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Tip.It Times Presents: Pure Essence, Pure Disaster?


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swarming the place with npcs is a bad idea, as said before alpt of low lvl players legitimetly mine essence as a way to make money


it would be unfair to them to make it so they cant go there without being in danger of dying


not only that but most the the legitimate essence on the market comes form the low lvl miners who use it as a source of money, making it so they couldnt mine it would raise the prices of essence




i like the idea of having a puzzle to solve to get in to the mining place, it might b e annoying but it would only take 2 seconds




for instance before you get teleported aubury will ask you to chose from 3 numbers which are radnomly selected from numbers 1-9


the number he wants you to choose will appear in the text box and all you have to do i choose that number




i think that would be an easy way to stop macroers




did you even read my post? a script can be written in about 5 minutes to beat that puzzle. Alos, the monsters wouldn't attack lovl level players if they have exp in some other skills (not necessarily combat).

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Mining essense is completely boring and gives you hardly any experience, that is why people like to buy it. The only people mining it are low levels, which has been throwing off the game a lot. Everyone seems to own full rune before they even have the levels to equipt it nowadays. I suggest that instead of having to mine rune essense there should be a place where you can just buy it at a fixed price of 40-50 gp a piece. Once all the macroed essense is used up the price is going to jump to maybe even 80 gp a piece. No one wants to waste their membership time mining rune essense.




Then you would have bots buying the ess instead of mining it. There are free scripts available that do this with feathers....buy for 2gp and then the macroers sell them for 10gp or more.

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I think this is the easiest solution:


Lets pretend your mining coal. You have to mine it, wait a bit, mine it, wait a bit over and over again. Why not do this with Rune Essence? When Aubury teleports you to the Rune Ess mine, you have your own individiual mine, but instead of your guy automatically mining it, you have to wait for it to respawn or whatever, and lets just pretend it takes a minute to respawn and there is only one rock. Then there will be no fighting over rocks, no lower lvls will die and autoers will take much longer to mine ess. It will take over 30 minutes to mine just one load of ess (1 minute respawn time 28 times means 28 minutes, plus the time needing to mine the actual ess). And then combine that with that other idea, that instead of you guy being teleported back to varrock, maybe to lvl 40 wilderness or some remote place like that.


The end result? Ess will still be in the market, lower lvls will still be able to mine it and no fighting over it because you always have your individual portal.




Or if that doesn't work, destroy the whole Ess mine together and just make Rune Esssence a normal rock like iron, coal, mithril and put some in the Mining Guild and in Dwarven mines. Genius.




30 minutes to mine 30 ess???????? that will hurt the economy worse than this update. But at least you're trying.

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Joe Schmoe mentioned something about a combat or total level requirement to enter the new ess mines.




Couldn't scripters get around this?


How hard would it be to create a script that makes the server think you have a total level of 1400 when it's actually 30?




without getting into specifics, no... they would have to modify the packets being sent to the server, and they would have to mimic authentication... which would take 6 billion years to do, so no.




Also does anyone actually believe that Jagex will undo this and admit that they did something wrong? or is everyone of the mind that Jagex will never admit wrongdoing/idiocy and we shall now be forced to live with this moronic update?




The protocol has already been broken. The problem lies not in the sending of the information, but in the getting the server to accept it. Sending hacked info to a server will get you banned faster than swearing at mods.

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*waves* Hi Odd, finally got around to reading your article lol




The problem is not how they solved the issue of essence autoers, your solutions are almost as ridiculous. The problem is that they (and you) are trying to put use band-aid solutions to solve the much larger problem of autoing, which is not restrictive to mining essence, or even mining.




Jagex has what, 150 full time employees? Would it be too much to ask if ONE of them secretly patrolled the mines and banned 1000 people a day? seriously, autoers are not hard to pick out... they are almost always level 3 with no other skils besides mining, usualy have the default clothing style and are wearing nothing, and of course don't respond to you.




The newer bots are even programmed to server hop immediately if a mod talks.. so better yet have the staff member talk and log the names of everyone who logs off within the next second, and inspect each account individually.




Simply making autoing less profitable or harder will not solve anything, because it takes these people no effort to run the programs.. they dont care if they are making 5% of what they use to, they will keep running them.






[02] -RuneScript- *** [ END ]: You gained 444,384 prayer exp in 5secs. That's 319,956,480 exp/h.

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Hard....no...impossible...impossibly hard. All that sort of information is stored server-side (on Jagex's computers), and all the "stat-changers" and "gold multipliers" work client side (only on your computer). The only way to trick the server into thinking you have more levels than you actually do is to actually change them on the Jagex servers which are HEAVILY protected.




The other way would be to find out how the runescape applet sends it's encripted data to the servers. Then you send the servers what you want to send them using that encription key... like i want 10k xp in mining and bang you get it.. which Jagex would probably have safeguards against anyway....but the hard part would still be cracking the encription... it would probably take about the same amount of time it's gonna take for our sun to go nova.

Always selling amulets of strength 3k ea

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*waves* Hi Odd, finally got around to reading your article lol




The problem is not how they solved the issue of essence autoers, your solutions are almost as ridiculous. The problem is that they (and you) are trying to put use band-aid solutions to solve the much larger problem of autoing, which is not restrictive to mining essence, or even mining.




