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thoughts on Law Running ettiquette


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i'm not trying to be the polite police, but there are some things that people do on the world 66 entrana that drive me insane. it seems to be the runners that do these things more often than the crafters (which is not to say that all crafters are peaches and effing cream), maybe because crafters tend to be more experienced players or more focused on crafting, or maybe because there's just more runners hanging around to get on your nerves.


anywho, here are just a few faux pas's that i try to avoid-




Attacking NPC's in the crafting area - This really gets in the way of looking for open crafters, and it closes out several spaces on the right-click menu if the unicorns, fire birds, or bears (oh my!) happen to be on the same square as someone with whom you wish to trade. not to mention that it's just plain annoying. if you absolutely must whet your appetite for a barefisted smackdown, please do so a good distance away from the crafting gounds


also, leave the effing cats at home. although having a cat around isn't as visually distracting as a fight, they get in the way just as much. don't you just hate it when you see the bottom of the right-click menu and it says "walk here this_guy, follow this_guy" and then it just cuts off? me too




Open.....(no name) - in case you didn't notice it can get a scooch crowded around the law altar, and if you're at the bottom of a 50-player lawcrafting orgy, you're kinda difficult to separate from the crowd. so if you just say "open" it could be any of the players stacked up in that particular square, and since text flies fast and furious during lawrunning, your "open" can easily get pushed outside of the message box before most can read who just squeaked out from beneath the dogpile


here's a helpful hint, one that most crafters use to great avail - say "(your name) open". now i realize that this can be a lot of typing if your name is Sk8tboarderInuyashaL337GokuPkerofdeathLinkinParkFan457281002, so just try using an abreviated version of your name, such as "Sk8t open". yes, i realize that there are 457,281,001 other Sk8tboarderInuyashaL337GokuPkerofdeathLinkinParkFans out there who might use the same nickname, but hopefully they won't be lawcrafting at the same time.




Idle Chatter - this isn't really as big a peeve as the others on this list, but it does get old after a while, and i still have nothing better to with my time than this post ; ). as previously stated, there's a lot going on at the lawrunning site and needless text tends to clutter up the screen, especially when you feel the need to dress it up in flashing lights and flowing text. i'm sure that we're all fascinated by what level you are, what happened on last night's "inuyasha", or just how much you hate those stinking noobs, but maybe you could find a more appropriate forum for discussing these topics, such as the varrock marketplace, or the 7th circle of hell. either one works.


This topic actually leads quite nicely into my final beef, which is...




LAW ME!!!!!! - how about you go law yourself, pal? lawrunning 101 - there are a more runners than there are crafters, a lot more; you now need them much more than they need you. i mean, seriously, do you thing that there's this guy standing there in red robes, wringing his hands and fretting "oh no, who shall i ever get to take these FREE EFFING LAW RUNES off my hands? woe is me!" and you ride in on your white horse, declaring "Fear thee Not! For behold, I come bearing Essences to relieve you of your terrible Burden. LAW ME!"


let that image simmer for a moment, just to get the full effect...


ok, i got a little thick on the sarcasm there, but this is probably the most annoying thing to me since unsliced bread. the demand for law runes far surpasses the supply, so the runecrafters don't have to seek people out to get them essences. all they have to do is show up in a set of zamorack robes and they're deluged by trade requests. probably the worst of this is running off to the edge of the crowd and screaming "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LAW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" if you can't get a trade request through, making yourself less accessible and more vocal doesn't help. if you hang around for 10-20 minutes without getting a successful trade, maybe it's time to take a break, go do a quest or - even better - spend some quality meatspace time. come back later when it may be less crowded.




i just wanna know am i alone in this, or can a brother get an holla?

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Last time I went there I was combat 92, so therefore every noob on that island thought I was crafting, just because I was a high level (and I wasn't even wearing red, not that anyone could see me under the pileup). I had 100s of trade offers in my chatbox before you could say 'Noobfest 2006'. Then I realized I had a Law Tiara sitting in the bank, and I would never have to deal with those begging noobs again. The law tiara makes everything so much easier there 8) .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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i've only done it a few times... but it seems a lot easier to be the crafter...




I just stand there for 1 second... and instantly am ambushed with 1000 trades. I just click one randomly... repeat.




Seems pretty easy to me, I like it.


I skill. If you skill you should join.

