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Tip.It Times Presents: Pure Essence, Pure Disaster?


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stop complaining about macroers!!!!!!!


do you realize that almost (im not more) than half the rune ess that you buy is mined by autoers? (yes you have all bought "dirty" ess)


if half the supply of ess just dissapears then the prices shoot up!


Imagine if half the whips that get dropped just stopped comming!


the prices would shoot up to about 5 mil in a little over a week!


The same thing is going to happen to pure essence because all the ess being mined by the outoers has stopped comming and listen to this:


Not only has the ess mined by the autoers stopped comming, YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT ALMOST ALL OF THE ESS MINED BY "NON-AUTOERS" IS MINED BY NON MEMBERS!!!!




Read the first post of the previous page to see how this will effect the entire economy.




It'd probably be easier to make your point if you typed normally.




Higher essence prices aren't going to be significant. But even if it is, it is a good thing for people who obtain their essence without breaking rules.




This is like comparing cheap corporate inorganic food grown by large companies who hire illegal immigrants to do the harvesting and can give less of a sh`t about the consumers to the local organic farmer's market.

I am a tree.

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add skittlz42069 to ur buddylist email me at mallcitybrandy at yahoo.com i will give anyone who asks, the price difference for the new essence. keep the essence, but maybe this will make it less.... worthless, and u all can finally shut up.




That is a very generous offer and quite frankly, I'm impressed by your willingness to give from your own pocket to those affected by this update. I cannot accept your offer as you have made it under duress by my previous statement.




As generous as your offer may be though, I ask you to consider this. You can make such a kind offer, because you are capable of incurring that loss, but imagine you had invested all of your wealth into rune ess just before this update was released. You would have instantaneously and unavoidably lost half your money. Assuming you had been playing runescape since 2001, that would effectively be more than two years worth of gp lost overnight. Certainly you would consider this to be a serious and legitimate grievance?

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my solution for this problem is simple.


do rune ess like many other things.




level1 mining-bad rune essence, you can only craft 1 of each rune using this no matter what you rc level is and some may fail (much like iron ore), and only the 6 basic runes,mined only on free., f2p and p2p item.




level 25 mining-Rune essence-can craft 2 max of each rune using this no matter what your rc level is, only the 6 basic runes, mined only on free. f2p and p2p item.




level 60 mining-Good rune essense-can craft just like runecrafting was before, it does double triple whatever of each rune depending on rc level,


and is good for all runes, can be mined on f2p and p2p.




level 70 mining-Pure rune essence- Cant craft more runes then before per rune essence depending on skill (ex: at lik 55 youd craft 4-5 air runes or more, (that way its slightly easier to rc), good for all runes, mined, only on members servers, p2p only item.






that way not only would it stop macros cause first noone wants to buy bad rune essence so no member will buy and not many non members., second they have to work hard to be able to mine regular rune ess(which still wont sell good at all), and even harder to mine good rune ess(which they may sell but hey chances are they wont risk losing 60 mining to macro it), also allows members to mine it after some work. Third, it rewards legitimate players by giving a new rune essense that makes more runes per ess then even before(and only members can mine it and most members wont use macros cause they pay!). making it more expensive but also makes it easier to rc sometimes.




that way we punish only the bad, and reward only the good.




what do yall think...matter of fact im posting this on runescape forums.

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well i think they should just make the level for mining rune essence 50 or something no botter wants 2 get it up that high...or just make it you have to type a number before you even go in the portal

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Jagex has done little, if anything, to solve this problem. Macroers are still mining essence. Flooding the area with NPCs to attack them seems like the way to fix it.




I just killed 2 macroers by closing the magic shop door and trapping them inside with a lvl 6 mugger. They simply stood there and got beaten like rented mules until they were dead. :D



The only easy day was yesterday.

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My problem with the update is that Jagex have tried to stomp out FREE player marcoers, but have done almost nothing for the MEMBER ones (I admit they aren't many). Surely with this update, more and more scum will just pay the $5 a month, nothing compared to what they make from sell their gp for rl cash, and become members, and swamp our relativly clean worlds.








