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Taxes - what do you think?


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taxing any % of money would do absolutely nothing to help stabalize the rs economy. If anything it would throw it into more turmoil causing prices of raw materials and rares to skyrocket more, and most likely create more autoers mining or fishing these raw materials. Horrible idea that should be just forgotten forever...its just a game...

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Taxes in a game?! Thats one of the worst ideas i've ever heard. If you think about it if someone stops playing for a while their having money deducted for no reason. It would imposible to deduct taxes because if it is taken from the bank then people would withdraw gp from the bank on tax day. As a final note in rl taxes are put back into the economy.

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just let people keep their money. To everyone who is saying its not fair to poor people...it'd be like irl, the amount u get taxed is based on your wealth.

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In response a previous posting about the idea of a Casino I suggested that RS should have a taxation policy as a psooible way of controlling the RS economy.




What do you think about this idea and what taxes do you think would be appropriate and workable?




If I get a good idea of peoples thoughts I might even raise the suggestion of taxes to Jagex


lol the casino was my idea :P


And I still want one !!!!!


anyways srry but no I don't think taxes would be a good idea.


Of course it would stop inflation but what does it matter if u get part of ur gold taken every X ......


anyways people prefer inflation over losing money ;)

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words cannot describe how stupid this proposition is. First of all, why? Do the bankers need money to feed their little families at home? Last time i checked, not quite. Besides, Jagex really can't regulate it too much. If I just go buy a whip and go broke, then will Jagex take away 5% of my whip? This idea is stupid, put in the kindest terms possible

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I personally like the idea. Not taxing the money in the bank, but taxing the money that changes hands. This would, over time, lower the amount of gold pieces in the game which I believe is getting a bit out of hand (btw: I'm not saying that because I'm poor, I'm also guilty of hording money earned from kings and barrows). I would suggest a 5% tax on all trades involving cash. Yes the first few months after this update all the prices of the items would simply raise 5%, however over time everything would even out, people would get used to it, and no one would complain.










oh yeah and:


Taxes aren't well implemented outside a society with at least a bit of socialism in it. In Runescape you don't recieve any services at all, so you shouldn't pay taxes at all.




Just one word... "banks"


Of course there are others, like the general stores and all the other shops but if you were around when banks weren't you'll know how important that "service" is.

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I dont know if it was mentioned, but IF poh's ever come out, there could be a property tax of some sort, after the initial payment of buying the house. That would take a huge amount of money out at the end of every month.

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Bad idea. There is a reason the IRS is lampooned in the press. Besides, you are already charged sales tax when you buy/sell to the general store (40% of the full price) or to any other store.


# 1101 to 99 range on 12-18-05

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tax wont work in runescape. nobody gets paid from institutions or is subject to government support or legal protection. in real life, you pay taxes which, supposedly, goes towards public services and government expenditure, likefixing roads and maintaining a national armed force, etc




the only way something like this could work is using entry tax to get in and out of certain provinces, like the al kharid gate or waterbirth island for non-freminiks. its not really tax, more like an entry fee, and its not based on income, but its voluntary: if you cant pay you dont get it. a plain tax on amount of gp wont work either, because the hi alcher will get cheated while the merchant with 6 p hatd in his bank wont be taxed as much

Are you a member with a full bank and cancelling your subscription? Are you an F2P player that wants more bank space? Check out my guide on Going to F2P with a full bank

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I just finished a four hour exam on income taxation, so forgive me in advance.




There are a lot of ways that you can levy taxes as a check on inflation, each of which have been talked about in this thread. But for the sake of summation, here are a few:












Head tax


Services/User Fees




Income and wage taxes would be difficult to quantify in RuneScape terms, because it would amount to giving players less money for various income producing activities (e.g. getting less money for alching). In most cases, Jagex could do this gradually and players wouldn't notice. An alternative would be to take a percentage all trade transactions, but how would you take 5% of a mith plate?




Consumption is like a sales tax, which is a lot like the 40% premium on items bought in shops. So, Jagex could just increase the premium, but that would just give people incentive to trade, which leads to the income tax problem.




A lot of people would be opposed to a property tax on items held in the bank (which is one reason why the U.S. government doesn't have property taxes). It seems unfair to take money from people who have worked hard to be successful.




A head tax is just taxing a flat fee for every player. But this is almost certainly a bad idea because it would take a significant contribution from each player to make any sort of difference.




The idea I think is best is the service tax / user fee. It would amount to charging gold to use certain services. This is already done to a certain degree (e.g. Shantay Pass, magic carpets, etc.). Jagex could just increase fees or better yet, create more such services.




In the end, the discussion on RuneScape taxes has led to one conclusion: RuneScape turns people into Republicans.


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I *almost* think it's a good idea. It would reduce the value of our money, and prices of items would go down. But still... that would put such a dent in the economy for the first while, and everyone would suffer until prices changed to equalize to what they were before.

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