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Your 1st runescape death


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A couple friends and I were hanging out in the chicken coop between Lumbridge and Varrock.




One of my friends was around level 10, my other friend was around level 30 or something.




I think I was around level 4. I thought my friends were so strong. :wink:




So of course in the chicken coop there's tons of bones on the ground from people killing the chickens. I start burying bones, and a shade turns up. It was either level 13 or 25, incredibly strong. :wink:




I was in such a panicked daze when it showed up, I didn't know what random events were or what the shade was doing here, so I just auto-retalliated when it hit me.




My level 30 or so friend started telling me to run, but as I said I was so confused and couldn't get away in time. :(


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Ahh, i remeber my first death, about 2 years ago, and didn't no about things back then, i met a level 11, and he gave me 10 gp to get in the gate, and i said no, i'll walk, i need this 10 gp, i went to draynor, and i atked a black night (i was level 3) my mate was saying ' run run! you'll die!!' i said thinking, i'll own it, and it 3 hit me lol, my mate got all my stuff, and gave me it back :)

136 Combat :: Jjozzie :: 2000 Total

99 Slayer - 99 Summoning - 92 Herblore - 82 Prayer

64m Attack - 25m Strength - 17m Defence - 20m Range - 44m Hp - 20m Magic


:: Bandos ::

*Solo* - 3 Hilts - 2 Chestplates - 2 Tassets - 1 Boots - 6 Shards

*Duo - 8 Hilts - 6 Chestplates - 6 Tassets - 4 Boots - 14 Shards

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I took 1 hour to find another pickaxe. (I didn't knew about the one at the Barbarian Village :lol: )
there are 2 when u go up the tower in lummy castle theres 2.. u can just grab m when u die. that was the first thing i did as a noob, exploring lummy castle, i then took a whole bag of pickaxes, thinking they looked realy dangerous (u kno, with the [bleep]ey points and stuff :oops: )




well my first death was at south varrock entrance, dark wizards... actually i lost nothing, but i was so shocked and thought i was doomed forever (or sumthin like that) that i just started all over again. later that day i died at barbarian, i just got full iron of some dude and i managed 2 get 100 coins of barbarians. i was about 2 bank it in varrock, so i ran away from the barb i was fighting, guess what... he hit a 2 and there i was again... hello lummy castle!


fine, happy now?

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I was lvl 4, the mugger behind the lumbridge castle got me.




I always kill him when I pass back by that way, now.


Lol, I do that, too. The highway man near draynor gets it, too.

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered, but stupid is forever.



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i was lvl 7 roughly and i was minding my own business when a unicorn came along i attaked it and died- i lost about 20 feathers and my iron items a random guy gave to me

ive quit because of the dumb side of the RS community, not because i play too much (like 1 hour a day)



dont get lured!

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Heh, I'll never forget mine.




I was merrily making my way up to Varrok, and I put the RS window behind another to check something out. I come back, and I notice that my HP are gone. (OMGWUT?!) For the first time, I see my character folding up, and bam, I'm in Lumbridge. Turns out one of those dark wizards up in the circle there there got me. =P




I hadn't stopped at a bank (too lazy), so I unfortunatly had all my Tutorial Island items on me, including my bow and arrows, and so began my laziness toward range. 8-)

How... Moxious.

Barrows Drops: Dharok Plate (5/12/06) Torag Legs (5/12/06) Verac Flail (5/20/06) Guthan Helm (5/29/06) Ahrim Hood (6/9/06) Verac Skirt (6/25/06)

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i got killed by one of those dark wizards south of varrock, and thought i got pked by an actual player :lol:




lost all tutorial stuff, i was really mad until i found the varrock general store




that's my first death aswell :P i thought that all NPC's were players :oops:

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the first time i died was from delrith... i dont even remember how i got that far in the quest, while being combat lvl 5... :lol:




I think some "friend" who knew i would die, helped me... i was mad after this, quit playing rs for two weeks...

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it was in the wildy


some guy 3 hit me and he got all my stuff (tut. stuff)


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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i was fighting goblins for a while, had all my tut. stuff on me, and managed to get a good 600 gp for fighting for so long =P (i got to like lvl 11), and some precious beer glasses, bronze sq shield, and goblin armor lolz




anyways, i decided to start rune mysteries quest. i made it to the wizards tower, and clicked to go through the door. by accident, i started attacking a wizard. i though i would kill it easily with my sword and bronze shield. a 3, 3, 2, and 3 later, BAM! back in lumby, with only 2 bronze sq shields and one useless goblin armor...




i created a new account after that :lol:

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The 1st 5 or so times that I died were due to trying to fight Delrith (this was before i had discovered food) at combat 16. I believe the next time was from the scorpions in the al karid mine. Since then I died in Melzars maze at 32 combat against the demon, losing some at the time precious mithril items. Elvarg killed me a couple times before i got him (serves me right for trying to take him on at such a low level; or is elvarg a she?) Of course, i have died a ton of times in the wilderness. Mostly just when i was messing around, but once when a friend and i were fighting greater demons, a ranger 3 or 4 hit me. I lost 17 chaos runes, an amulet of magic, varok tele runes, and a fire staff. Very valuable to me at the time. Anyway, I think the latest time was when I was checking out the new wild update, and i ran into a clan of level 90s at the demonic ruins. I took a 25, an 18, then a series or 10s and i was dead. All happened in 2-3 seconds.

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Don't know about Idarodo, but with my first char over a year ago I died to a woman thinking it was an actual player.

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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The 1st (and second time) I got killed was by the Highwayman near Draynor - you would have thought I would have learnt the first time :lol:




And yes, like a previous post I kill him every time I go past - just for old times sake.

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Some guy offered me mithril when I was about lvl 15 if I could get him the wine of zamorak. I found the guy later, and since he didn't give me back my black longsword and 1k, I ruined his next scam. Told the poor guy he tricked to not take the wine. After that, I sat outside the monestary just yelling "Don't Take the Wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a scam!" I do that every once in a while now, just to get a laugh out of the noob scammers :lol:

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well i think i was around lvl 3, i was in lumbridge castle asking will anyone lead me to a bank, a lvl 50 something came to me and told to to follow, i was foolish enought to follow and he lead me to red dragon isle(i think it was there, or around there) he killed me and i dropped all my newbie stuff, that was which when i stopped playing(i just started)my friend keep on talking about runescape, so i decide to play again but i made a new account, this one. :wink:

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