DragonFirenze Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 I was killing lvl 149's at karj dungeon and a lvl 77 died near me. I got his stuff: Rune legs and helm, black kite (t) and 4.5k iron arrows. I considered keeping it but then remembered the time i died and lost a fair chunk of my bank and the guy who got it laughed in my face and ignored me. So i ran around frantically looking for the guy's name when he raced back into the dungeon asking if anyone got his stuff. I quickly traded him and gave everything back. The guy was over the moon, unable to believe that a "grumpy high lvl" gave it back. I laughed and told him he caught me in a good mood. So now i have a new friend :D . I hope more people decide to think of others when they pick up stuff. It really does make you feel nice. Lvl 80 construction. Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h) God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kwimbob Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 I love doing that, I always do, too. The one exception was a guy that took ranger boots to barrows ( :lol: ), I made him pay half the price to get those back explaining to him there had to be some kind of tax to teach him that he should not bring an insignicant range bonus that costs 700k to the Barrows because it wouldn't have helped and wasn't worth the risk :P ... (though he also got other stuff back that he shouldn't have brought like full karil that doesn't help much at barrows, I mean I even saw him protecting from mage when he fought ahrim and he still brought a full karil set along with his prayer pots, obby cape, and obby shield... :roll: ) Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.[hide]YOU'RE GONNA CARRY THAT WEIGHT.- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdub Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Literally, within the past 5 minutes I found 1246 pure ess, 28k, and a glory amulet in the abyss. The 91 came rushing back, and I gave him ALL of his stuff. 5 minutes later (again) I found 16k pure ess ... Talk about karma! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonFirenze Posted May 10, 2006 Author Share Posted May 10, 2006 Oh yeah i almost forgot. I saw an ex-clan member fighting karil at barrows with the wrong prayer. He died and lost ahrims skirt, 108 prayer pots, 100 sharks, 2k deaths, 10k minds, a lot of chaos, glory, slayer staff and wizard boots. I gave it all back, so he gave me 30 prayer pots which helped me get fire cape. Good deeds really do make you smile. Lvl 80 construction. Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h) God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alchemy1989 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 how nice of you :D #5102 to get 99 cookingCurrent Attack XP - 7,3xx,xxx - Going for 99 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
red_hydra Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Good on ya man :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lord_hade1 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 wow ur nice lol...maybe i should be nice once or twice a year lol its me, E S c A Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pkthedreamer Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Lol, I wish that happened to me at barrows this one time.. he just ignored me and acted like he didn't know what happened. Nice one :) 200. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tyrcian Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 if only everyone could be like that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azielgoh Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 oh yeah...one time i was trolls for slayer assignment -.- got killed because i clicked wrong tele (didn't have anuf runes for ardy tele when i clicked it instead of camelot) so i died. I can running bak, and i asked if anyone took my stuff. some high level was there he took em u could tell. He was wearing MY rune boots and prolly my row and dds. and he was like didn't see u die, i was right next to him!! R0FL.. NOT GIVING AWAY NEW ACCOUNT NAME. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fearspudgod Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 awesome i usally give people thier stuff back if they die, but this one time a real jerk died with full guthans, he was skulled at edgevill and a chicken got him.i didint give it back. http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/975/70961xn8.jpg[/img]Playing WoW Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giordano Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 You're nice. I'll just keep it. You snoose, you lose. I expect people to do the same to me, so I dont bother going back to my stuff unless if it's close to Fally (p2p) or Lumby(f2p) "The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirHartlar Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 It is nice to see another person being so kind and friendly! I also do my best to help out people, although when I do it is usually a piece of helpful information as I have never seen anyone die (is this unusual???). Like the other day when a fellow RC'er didn't know about the portal next to the chaos altar. Things like that save people time and it doesn't take five minutes to explain it to them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onauric Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 I don't expect getting my stuff from anyone if die. Although it depends on various things if I'l give any stuff back, if the player has been offensive against me or some other or have died due to his own stupidity I'l highly consider giving anything back so they learn their lesson. If it's someone dying after getting a c lost or something similar I'l return their stuff no matter what it is. I hate to say it, but being a lower lvl also helps getting stuff back from me. :P As I have no use for lets say pair of rune legs and such, but I know from my own past that for someone it might be everything they got. Anyways, I don't go after the dead player hunting him around the scape to give him his stuff back, only if he pm's me or comes back. Rsn: Onauric Combat: 136 Total: 2150+ All quests done since: 3rd December 2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rangerskull Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Yeah, I probably wouldn't give something back, I lost my rangers when I died in my ranging gear to a drunk dwarf, only got the vambs back. I'd like to see you solo all three dag kings at once.Easily done with just 2 people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lagatag Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 The stuff is not very special, I probably would have given back too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tomdavies90 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 depends what they drop at the end of the day.....if sum1 dies and drops 10m to a random its their fault for autoing or being careless ure hardly likely to give back. but stuff like what u gave i would give back too, unless u dont get name, i saw a ranger die at the fire giants he dropped 2k bronze arrows and i would happily have given them back because they were like 20k yet i didnt get his name :( so i just gave em away to a lvl 123 in a rubbish attempt to bribe him into adding me onto his friend list lol i suck! Sig by me.