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New Type of Prank


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Actually I think it's been around since whenever the door was invented.




I can't remember the name we used to call it atm, will try to remember.




Doors are pretty old bro.




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I use to that with a couple of diffrences when I was a kid.


It involved going to the door of a person you knew with a friend. Both of you are wearing ski masks and carrying buckets of water.


Ring the bell, hide to the side, and splash the people coming out.




When my mom got told, I was grounded for about 3 months :(


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Yeah I used to do that with my friends like 5-6 years ago.


Except after ringing the doorbell instead of just running we would hide and either soak them in water, liek misplacedme said. Or we would use silly string, flour, and other stuff I can't remember, good thing most of the people who we did it too, weren't uptight or we would have been in some serious trouble.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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Thats a good prank but definately not new. My favourite version is to tie some really thin string, eg fishing wire, to the door knocker of a house and hide in some nearby bushes. From there you knock on the door via the string and keep on doing it. If you do it right and knock the moment they close the door it can have scare them pretty bad. They will eventually get mad and step outside. You then yank on the string and close the door on them. Priceless.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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no not knew, round my part we call it ding dong ditch

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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My friend and I were bored the other day, so we tried to think of a new way to prank someone. So we rang our neighbor's doorbell and ran away. It's funny because the neighbor opens his door and doesn't see anyone. We called this prank "Touchbell Run!" Please try this new prank at your own risk, I will not be held responsible if your neighbor catches you.




thast been around since there have been door bells


but yea it is lots of fun





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Most people in the U.S. call it Ding Dong Ditch. Anyways, it is definitely not new. I think it is probably one of the oldest pranks in the book. My friends and I did it one time to the person across the street. As we were running away, my friend, David, ran into a tree and fell over. It was hilarious. He didn't get caught though. We all kind of wish he did.

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that isnt a very good prank.




Good prank: re-arange the keys on the keyboards at school.




or... run>cmd>net send * whats up guys? hows the hw going?.




you will laugh, u will cry, and possibly get suspencion (always a plus).

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Thats a good prank but definately not new. My favourite version is to tie some really thin string, eg fishing wire, to the door knocker of a house and hide in some nearby bushes. From there you knock on the door via the string and keep on doing it. If you do it right and knock the moment they close the door it can have scare them pretty bad. They will eventually get mad and step outside. You then yank on the string and close the door on them. Priceless.




Sounds fun, I'm going to try that :twisted:




It's called "belletje trekken" in the Netherlands

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In Holland we call it "Belletje lellen" or "Belletje trek".




[edit]Right, I should start to learn to read entire threadas before posting, even if they are nonsense threads, the person above me already named a Dutch version.


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