziness. Lots of the stuff relied on a person's knowledge of things like geography, too. I wouldn't go by this test at all.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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I hope you realize that online IQ tests can't be trusted for accurate results, no matter how professional sounding they are




Yeah, my sister has her master of psychology and she had to know what she had to do when testing somebody's IQ. An accurate test takes up to 6 hours of questioning, performed by specialised people only.


I did the first part of the test and it already took 2 hours; it was fun though, just doing some puzzles and associating stuff with eachother :lol:






Oh, by the way: Clinton's IQ is NOT 182 lol. Also note that IQ isn't measured on just mathematical faces; that's why you can be the math wiz but still score lower than average.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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They jack up your score depending on your age or something, stupid test all around :roll:


It said my iq was like 101 or something because it said they averaged my iq to be close to others who took the test my age before me. Who the hell averages a IQ Test?


Oh well, getting ready for the torrent of spam I will be getting in about a year or so :?

Retired from runescape

(Banned for bug abusing)

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I might take an I.Q test one day. There's nothing like messing up your ego :P




You do that, Bubs. :wink:




I got 106 with this one, our 'national' IQ test gave ma result of 117. But I never took a 'real' IQ test. I'm not really interested in it either. I did the one on T.V. for entertainment purposes, together with my friends (everybody answered alone of course) and this one out of boredom.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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My official pro IQ test puts me at 168. In other words, I'm in the "genius" catagory. I took this test last year.




This online test gave me a 115, putting me at "Above Average". It's a bit off. Just a bit. I don't trust online IQ tests.




Surprised no one else pointed out that a self proclaimed genius cant spell "category".

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My official pro IQ test puts me at 168. In other words, I'm in the "genius" catagory. I took this test last year.




This online test gave me a 115, putting me at "Above Average". It's a bit off. Just a bit. I don't trust online IQ tests.

x2, i got a 120 on the test, but my IQ, according to the what my parents say :roll: is 148, just goes to show how little you can trust unline thingummies

R.I.P. Shiva

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...amazing how the average is 100 yet 90% of this forum seems to be above 130 and many of us seem to be above 150. Incredible.




We tipiters were really blessed with an uncommon inteligence.


Or geeks are good at IQ questions... :lol:


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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We tipiters were really blessed with an uncommon inteligence.
I'd say that that's a rather bold statement, unless you mean an uncommon lack of intelligence...
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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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