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E3: [Update]Super Smash Bros. Brawl Trailer Available


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"Wow, you accomplished that much, in that ammount of time"




apply that to all 3 systems/companys.




He has a point, you can't really argue with that.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Guest GhostRanger
no, i beleive you.. on that.


they have made card/board games way back in the day.




im just gunna say this




"Wow, you accomplished that much, in that ammount of time"




apply that to all 3 systems/companys.




That's just a silly way to look at it. Sony and Microsoft didn't start in the same place Nintendo did. All three companies progress at generally the same rate because that's how technology is progressing. It just so happens that Sony and Microsoft weren't around to progress with Nintendo.




Sony and Microsoft though didn't start out making cardboard games. They started out at the technological point that existed at the time, and have moved with technology since then.




Both of your all's points are silly. But that's what makes a fanboy a fanboy. :P

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GhostRanger wins.






Of course, Nintendo could've been making games for PC way back when....






















Using punch cards.




Not much of a head start is it? Didn't think so.

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+Strong Fan base


+-Hard drive NON-UPGRADEable


+- Bluray, good yes, but expensive.


+Backwards compatable


+Free Online service


-Sony SAID wireless at last E3, no Integrated WIFI anymore




-"Liers" ... (if you've seen what they showed at E3 for the ps1, and ps2 they were way over themselves.)


-HDMI in 600$ version only.


-controler may get annoying with the gyro


-(personal opinion) To many low quality games *than come from asia*


-Newcomers to the online community


?No Gta4


?Games suppose to be 60$ (puting at "?" because i cant beleive that") blu-ray discs are ALOT more expensice than HD-DVD AND Multi-layer DVD


?Fan base willing to $$$$'in





OMG. You are extremely Biased with this list... You just seem to shoot down Sony for no particular reason and nothing to back up your points. First of all, every console has 'lies'. ALL Xbox 360's were supposed to have hard drives, but at the last minute, Microsoft changed that.. Why don't you point that one out? The fact that sony took something out isn't that big of a deal since the system IS NOT OUT YET.




And Xbox360 doesnt even have HDMI, how can that possibly be a negative on PS3's list? It would be more like a +/- if anything.




And the games are $60, check reseller websites.




Last, GTA4 is supposed to come out on PS3 same day as Xbox360. (heard from 1 source... We will find out soon enough for sure.)




/end rant.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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Wow, this is most pro-PS3 thread I have seen on the 7 forums I have browsed. I warn you I am a bit bias towards Nintendo, but I still own a PS2 and really love the 360 (Played over 400 hours of Perfect Dark, Call of Duty and Oblivion).


Points I wish to add:




1. - Sony's controller with tilt was just completed 15 days before E3, there original had nothing remotely like it planned beforehand. How can anyone honestly say they didn't decide to do this after they saw Nintendo's controller and said "Good concept... hey see if we can add that to ours, we still have a few months before E3 right? Good..."




2. - Unlike the 'core' and 'premium' Xboxes, you can't upgrade to the full cheaper version if you buy the cheaper Ps3. If you buy the $600 one and you get an HD TV you'll have to buy an entire new system for $700. :/




3. - I honestly find myself loosing more and more respect for Sony everyday of E3. I'm apparently not the only one. Sony's tactics are really pissing off game developers:




From Maxconsole.com:


In addition to countless bloggers, game developers such as Ubisoft and FreeRadical have slammed Sony's next-gen efforts in conferences with reporters saying: "Sony is just adopting a 'me too' by just duplicating ideas from all their rivals. He slams their mimicry of an Xbox Live type service as well as attempting to steal the motion sensor concept from Nintendo. Their sole focus on graphics has turned game developers into factories, stifling creativity and not exactly winning the hearts of executives.


Ubisoft was full of praise for Nintendo's effort, however, commending the new Wii motion-sensing controller which he believes can offer new inspiration for developers and create emotional experiences more powerfully than enhanced graphics."





4. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ The PS3's controller does have tilt but thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s it. As stated before NintendoÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s has tilt, motion, voice, and forward and backwards. Anyone remotely interested should read IGNÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s exclusive review of the Metroid Prime. Great review of how you use the controller: http://revolution.ign.com/articles/706/706030p1.html






5. - Are there many Mario games, yes. However they aren't all the same thing, you can't say MarioKart, Mario Tennis, Mario Party, Luigi's Mansion, and Mario Sunshine are all sequels to Mario 64. They are not sequels, they are completely different games.




-Oh and Opera just announced a partnership with Nintendo. The Wii will be able to browse the internet with a new Opera browser. Opera will also create software for the DS that allows web browsing.




-Oh and Spore is going to be priceless. I'm willing to pay 100$ for it.

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Microsoft dropped to an even lower low at there conference this year.




After last years confusing and ultimately untrue statement that Halo 3 would co-incide with the release of PS3, they have once again made a big deal out of something again untrue.




In their press conference today, they claimed that they had GTA4 coming exlusively to Xbox360. Immediately after seeing this, I knew something was wrong. It only took a few minutes to locate the Take-Two Press Release, in which it is indeed coming to PS3 on the very same day.




You really think they'd get there facts straight (the guy even had Xbox360 ONLY tatood on his arm - completely rediculous).




As for news, that's pretty big news. GTA4 (that's what it's called for now,) is coming to PS3 and 360 October 17, 2007. I would imagine that a PC game will come at one of the following times:


A) Same day, they just haven't announced it yet (since clearly the Sony exclusive deal is no longer going on)


B) Within a month or 2 of release (in which case it will be spent time porting it)


C) 6 months after release (as per past examples)




I can't imagine that they'd isolate over a million GTA gamers on the PC, the platform it began on. They have a guaranteed bank right there, and neither big console loses anything.




If they don't bring GTA to the PC...I don't know what I'm gonna do, but it won't be nice. In fact, it will wreack havok upon the Earth. Be warned, Rockstar.




The link LP provided said that GTA4 would be released for Xbox360 on October 16, not 17, as your taketwo quote says.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Now there's about half a dozen Spore videos, but this oneis by far the best.




On G4 last night, they let Kevin from Attack of the Show play around with the creature creater and it looked AMAZING. I am so excited for Spore now.




Yeah saw that part, I specially liked how G4 kept saying "coming up next - spore" about 10 commercial breaks before they actually showed it rofl


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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2. - Unlike the 'core' and 'premium' Xboxes, you can't upgrade to the full cheaper version if you buy the cheaper Ps3. If you buy the $600 one and you get an HD TV you'll have to buy an entire new system for $700. :/




First of all, it is $500 and $600 USD (are you talking USD aswell?). Second, the only HD support the cheaper version doesn't have is HDMI, they can still use HD through component cables just like the Xbox 360. HDMI is just a little brighter/crisper (supposedly) and you probably wont even notice the difference unless you are on a resolution of 1080i.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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+Strong Fan base


+-Hard drive NON-UPGRADEable


+- Bluray, good yes, but expensive.


+Backwards compatable


+Free Online service


-Sony SAID wireless at last E3, no Integrated WIFI anymore




-"Liers" ... (if you've seen what they showed at E3 for the ps1, and ps2 they were way over themselves.)


-HDMI in 600$ version only.


-controler may get annoying with the gyro


-(personal opinion) To many low quality games *than come from asia*


-Newcomers to the online community


?No Gta4


?Games suppose to be 60$ (puting at "?" because i cant beleive that") blu-ray discs are ALOT more expensice than HD-DVD AND Multi-layer DVD


?Fan base willing to $$$$'in





OMG. You are extremely Biased with this list... You just seem to shoot down Sony for no particular reason and nothing to back up your points. First of all, every console has 'lies'. ALL Xbox 360's were supposed to have hard drives, but at the last minute, Microsoft changed that.. Why don't you point that one out? The fact that sony took something out isn't that big of a deal since the system IS NOT OUT YET.




