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Best pkers before the wildy


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Anyone remember?


sexy razor


crazy monky was it?




rune thug =atlantian


firestorm clan wanderers clan gladiators azn clan


clan wars at ice mountain RSC COME BACK DOWN WITH RS2!!! lol

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Wolf or Danny1880. No other names even worth mentioning :P



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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If I didnt know you were kidding I'd hit you :lol:

Your char was legit up until level 3


I heard he was like the BEST pker in RSC.
Did you even play in RSC?
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Anyone remember?




sexy razor




crazy monky was it?








rune thug =atlantian




firestorm clan wanderers clan gladiators azn clan




clan wars at ice mountain RSC COME BACK DOWN WITH RS2!!! lol

Sexy and fire are the only ones on that list who even played before the wild
The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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What about the famous old pker '' Ashley '' :P








Dear God... Anybody that would even consider Ashley as a "famous pker" obviously has no idea what they're talking about.








I'm willing to bet that most of the people that have posted on this thread weren't even around when you could pk anywhere; instead, they create the illusion of so by saying people like "ashley" and "sexy razor" were the best (not saying sexy wasn't good or anything).

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What about the famous old pker '' Ashley '' :P








Dear God... Anybody that would even consider Ashley as a "famous pker" obviously has no idea what they're talking about.








I'm willing to bet that most of the people that have posted on this thread weren't even around when you could pk anywhere; instead, they create the illusion of so by saying people like "ashley" and "sexy razor" were the best (not saying sexy wasn't good or anything).

Wasnt ashley a pure that came along in late RSC? :lol:








In my opinion there were no big names in pre-wild pking, it was all about who ever had the most people

The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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What about the famous old pker '' Ashley '' :P








Dear God... Anybody that would even consider Ashley as a "famous pker" obviously has no idea what they're talking about.








I'm willing to bet that most of the people that have posted on this thread weren't even around when you could pk anywhere; instead, they create the illusion of so by saying people like "ashley" and "sexy razor" were the best (not saying sexy wasn't good or anything).












or they say people like bannawaffle, They are idiots. If you didnt play rs before the wildy dont make such ludicris remarks about it.








Any one who actually thinks mr mans cousin can pk needs to be clearly shot. Infact pat (bananawaffle) didnt start rs til after rs2 beta was released. And get this idiot , he didnt play rs2 , he played classic.








So to the idiot who claimed bananawaffle , you need to be turned face down and have you mouth put to a curb and have your head stomped cause thats the most [developmentally delayed]ed thing i have ever heard in my life.


99 hp before you

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I only played half-heartedly back then on a different character called ad2002e on non-pk but i know Sexy Razor (Luke) was a good pker back then.








I think my biggest regret in Rs was starting as a skiller instead of a fighter like i did when i started adx1, though i'm thankful for ending up with that name instead of ad2002e :lol:








It was also a different kind of pking back then (from observation) because there were fewer servers so logging wasn't quite the same problem, people pked back then who didn't go in the wilderness as much as they were ''forced'' to an example would be Lightning (who did go to the wilderness during it's earlier time but i never saw her there later on)








I didn't make adx until after there was a wilderness and that sucks but i quite liked the idea of the wilderness anyway.

Whiterob10 was better then zorro for sure :P

Adx1's Rsc Kills


Username = adxx1

Password = read only

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That reminds me of how much I hated the lack of servers back in the day. When I started playing I think there were like 4 or something...Just getting on sometimes would take an hour. I'd tape my enter key down and just let it sit and keep trying to log in...Eat somethin' while I waited...Yawn...








Pretty frusterating. My friend introduced me to the game and we'd sit there screaming at the log-in screen. :lol:

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I used to PK with Blick, Killa Priest back in pre-wildy days.








I never saw Sexi Pa(k)i around until after rune was around, I always assumed he was somebodies twink.








The biggest name I can really recall though, was Angel 2 Be, I know her and a couple buddies used to rock the lumbridge scene..








This was back when people died and everyone could loot the pile, PKing was soooo much fun. Once people got to around the thirties they'd begin wandering around barb village and the towns nearby it, although catching was very rare at the time (only a handful of people knew how to) so many names probably won't be recallable.








I'll see if I can get on Dyltor and pull up some oldschooler PKer's names for you guys.

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I used to PK with Blick, Killa Priest back in pre-wildy days.








I never saw Sexi Pa(k)i around until after rune was around, I always assumed he was somebodies twink.








The biggest name I can really recall though, was Angel 2 Be, I know her and a couple buddies used to rock the lumbridge scene..








This was back when people died and everyone could loot the pile, PKing was soooo much fun. Once people got to around the thirties they'd begin wandering around barb village and the towns nearby it, although catching was very rare at the time (only a handful of people knew how to) so many names probably won't be recallable.








I'll see if I can get on Dyltor and pull up some oldschooler PKer's names for you guys.








Wait, I think I remember you... Didn't you used to pk with Dark Archer8 (sp?)... I don't remember the names, but there was a whole gang of "Dark Archers" and they would dominate lumbridge.

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