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full elite equipment set


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if there was one set of equipment that only the richest, strongest scapers could wear, what would it be?




my idea so far:




cape:fire cape


head: blue phat


amulet: ammy of fury (or onyx necklace b/c its useless AND expensive)


ring:ring of stone or berserker ring


feet:infiniti boots


hands:infiniti gloves


legs:drag legs


torso:drag chain


shield:drag square


weild:abysmal whip


ranged: like 1 bil :wink: rune brutal arrows




thats all i can think of so far. i'll edit the rest with suggestions




i call this set FULL ELITE




edit: thanks for the suggestions, i can fill in the missing parts now



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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most expensive armour,with a firecape of pride would be:blue partyhat,ammy of fury,dragon chain,dragon legs,ranger boots,offcourse the firecape,barrowgloves,abyssal whip,d sq,and i believe the most expensive ring is a warrior?or a farseer,idk :)

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most expensive armour,with a firecape of pride would be:blue partyhat,ammy of fury,dragon chain,dragon legs,ranger boots,offcourse the firecape,barrowgloves,abyssal whip,d sq,and i believe the most expensive ring is a warrior?or a farseer,idk :)


Barrow gloves could be changed for infinity gloves, they're 800k ea

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Blue phat


Fire cape , Rune brutal arrow (Is there a better arrow?)


Ammy of fury




Guthan spear or Abby whip and Drag. Sq. (Spear is more than both of them, but is 2h ._.)


D.legs or...a barrow legs, dunno if any of them is worth more.


Barrow gloves,Infinity boots,Ring of stone/Berseker, which is worth more?



Porygon 64

Black Charlizard

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Head: blinking party hat, made up by having all party hats in your inventory and equipping them one by one

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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blue phat


ammy of fury


d chain


d legs


mud staff


d sq


fire cape(although obby is expensive, fire cape costs more than 300k in supplies to get)


infinity boots


infinity gloves


beserker ring


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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head:blue party hat


ammy:Fury ammy


wep:guthan spear/whip


shield:d sqr


body:d chain


legs:d legs (or barrow dunno)


gloves:infinity gloves


boots:infinity boots


ring:stone ring


ranged:the thzaar ring thingies



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head:blue party hat


ammy:Fury ammy


wep:guthan spear




body:d chain


legs:d legs (or barrow dunno)


gloves:infinity gloves


boots:infinity boots


ring:bezerker ring


ranged:the thzaar ring thingies

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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Head: blinking party hat, made up by having all party hats in your inventory and equipping them one by one


That's not elite, that's just showing off.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Head: blinking party hat, made up by having all party hats in your inventory and equipping them one by one


That's not elite, that's just showing off.


Nah, its more like asking to get hacked :lol: .


I think everyone's already covered the most expensive/elite outfits, so if I said anything I'd just be repeating everyone :wink: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Full gold castle wars armour.




full gold castlewars is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G




it's the rarest armor in the game by far. I've only seen 2 people in my entire existance wearing it. I barely even see assorted pieces of it floating around




full castlewars gets 10x more respect from me than full dragon




It takes an insanely long amount of time to get it and looks very nice as well.




there's a guy whos name starts with a "U" who runs pest control with it on all the time, he's 106. It's not worth a lot but if you want a unique character, get Full castelwars






to give you some perspective, I don't think any of the maxed 99 people have full CW. I know zezima doesn't bc he didn't list it in his interview as something extra he had in addition to his 99s




i'm level 93, i bet i could get 110 b4 i could get full CW :lol: Insannneeee stuff

100 Combat

91 Strength

70 Defense

82 Attack

85 Magic =)

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weild:abysmal whip




I'm glad I have an abyssal whip and not an 'abysmal' one.




i think jagex should release an abysmal whip fro f2p only =) it would be really expensive and also worthless =)




other than that do d legs cost more then guthan legs? i dunno....


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cape:fire cape


head: blue phat


amulet: ammy of fury (or onyx necklace b/c its useless AND expensive)


ring:ring of stone or berserker ring


feet:infiniti boots


hands:infiniti gloves


legs:drag legs


torso:drag chain


shield:drag square


weild:abysmal whip


ranged: like 1 bil :wink: rune brutal arrows





Most Expensive Set would be:


Shield : Mage Book


Wield : Mystic Mud Staff


The rest is okay

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Head: blinking party hat, made up by having all party hats in your inventory and equipping them one by one


That's not elite, that's just showing off.




Well it is for the richest players so that is kind of elite.


And whats this Dragon Chain about? More like Dragon G Plate :) :)


(I knoe it doesnt exist but thatll be awesome)



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