And Xbox360 doesnt even have HDMI, how can that possibly be a negative on PS3's list? It would be more like a +/- if anything.




And the games are $60, check reseller websites.




Last, GTA4 is supposed to come out on PS3 same day as Xbox360. (heard from 1 source... We will find out soon enough for sure.)




/end rant.




how the hell can you tell me im bias when those are TRUE STRAIGHT FACTS. check around the net and look for yourself.

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how the hell can you tell me im bias when those are TRUE STRAIGHT FACTS. check around the net and look for yourself.




Because you obviously have a grudge against Sony. I NEVER said the facts were wrong, I just fixed a few of your (?) points that were wrong. The games WILL be $60 USD, and for some reason you can't believe it.. why? HDMI is a plus for the PS3... the 360 doesn't have it AT ALL... So how is it negative. It is just little things like that.




I am going to drop this now. You are entitled to your opinion, and so am I. It isn't even worth arguing over. I'm just angry at how everyone is putting down sony for so many reasons while microsoft has just as many flaws.




While I own all 3 current Gen systems, I think I am going to skip out on this next generation and go pure PC gaming. I may buy a Wii, but that is it.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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Lol, fanboys :lol:




Anyway, i knew i was always going to buy the Wii, but this just sealed it at launch.




After taking the stage earlier this morning Reggie announced to the world that Twilight Princess would be released on the launch day of the Wii console as both a Gamecube game and Wii game. The title will come packaged separately, so one disc for the Gamecube and another disc for the Wii.




The Wii version will feature new ways to move and use Link in his epic quest to discover the secrets behind the Twilight Realm. Push the Wiimote forward for a bone smashing Shield Lunge or flick the Wiimote to strike down your enemies. Pull back on an arrow and click to fire at the enemies and give the Wiimote a twirl to make Link spin with his sword.




Having a Zelda at launch, supposedly the best Zelda game ever at that, could only do enormous amounts of good for Nintendo.




Fishing with the Wiimote FTW!!

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Nice post Trapical =).




It gets on my nerves that Playstation is ahead of Nintendo. In my opinion, Nintendo is the best company due to their innovation. I guess people just don't value innovation very much, because otherwise Nintendo would be number one. All Microsoft and Sony are really doing is improving their existing system, by improving the graphics and random things "techies" like. I had some other things to say, but now that I am here typing, I forgot :oops: .

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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Opera + Wii?




if this turns out to be true... im sold..




it's true :), from what i've heard at least.




I'm most likely getting a Wii, especialy after reading that Metroid Prime: 3 article there. It sounds like getting used to, but should be awsome. :D

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Opera was announced for the DS a couple months ago, so Opera on the Wii would make sense aswell. The only problem is reading text on a standard Television set might be hard on the eyes, depending on text size.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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Alright, after seeing the video for the new Smash Bros., I'm making it my mission to get a Wii. God bless Nintendo :mrgreen:




Holy crap, speechless. The Wario part was kinda lame but the graphics on the rest were totally unexpected!


And Snake in a Nintendo game? Wow, I was wishing for Sephiroth and Cloud to be in Melee and actually emailed the game developers who replied "We love the idea and have definatly attemped it, but its impossibly messy having a different company involved, even the basic question on who gets what royalties and such makes it to hard to implement"




Anyway, wow way to go Nintendo! *applause*

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If i remember correctly, didnt Hideo Kojima really like the Wii and the innovation behind it? If he did, it makes sense why he would want Snake to be in Smash Bros. Brawl.




That video is awe inspiring stuff though. The fact that it will be online makes it even better. First Twilight Princess as a Wii launch title then SSBB coming out later on, as well as the slew of great games, new and old.




The Wii just cant come fast enough.

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