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Your Face!!!


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Think about it, is this not one of the most verstile and awesomest phrases ever? Just two little words to equate a person's most distinctive features to the subject at hand, using it either as an insult or a compliment.






Delivered with a slight "emph!", this phrase will solve all your conversation needs. Got tongue tied? Talking to a girl/boy/boy-girl you like and don't know what to say? or are you just a plain dumbarse?




Have no fear, simply utter this simple phrase "so is Your FACE!!!" then just sitback, relax and watch as it smoothly delivers you from this awkward situation.








Still having difficulties comprehending the awesomeness of "Your Face!!!"? Well be confuse no more, for I shall provide examples of its use. No, you say? Well, here they are anyway.






Example one: The Weather




Other Person: "man, the weather is pretty crummy today..."


You: "so is Your FACE!!!"


Other Person: "... ... ..."










Example two: At the Gardens




Other Person: "Those flowers over there are quite beautiful."


You: "so si Your FACE!!!"


Other Person: "aww... That's so sweet." (note: this is female)










Example three: Shoe




Other Person: "dude, your shoes are untied."


You: "Your FACE!!! is untied."


Other Person: "wha....?"


You: "yeah, that's right..."


*at this point, you should now feel proud of your accomplished conversational skills, all thanks to the phrase, "Your Face!!!"










Can you still denied the verstility and awesomeness that is the phrase, "Your Face!!!"? Of course not, to do so would be to deny your very existance, and we all know how stupid denying our existance is, so don't even try it. :roll:








So from this point on, it would be foolish of you to not make it your goal to use "Your Face!!!"(remember, don't forget the emph!) in your everyday conversations. I guarentee it, you'll be surprised at the results. conditions applied

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Heh, I couldn't hold my laughing anymore at the third one! :D


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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you mean, other people say that? i could of swore me and my friends were the only ones who said that (5 years ago, not anymore today), and as far as i knew my cousin made it up. :lol:




learn something new everyday. :D



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Heh, I couldn't hold my laughing anymore at the third one! :D




exactly, rofl :P

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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just as bad as xbox live were people cant come up with comebacks besides "Your Mom!" and "*, *, *,*, *,"


*= naughty words.. :( lol...






in reply...








..:| love(sarcasmn) todays teen socioty... and preteen, i say that because people who are not teens and play on live' and say stuff like that actually live with there mom and they are prolly like 20yr+ so i just laugh... the end.

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This girl I know says your face to literally everything.




"Man I got a C on my test.."






Some make me smile, most of the time it's obnoxious :D




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I saw this in the school newspaper last week. It's a comic about two college professors; I think they're both engineers.




"Your paper doesn't have a thesis statement."


"Your face doesn't have a thesis statement!"




lol. Made me laugh :lol:


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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A friend of mine got into the "your momma" stage last year. After EVERYTHING you said to him, he would make a "your momma" joke.






"Hey man. What's going on?"


"Yo momma's going on!"




I remember the only time I ever laughed at it was when we were discussing video games, because he made a good one.




Him: "Did you ever notice that all the good games are rated M?"


Me: "Zelda was a good game. And it was rated E... For everyone."







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Its such a good comeback:




Person: Man your lame


You: About as lame as your face!




^^ owned.

Lvl 80 construction.


Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h)


God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1

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I use the phrase EVERYDAY at school. Somehow, it always get's some laughs. The only time u use "YO MAMMA!" is in a situation like this.




Person: Hey Man.What's up?


Me: Nothing much.


Person: Im bored.


Me: Me too.


Person: What do you wanna do?




Person: =(


Me: *walks away*


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"Your mum" anyone? :roll:


I was thinking the same thing. I'm really sick of it too. I can't stand it when someone tells me that and they are being serious. If they are joking around, it still gets on my nerves.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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