Jagex has what, 150 full time employees? Would it be too much to ask if ONE of them secretly patrolled the mines and banned 1000 people a day? seriously, autoers are not hard to pick out... they are almost always level 3 with no other skils besides mining, usualy have the default clothing style and are wearing nothing, and of course don't respond to you.




The newer bots are even programmed to server hop immediately if a mod talks.. so better yet have the staff member talk and log the names of everyone who logs off within the next second, and inspect each account individually.




Simply making autoing less profitable or harder will not solve anything, because it takes these people no effort to run the programs.. they dont care if they are making 5% of what they use to, they will keep running them.








Theres just a little problem with putting moderators in the ess mine and guarding it. Mods are real people as well, so they can play runescape just like everybody else. they shouldnt be the ones having to give up playing time just to make sure that the autoers get caught.




why dont jagex make their own bot. a bot that makes one of their guys stay in the ess mine and say a sentance every once in a while. just like Pker_dude said that new bots change world when a mod talks. the bot will then record names of all people that appear to be autoers.


but thats pretty silly. Jagex using a bot to catch more bots...doesnt quite break the ice does it?



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I have no idea what Jagex was thinking, this does not solve the macroing problem at all. It' just diverted it to another resource. Macroers will likely go into coal mining and yew chopping now. And Jagex really screwed over some of my f2p merchant friends.

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Yep...then coal and yews will go down in price. But remember, you need 30 mining to mine coal and 60 woodcuttin to chop yews, Getting 30 mining doesnt take long, but 60 woodcutting will take a bit of determination. I think people who automine these things will be easier to spot out, because theyll have high mining/woodcutting and 1 on everything else. but yea, i agree with you. theyve just diverted it, and even know they can still automine it just as easy, if not easier because there won't be as many people mining ess to be suspicious.



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Theres just a little problem with putting moderators in the ess mine and guarding it. Mods are real people as well, so they can play runescape just like everybody else. they shouldnt be the ones having to give up playing time just to make sure that the autoers get caught.




They are on payroll, if they are getting paid they should do whatever the hell jagex asks of them. Jagex should feel no obligation to allow their staff to have fun lol


[02] -RuneScript- *** [ END ]: You gained 444,384 prayer exp in 5secs. That's 319,956,480 exp/h.

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Mods get paid?!?!? :shock: I didn't know that. And about the fooling jagex to think you have 1400 total skill, that is entirely out of the question. Its just so impossible.

~~Proud Member of The Supreme Skillers~~




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I remember a time when I could buy and sell chaos runes for 50gp, death runes for 100gp, laws for 200, and natures for 50. This, however, was before the introduction of runecrafting, and all runes were not so easily obtained. Now after RS2 and runecrafting, the prices for chaos are 100, death for 200, laws for 1000, and natures for 300. I don't think they'll be pushed any further.




To me it seems kind of odd that prices would inflate on objects that had become quite a bit easier to obtain. Though essence prices might change, it should not be that much of an issue for money. There are many better ways to make money, low levels shouldn't have it THAT easy in my opinion. It doesn't take long to be able to mine iron/coal or to be able to chop willows or even yews(woodcutting rises fast).




The new shortage of pure essence may encourage runecrafters to mine their own essence more, and does make it more time consuming to raise runecrafting. This does cause some complications. If Jagex staff was encouraged to double the exp gained from pure essence,(or multiply it x1.5) it would make it more worthwile. There could also be more random events to make the essence trips more interesting.




Please keep in mind that there are pure players that might not appreciate being punished in an attempt to get rid of macroers. It would only make matters much worse for the mages and some miners that want essence. I would also prefer not to see something added that would just be annoying to most people.




Detouring macroers is quite a complex complication no matter how you look at it. They may not have been stopped completely, but it does make it harder for them to profit from the essence mines. I doubt you'll see a massive number of macroers starting to infest the essence mines on members world because of this. However, this may not have been the best solution for getting rid of macroers, but it does make the game less effected by them if you look at it right. The massive amount of macroers is a problem I shall meditate upon. I truly disagree with them being able to infest the game.

~10 out of 10 cows agree. The greatest Runescape addition was the rubber chicken.


~Today, we watch Runescape's grass grow. Tomorrow, we watch it's pots boil!

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Mods get paid?!?!? :shock: I didn't know that. And about the fooling jagex to think you have 1400 total skill, that is entirely out of the question. Its just so impossible.




Just to clear things up. PDJ was refering to JAGEX moderators. NOT Player mods.




Good article Odd.



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I still think that pure essence is a good idea, but i do think that maybe they could have warned the free players. being a member it diddn't really affect me... so i guess it isn't fair for those who lost their money, and a good way for jagex to pay it's restitution is to have the magic shop keepers buy back the useless essence at 30gp ea* so everyone gets their money back, can go on playing runescape, and live happily ever after.




