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The Great Tip PIC 2006 -- Get ready for 2007 edition


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*****2007 VERSION*****




Uular offered to do the next version of this, so as soon as he gets on I am happy for a new one to be made. So get ready to send em in ^.^.




Dont know if this pic will be archived, would be nice as this goes on over the years, it took quite a bit of time on everyones part, and goes to show that this place is a community










I think that there should be a 2007 edition of the Great Tip Pic! I dont play much anymore but I think it could be a task appointed to 1 member every year, would be funky. So If you missed out then maybe you should see if a 2007 one gets done.




If you are interested in starting a new one, send me a PM, I'd prefer somone with some community status to do it, as it means it wont be given up on within days.




The finished Tip Pic 2006 pic will be posted tonight, people wanting to take over post here or pm me thnx.








Ok, title might be slightly obscure, but I'll explain :).




I was just looking through my RS pics from the last few TET events and running into people and so on and I was thinking how nice it is that there are lots of pics of other people on my PC from tip it. Then I had a cool idea. What if I could just have a single pic of loads of people from tip?




This wont be everyone meeting somewhere and saying hello, this will be a single pic of everyone standing in profile just to be present on a cool piece of tip it history.




If you want to get involved, then just get your char in an outfit you would like to be in reminded of in years to come and go out to a FLAT piece of land. Stand directly facing your screen and lower the camera all the way. If we all do this then we'll all be the same height and it will look right.




Print screen the image. Paste it into paint and then cut out the part of your char and paste it into a new paint page.








You can then send that image to my e-mail account --




[email protected]




And I'll do the rest.




Please add your RS or Tip name, depending which you want to be noted as on the pic.












(small - ingame size please) And dont worry about coutting around if u dont want, ill do it.












Featuring! From left to Right -




Row 1: The Valor,Tashnae, Razoid1, Primadog, Kamikazi914, Fearspudgod, Mordendravid, Uular, Durothean. Pauloino, Booduz69, Mad4beanies, Jessy87, Aussie4321, Bedman, Samppa1990, Yo Nelly.




Row 2: Tommy213, Cdub Foo, Krtica, TehChekt, Barihawk, Bloodveld, Zot Mutske, Ikzelf100, Noproblem22, Lep1423, Anarchyman, TazN, Bagpiperdude, Artemis_42, Shadowmax943, Greedom1.




Row 3: Mirrorforced, Moopy M, Ball Of Pain, Unbug07. Ashuran22, Pjtomboy, Wakka, Koddo, Jabraulter, Trojann2, Golvellius07, Laikrob, Manacit2, Fngerfelder, Rebdragon17, Nanosauromo.




Row 4: Bloodredsword, Saam007,xXru1n3dXx, Sue Kitsu, Kwimbob, Tijgerforce, Gc Monster, Frogspoons, Lord9000, Thingummywut, Idarodo, Shadowsam19, Ca2theone, Lautsest, TheHollow_1, Cyclonetwist, Ajc100.




Row 5: Jwrm22, Bia Bf, Dabestkillas, Teefjeteef, Potter Pkr, The Best371, Lime Mercury, volkswagen99, Gizmo2k5, Crossfire39, S11m, Scorpion31r5, Queenvalerie, Shadow_fox99, Singularo, 007007008plp, Monkeybeast0.




Row 6: Scope, Beigo, Macattack64, Senor Tamale, JimmyD17, Yvettelovr36, Hildebrandt, Captainant, Callum6052, Niesieboy_8, Cameron, Taxasmd91, Dr Pimper, Lord Umega, Tomosiunas, Sunmann99, Me_Poulin.




Row 7: Manoman, Uk2, Keaton, Skatermaster, Triquos, Muddybob, All Bogs, Hellolclown, Lord Soultar, Assassin 696, Aoe 325, Stefanneman, Duutje007, Creaphis, Trav1446, Onanica.




Row 8: Qsbillabong, Biggy08755, Imcleith, Duckstarr13, Sk8erfreak, Thompsonkool, Xvillexvalox, Toopietoopie, Veryhyper, Misterxman, Teh Soldier, Fgfuyfyuiuy0, The49ronin, Fortress2000, Nobodysdoll, Mattyb3, Oilertay.




Row 9: Adam007, Cagedmage, Fortress2000, Cardovilian, Michiel2, Gamblingfool, Jesse, Bambino.




List WILL be getting bigger ;)








OK. I am getting online again at last :) PC will be up and permanantly installed soon but I have a shedload of people I need to add to this. Now the hardest part for me is removing the backgrounds of the pics that people have given me. So I am wondering if there is some one who would take say 15 pics and remove the background in the way and return the pics back along with whoever the pic is of.




Obviously someone I know would be great but I dont know all that many people so just post up here if you think you could help. Someone who has a Gmail email account is also preferable.




There will be no cash rewards but of course I'll credit you on the pic and I'll be gratefull.




May need 2-3 people in the end, depending how much I can get done.




I'll pm people if they apply.








The Valor

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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I'll do it after this game of cwars!




EDIT: My picture of full inifty is a bit pointless now cos I got hacked but it WAS me...


Click my signature for my blog!

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Sounds like a good idea, and since you're doing most of the work Valor, I'm in 8-)




Would player pics cropped to rectangles not be easier to tessalate (and create!) though? Just a thought.




EDIT: Or is that what you meant? First read I thought you meant cut round your char as you've done in your siggy. Read it again and not sure. Urgh, it's Monday...

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Valor, great idea, but I suggest not asking people to e-mail you. Call me paranoid, but the risk for trojans are too much. Why not have people upload it and link it here? It's safer, and that way everyone get to see the contributions.




*Will update this post for my pic





All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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Gmail is really very good and will let me see any attached documents as an HTML image first. So i can just copy from there.




But if people want to send em through there I see no problems with that. Please feel free.




Thanks for the concern Prima :)

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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I'll do the first part as p2p, purely because we do have cooler items to wear so the pic should look better.




Remember, all pics as .PNG please.

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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And he is IN!




Ok, first in was Razoid, Would have been mordredravid but he send wrong file type lol.




Keep sending them guys

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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I'l send when I get members again. Need to show off my awesome ramskull helm and bone bag at the same time outfit lol.

put him in jail


Then i'll just wait for him to drop the e-soap

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Hehehe....I'll send you some le3t pics when I get home ;)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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