Brilliant article though, but I'm starting to think that Jagex don't even look at our suggestions anymore.

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Everybody has ideas but then again all ideas have a bad point. I think Jagex should make normal rune essence non tradeable with people, but you can buy it from a store for 30-50gp each. Then there will be no point to macro it if your going to sell it for real money, but you can still runecraft it. Plus, if the macroers go p2p, they wont want to face the chances of getting banned. (thats with every idea)




Also with having to have skills to macro ess, most of the macroers just use throw-away accounts that they use to mine the ess, but usually have higher lvl ones that might have 50 mining. that means its only a few lvls away from making profit.




Byut, im not saying that the ideas are bad. my idea will is bad as well because some lower lvls mine ess as a main source of making money, which will completely distrupt them.




as i said, all ideas have a good point and a bad point.


P.S: nice work killing those macroers with the mugger!



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Thats really annoyng cause now my member mage pure cant mine pure ess for nats cause it needs 30 mining :( :(


and thats a great point my paddy i agree strongly with you ... surely then can afford the $5 membership when ther making money in the thousands




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wow... you can hit the caps button. You earn the official award for pointless capital letters in a middle of a statement! Congratulations! What are you going to do now?




I'm going to DISNEY WORLD!
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I don't personally auto, and never will (because that ruins the gaming experience for me, personally.)




However, what is WRONG with autoers? Sure they're not "legitimate players," but that doesn't affect the mainstream. In fact, it's GOOD. Members and free players alike can keep down the inflation. Since these autoers get masses of ess, it keeps down the prices. Oh you can go into a big moral dilemma about cheating, but it's not like you're the one cheating, it's someone else, and coincidentally, their cheating helps the honest players also. With this new update, it just hurts the honest player, ess is crushed for honest players and members, and autoers can still easily auto. I don't see what the big problem was in the first place...autoers HELP most people, not hurt, and it's not my problem if they get caught/banned/feel bad, it just helps me. Honestly, who wants to buy ess more than 30 each? Autoers prevented this...and once the "pure ess stock" runs out, we'll all be...in a less than happy state ;D!

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Whether it's helping people or not, it's still cheating. In one point of view, the fact that they get such great hords of essence could be hurting the game by making it far too easy to obtain. It is always wrong to cheat.




I'm also going to ask: Did the rune prices go down after the introduction to runecrafting?

~10 out of 10 cows agree. The greatest Runescape addition was the rubber chicken.


~Today, we watch Runescape's grass grow. Tomorrow, we watch it's pots boil!

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I thiink the update is STUPID!!




all my lower lvl no member friends mine essence, and it's one of a few quick ways to money in f2p.






Just ip ban autoers


I agree with the ip ban(if possible) and I cant get my rc up!!!! I am not that great of mage but now ive only got 385 pure ess in my bank, and I want to get mage up, but i have a former p2p bank, which I played f2p awile just to get some extra cash, xp, especially rc, my weakest f2p skill, I mined about 3k regular ess, rced, and was left with 385. Now since they changed all the ess that has members items in it, im not getting rid of a dlong and full mystic just so i can make some runes. Even if they had changed it back to regular ess I could care less, but nooooo, now I have to somehow find somebody selling pure ess, waist tons of extra money on driven up ess that i still dont need because im only crafting airs anyway. They also forgot how much you can sell the gold for. If the macroer gets enough, sells the gold, and gets the rl money, they can still pay for lvl 3 membership, do the quest real fast and still get a profit. They can also use the driven up prices to sell the ess for even more, making them more money(runescape and rl), therby letting them mine more. It only takes 2,673 ess to get to lvl 30, and since theres still a market on the normal ess they can get some extra cash to boot (i mean ive barely seen a dent in the ess prices) they could of course invest the money on an addy pick, level once, and let the macro do its thing. Alot of the sites that I see advertising gold for varios MMOs, includes runescape, normally the mininmum is 1m. This can net enough money for 4 months of subscription. I think this members only thing could just encorage MORE macros since players are going to want to pay more because of the decreased number of miners causes the demand and price to go up. I seriously agree with option 2(having two types of ess, one requiring some higher combat).Thats my thoughts.Bye.