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yeah man I know what you mean...I haated it so much that I even tried starting a new law making world in 44, with different rules and stuff...the crafter didn't have to have ess, the runners got to provide them in exchange for the free laws they were getting....and we wore prayer robes...and blah blah, which was sucessful for about a week during x-mas but then I had to head back to college, and without the leader it died I guess...so sad...anyways I know how you feel..I'll start that new world back up sometime..Laterz

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isn't that whole wrld 66 bussines goin down with the new ess, as they r way harder to get i dont think the crafters will give them that easy away.

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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i think it's pretty stupid to whine about the people saying "law me"




With all the people there, it can help tell who still need ess and who doesn't. i don't give a hoot if the runner trades me or I trade the runner as long as I get the experience faster than making my own runes.




I also think the comment about more runners than crafters is kinda pointless too... if there weren't more runners than crafters, the crafters would be better off banking with them and making their own laws too...



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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i hate the people who dress in red then complain when people trade them, for instance, just the other day i saw someone standing in zamarok robes and wearing a fire tiara and if someone tried to trade with her she called them a noob so i pmed her and said: if you don't like people trading with you, don't dress like a crafter


she then pmed back and said:i can dress how i want noob


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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i mean, seriously, do you thing that there's this guy standing there in red robes, wringing his hands and fretting "oh no, who shall i ever get to take these FREE EFFING LAW RUNES off my hands? woe is me!" and you ride in on your white horse, declaring "Fear thee Not! For behold, I come bearing Essences to relieve you of your terrible Burden. LAW ME!"


let that image simmer for a moment, just to get the full effect...


ok, i got a little thick on the sarcasm there, but this is probably the most annoying thing to me since unsliced bread.




That made me fall off my chair :lol:

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Crafters have problems too




We have ANNOYING PEOPLE WHO GIVE US 26 ESSENCE INSTEAD OF 27. And since we aren't really giving out 26 essence alot, we end up having to go back to draynor to get that 1 essence so everybody can trade you.




Also, people who don't know how to trade without spazzing over a trade. When you trade me, TRADE ME ONCE AND I WILL CLICK IT. Otherwise I'll just click someone else :evil:

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I thought that people could indeed give 26 ess, in case they are using Ancient teleport to Edgville dungeon and then through the abbys, or much simplier, Falador Teleport.




Anyways, the Troll Stronghold Quest is really worth it. Just going inside the altar, and then it's I who get at least 2 or 3 trades to choose from.

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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i mean, seriously, do you thing that there's this guy standing there in red robes, wringing his hands and fretting "oh no, who shall i ever get to take these FREE EFFING LAW RUNES off my hands? woe is me!" and you ride in on your white horse, declaring "Fear thee Not! For behold, I come bearing Essences to relieve you of your terrible Burden. LAW ME!"


let that image simmer for a moment, just to get the full effect...


ok, i got a little thick on the sarcasm there, but this is probably the most annoying thing to me since unsliced bread.




That made me fall off my chair :lol:




i agree that was the high point of my day :) i am happy now. sarcasm is my friend


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I thought that people could indeed give 26 ess, in case they are using Ancient teleport to Edgville dungeon and then through the abbys, or much simplier, Falador Teleport.




Anyways, the Troll Stronghold Quest is really worth it. Just going inside the altar, and then it's I who get at least 2 or 3 trades to choose from.




you could just use the pest controll part now, its a relativly short walk isnt it ??

I3il2die: aka: BiRDiE

An Are Sole: Pure Def/Skiller...

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Attacking NPC's in the crafting area - This really gets in the way of looking for open crafters, and it closes out several spaces on the right-click menu if the unicorns, fire birds, or bears (oh my!) happen to be on the same square as someone with whom you wish to trade. not to mention that it's just plain annoying. if you absolutely must whet your appetite for a barefisted smackdown, please do so a good distance away from the crafting gounds





most of the time ppl do this accidently you click on the ground and realise youve clicked on a unicorn and now cant trade a crafter

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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Okay, so reading all the complaints, I know now what NOT to do, but what is really expected from a law runner?




Ie, what do you want me to actually DO as a runner, to keep things going smoothly.




From what I gather, I show up with 27 esscence, and go into the temple, and give them to someone wearing zammy robes, who will then give me 27 law runes.




This is only on world 66 too?




Never bothered as a runner before, so I'd prefer to learn how to do it properly rather than just add tension to the environment.

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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