(* 30gp seems to be the average price I was seeing at the bank.) :idea:

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I still think that pure essence is a good idea, but i do think that maybe they could have warned the free players. being a member it diddn't really affect me... so i guess it isn't fair for those who lost their money, and a good way for jagex to pay it's restitution is to have the magic shop keepers buy back the useless essence at 30gp ea* so everyone gets their money back, can go on playing runescape, and live happily ever after.




(* 30gp seems to be the average price I was seeing at the bank.)




How would they be able to tell when everyone had sold their essence? Not all players that have essence are still playing, and this would encourage macroers to mine essence even more because essence would become easier to sell.

~10 out of 10 cows agree. The greatest Runescape addition was the rubber chicken.


~Today, we watch Runescape's grass grow. Tomorrow, we watch it's pots boil!

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Well if you look at the amount of ess consumption going on in world 66 law crafting you ca neasily tell that we will soon run short on pure ess.




most p2p players have better ways to make money then to mine ess.




so in the end there is not going to be enough PURE ess to support are the needs of are runecrafters

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First of all, let me say I did not read the complete thread, just the first several pages.




Call me a flamer if you want, but this is my opinion, if you don't agree with my opinion then good for you, I encourage everyone to form their own opinion.




In my opinion it sounds like you all are whining because you will no longer be able to buy ill gotten ess from f2p macroers and you are jilted. Go out and earn your levels like the rest of us honest players do.




If you don't want to mine, go kill some banshees or walaski's to get your ess.




I applaud Jagex for taking a huge step in elimiating a huge number of macroers who are ruining the Runescape economy and encouraging unfair play.


In a world without fences, who needs GATES?

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i jusyt want to say.... thank you for that last comment. it's pretty much what i wanted to say it, i just didn't have the balls. :lol:


and for the guy that replied to my message, well if people pay attention enough they will go sell their essence while they have the time, and as for macroers, i guess it wont matter because its for a LIMITED TIME.

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I'm with Gildog. You guys are a bunch of whiners. Keep in mind that the "f" in "f2p" means free. I have never seen so much whining about something that is free. I'll tell you what - all you whiners, I'll give you triple your money back.




Real life sometimes throws you curveballs. Something that was legal yesterday may be illegal today. Losers complain, winners adapt. You guys are losers.

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I really dont make money with ess, but i think this update is really unfair to all the low level f2pers that do. And here's something to think about:the macroers that were mining ess might have been breaking the rules, but they were the ones that provided the majority of the ess in the world. They allowed services like world 66 law crafting. LOL it's kind of like mexican immigrants in america. People hate them, but they provide essential labor that nobody else wants to do :)

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The problem is now that people might have to mine their own essence instead of buying it is that it takes more time to level runecrafting that way. Runecrafting gives a small amount of exp compared to other stats, but there was abundant supply of rune essence that made up for that. After the update, it will take much longer for people to level runecrafting.




Money isn't truly that much of an issue unless people start selling pure essence for ridiculous prices.(say 150 an essence) Other than that, there shouldn't be that much of an effect. I doubt rune prices will rise. If you stocked up on tons of essence on free server, you could take time to turn them into air or mind runes to gain exp and money. You'd get up to 8 runes per essence from these(depending on your runecrafting level) and be able to sell them at regular price. That should even things out there.

~10 out of 10 cows agree. The greatest Runescape addition was the rubber chicken.


~Today, we watch Runescape's grass grow. Tomorrow, we watch it's pots boil!

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I applaud Jagex for taking a huge step in elimiating a huge number of macroers who are ruining the Runescape economy and encouraging unfair play.




Why don't you go look at the ess mines before you go nuts with a standing ovation for Jagex. There are just as many ess macroers down there now as ever. Nothing has changed, aside from a drop in the value of ess.




This drop in ess prices means macroers make 50% less profit on no effort, while legitimate players only get paid half as much for the same work they were doing. Legitimate players are the only ones who get hurt by this update, macroers are not affected. The cheating filth that are ruining our game, are laughing all the way to the bank about this update.




Real life sometimes throws you curveballs. Something that was legal yesterday may be illegal today. Losers complain, winners adapt. You guys are losers.




So assuming Jagex were to just delete half of your gp on a whim, if you were to complain, that would make you a loser? Alot of people took catastrophic losses because of this update, yet you expect them to just move on as if nothing happened? Apparently you would have no problem with years of your work being deleted instantaneously, for some half baked update, that doesn't improve the macroing problem in the least. Somehow I am skeptical.

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gildogg wrote:




I applaud Jagex for taking a huge step in elimiating a huge number of macroers who are ruining the Runescape economy and encouraging unfair play.






Why don't you go look at the ess mines before you go nuts with a standing ovation for Jagex. There are just as many ess macroers down there now as ever. Nothing has changed, aside from a drop in the value of ess.




This drop in ess prices means macroers make 50% less profit on no effort, while legitimate players only get paid half as much for the same work they were doing. Legitimate players are the only who get hurt by this update, macroers are not affected. The cheating filth that are ruining our game, are laughing all the way to the bank about this update.




Where are they selling the essence now?

~10 out of 10 cows agree. The greatest Runescape addition was the rubber chicken.


~Today, we watch Runescape's grass grow. Tomorrow, we watch it's pots boil!

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