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Common Questions Parents ask...


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...the girl their son is dateing.




What are the most common questions parents will ask the girl their son is dateing? I think I need to be prepaired when I meet them since they already have a negitive opinion about me. :oops:

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Would you like more mashed potatos? Do you want dessert? One scoop or two? Whats your favorite t.v. show? Oh, really? I think the main character is kind of a dud, what do you think? I missed the last episode, did erin and eric really break up? *Yawn*, I think im going to go to bed, would you like anything else before I hit the sack? Do you really think I look like Hally Berry? Are you sure you don't want to take home some apple jack flap cake?




If you can keep up a regular conversation you will be fine. If you can't it would be a good thing to start practicing. If the parents choose to be [puncture]s to you that is their choice. Just rub it in their faces by being the most polite person they have ever met.




Are you sure you arn't *boyfriends name* sister?




Sucking up isn't bad.

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I have zero experience with this whatsoever. I have no idea what a parent would ask their sons girlfriend (I don't see why I would... :? ). Let me just say: try to make a conversation that goes somewhere. Small talk will be the downfall of humanity. It's awkward, and no person should have to go through with it for more than 30 seconds. Any time I'm going somewhere where I know I will have to partake in small-talk, I feel a great sence of dread.




If they ask you something general, try to parlay it back at them and get a conversation started. It makes things go much easier and breaks down social barriars.




Unfortunately, this is only good in theory, as is all adivce given here. How something goes depends on the place and moment, things will happen you can't prepare for.

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I'm wanting to know a general idea what his parents might ask me... he has no clue.
Short answer:






Long answer:


Anything they can think of.

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What do your parents do? (So we can judge your social class).




Haha...if his parents are like that...oh boy watch out.




But otherwise, just keep a normal conversation. When in doubt respond with a slightly more conservative viewpoint than normal, but I'd definately go liberal on one or two things to give yourself personality. :) Just make sure to be friendly, polite, respectable, and for god's sake don't be arrogant, most parents hate that.




To be honest if you don't act like a moron they'll probably like you decently well no matter what.




And also, it would take knowing personally for me to give you any real, good advice. For now, go with the flow.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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Just remember you are going out with him not his parents :P


Just be yourself when answering anything. They will probably be able to tell if you are lying.

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Decent people won't interrogate you. A decent set of parents would have a chat and get you know you as normal people, as opposed to getting you to fill out an application form to 'date' their daughter.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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I'd rather go without any thoughts of what to say. That way they actually see what kind of a person you are, not what kind of a person are you acting. If they don't accept you, it's their problem.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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As Phil said, just be yourself. Don't try and impress them too much and you'll be fine. What you have to remember is that the most protective person over a guy is his mum, she's the one you want to watch out for, and she'll always be protective of him. If you win her over, you're in.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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My Mom: Asks me his name, his major/job, and if I care about him. She just makes small talk with him, she figures I have better judgement than she does in these matters 8-)




My Dad: Asks the same questions to me as my mom. However, he asks the guy if he has a criminal record, tell him he better not hurt his only daughter, and gives the basic 'cop interrogation'. Unless he already knows the guy then he just talks to the guy's parents about him :roll:




As Phil said, just be yourself. Don't try and impress them too much and you'll be fine. What you have to remember is that the most protective person over a guy is his mum, she's the one you want to watch out for, and she'll always be protective of him. If you win her over, you're in.




This is going to be hard :shock: She already doesn't like me from when I met her when my boyfriend and I were just friends... She thought I was wierd :cry:

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ok these nerds dont kno anything.....




my ex was asking me about this a while back....




here is what you need 2 kno...




talk with your b/f and find out what you can and cant tell the parents....




ex: if ur boyfriend lied 2 his parents about goin 2 see a movie and went 2 someones house instead....




then: just use your manners




you should ask questions.... like "what do u guys do for a living"




then try 2 relate their work 2 your life... and start up a convo about them....Act in interseted.... give them long answers if they ask u a question.




talk about how your ex-boyfriend was a total jackass and how their son treats you like a women should be treated.....

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