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i personally think pure essence has ruined the game for f2p money makers.. but its sort of better that they changed it to f2p

"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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well i think they should just make the level for mining rune essence 50 or something no botter wants 2 get it up that high.




Did you read previous posts? thats kinda sappin' off of my idea. :?

~~Proud Member of The Supreme Skillers~~




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Im not getting you. Alright, so we have the peeps who are Autoing. Why the hell should we care? its not like theyre taking our essence! its not like the essence rock ever needs to be refreshed. I mean, whats the god dam problem? its keeping essence prices down due to the mass that is produced by the autoers. Its keeping the econamy stable! Whats the difference between the free essence and the Pure essence anyways? does the pure essence have higher rune capabilities when you craft them? Its just confusing.

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wow... you can hit the caps button. You earn the official award for pointless capital letters in a middle of a statement! Congratulations! What are you going to do now?


'grats, you can differentiate uppercase letters from lowercase. So what's your point? You didn't even contribute to the point at all.




And you can't even fake a quote right. Dumbass.

I am a tree.

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I do not care for the changes that Jagex have made, even though I have not been affected. It does note seem fair to F2Pers, beginner members and all those with stockpiles of devalued ess.




I hate the idea of PINs and monsters at the mine.




Random exits?...hmm.




How about something akin to the Tears of Guthix system?




The colour of the rockface keeps changing and you have to change your view (with keyboard to spot the changes). If you mine the blue rock, you get essence....mine enough green rock and you lose essence, or get attacked by golem, or teleported out etc etc.

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i think the pure essence thing is pure brilliance....




I suggest NOT mining ess and trying to do something else to make cash.




Sence jagex really doesnt want to change thier idea. (or so i think, i could be wrong)




i really like the guthix tears idea thing though

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I think this was just another article that puts down Jagex! I think the update was well thought out and perfect for what they were attempting to adjust. Do any of you realize that it only takes a little less than 2700 rune essence to get 30 mining? That means in 100 trips you'll have high enough mining to get the pure essence. It would even take less time to just mine tin or copper to get to that lvl and mine your pure essence. To the people that were free server players, didn't have a high enough mining lvl, and spent "millions" on essence...they got what they deserved! Get the lvls and get your skills up! I doubt there are many ppl that fit all these criteria, but if you do, you're an idiot for spending "millions" stocking up on something you can't even use. This article almost sounds like somebody is feeling guilty about macroing, or like they've been "found out" and they want to take it out on the same game that compelled them to do this act...stop whining and making up situations, and just play the game!

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Whether it's helping people or not, it's still cheating. In one point of view, the fact that they get such great hords of essence could be hurting the game by making it far too easy to obtain. It is always wrong to cheat.




I'm also going to ask: Did the rune prices go down after the introduction to runecrafting?




from what i remember, before rs2 was introduced these were some of the rune prices:




Bloods: 2k each


Death: 1k each


Law: 1k each


Nature: 350-450gp each


Chaos: 300-400gp each


Mind: 40gp each

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i have another solution:




the requirements for mining pure ess should be lvl 30 mining AND lvl 27 runecrafting (the level of the first member rune)


in addition, free players should be able to mine pure ess




the result is that ess would be much less appealing for macroers because they need to level up two unrelated skills, and have an excellent chance of being caught by jagex by then. runecrafting is also harder macro.




since free players can mine pure ess, the price would go down, almost to its pre-update price, making normal ess less desirable and less common, and most people may stop selling it altogether.




i think this is a good idea. too bad no one will see it here :?




i like that idea too...they could give them the benefit of the doubt by making the requirement 25 rc lvl, but the idea is strong...peronally i don't think the lvl 30 mining lvl is much of a punishment...seems like a slap on the wrist, i bet i could make a new character and get his mining lvl up to 30 in about an hour if i tried!

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