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tomosiunas Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 yap that is good manners :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flava_sava78 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 CONSIDER THIS! Some bitter runescaper dies, with no hope of getting any of their good items back. Giving them their items back they may turn over a new leaf, the "chains of good deeds" could spread! It just makes runescape a better place. Luring master. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azn_warri0r Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 You guys wont believe my story. It happened in 2003. I was at the spiders lair collecting red spiders eggs, I had a Yellow P hat with me. The spiders poisions me and I fall into that hole or something so im there loosing health and I know im gonna die with my P hat!. I panicked, I logg onto RSC forums and post my problem, there are some some people that are willing to help me out. Then it came to me, log onto a F2P server and that way I can heal, I had like 10hp left at that time with poision still in affect. I logg into a F2P server, next thing you know I loose 3HP! Dam! So we arranged everything on the forums to get me some antidote and food, I log in and died within 5 mins, they didnt get to me in time. I pmed to one of the guys that were helping me, I asked him to grab my phat. We met up and he gave me hte p hat back....I thought it was a gonner but he actaully gave it back to me. So I gave him some money and armour for the help, couldnt thank him enough. Just to show you there are really nie people on RS. Then again that was 3 and a half years ago maybe things have changed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darkmage099 Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 good job but do you know what ihate is when people take your rune arrows i mean im not a very good ranger. So im sitting tehre at ahrims ranging him and a noob barrower with a dlong and rune armor(looked like a loser) is sitting there waiting for my arrows to apear....1 hit b4 i kill him he takes the arrows. thats sort of like giving back stuff thats not yours its not like i care about the arrows but its what he did. thats basically stealing i mean its laying on the ground but its called courtesy....well anyways good job Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
No_OnE Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 I was killing rockcrabs up in North Rellekka and a mage died right in front of me. I got black mystic gloves, boots, and hat. I got a lava battlestaff, a fully charged glory ammy and about 80 law runes. I swear that I would have given it back but I just logged into that world so I didn't know his name. I would have teleported to Lumby but I didn't have the right runes. I ended up keeping his stuff. It helped me a lot because a week earlier I lost 70k, 800 ess, and 200 nats up at the nat alter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
getoutofit Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 Some one died at barrows,Karils,person had died before I had came down so I got to keep it..Did look around for the person,didn't find em..Kept the stuffs(Berserker,500 deaths,800 bloods,Obsidian shield,and some prayer pots and lobsters..) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BullyKutta Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 You guys wont believe my story. It happened in 2003. I was at the spiders lair collecting red spiders eggs, I had a Yellow P hat with me. The spiders poisions me and I fall into that hole or something so im there loosing health and I know im gonna die with my P hat!. I panicked, I logg onto RSC forums and post my problem, there are some some people that are willing to help me out. Then it came to me, log onto a F2P server and that way I can heal, I had like 10hp left at that time with poision still in affect. I logg into a F2P server, next thing you know I loose 3HP! Dam! So we arranged everything on the forums to get me some antidote and food, I log in and died within 5 mins, they didnt get to me in time. I pmed to one of the guys that were helping me, I asked him to grab my phat. We met up and he gave me hte p hat back....I thought it was a gonner but he actaully gave it back to me. So I gave him some money and armour for the help, couldnt thank him enough. Just to show you there are really nie people on RS. Then again that was 3 and a half years ago maybe things have changed. U should of dropped everything except for the p hat and 2 more items or 3 (if u want to protect) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jabraulter Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 Oh yeah i almost forgot. I saw an ex-clan member fighting karil at barrows with the wrong prayer. He died and lost ahrims skirt, 108 prayer pots, 100 sharks, 2k deaths, 10k minds, a lot of chaos, glory, slayer staff and wizard boots. I gave it all back, so he gave me 30 prayer pots which helped me get fire cape. Good deeds really do make you smile. Woah...wow...that was a LOT of money you gave back. You are a very respectable player. I've never encountered someone who died, but I do frequently give away my money to players or items that may help them gain a level to which they are close. Example: Two days ago, I was farming at the Falador patch and I was talking to a lady that I had just met. She said that she was farming herbs to get her to level 62 herblore, but it was going to take her a while. I willingly gave up my 73 Ranarr Weed (those that I had JUST finished planting and harvesting, I might add) to help her gain her level. She did ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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