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What's the Best RPG Game?


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i think im qualified for an opinion on this (my name) :)




my favorite RPG's are


-fire emblem series


-shining force (the oiginal)


-golden sun series


-final fantasy I


-Final Fantasy II




in that order :wink:




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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final fantasy 7, and its final!




You bumped up a year old topic to say that?




I said the exact same thing in another topic yesterday, where are all these stupid people coming from?



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Lets see, FFVII, Fable, FF Tactics, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Rogue Galaxy, Xenosaga, Balders gate, FF3...




I could probably go on forever, but I'll stop here.




And finally, Planescape: Torment: This game has the best story you will ever find anywhere, in any medium. It completely destroys all other games in terms of story, and I can honestly say it matches or even surpasses almost every movie or book I've ever experienced. And that's what this game is: an experience. You don't just play it, it's so well done you are put into this game. It has an amazingly cool main character, whom says only a few lines of dialogue through the whole game. What he does say is amazing, and it leaves so much room for you to actually play as the character, instead of just guiding a pre-made character on their mission. This game also has the very best "play how you want" system, as there are so many different quests and so many ways to define who you want to be throughout the game (along with about 5 different endings based on how you want to play). The party characters, while limited, are indescribably better than any you'll find in another game, each has there own reason for being in the game, each their own reason for joining (a legitimate one), each there own quest they want to complete, and each and completely different hero that is better fleshed out than pretty well every MAIN character you've ever seen. The atmosphere is oozing with style and complexity, it's well written and presented dialogue, and world is actually FUN to explore and is artistically brilliant. Spell effects are jaw dropping (some of the bigger spells get their very own CG cutscene, others are good aswell, though). There's probably something I've forgotten, but it's just in indescribably well made game (with a touch of morbid humor where its needed).




Its really that good? I've had this game for years and have never once played it... :?



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Its really that good? I've had this game for years and have never once played it... :?


Remember how I once said that FFVI was better than sex?




Planescape: Torment defecates upon it from a great height.

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<.< I seriously dont get whats so good about FFVII. I know i didnt play through the full thing, but i know the basic story of it (I had to in order to watch AC and play DC.). Seriously, the basic story is so mediocre compared to FFVI and FFIX.




FFVI is the best by far. Good ol' 16-bit graphics, Epic and memorable scenes (Opera house <3), Excellent music (Although i admit that FFVII's OWA does own all other FF songs), characters more complex then almost any other story (Except maybe Vincent, I cant figure him out completely), and the list goes on....


Sig by Ikurai

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im pretty sure i haven't played any RPG besides RuneScape. Unless you call Pokemon: Yellow and Pokemon: silver for Gameboy from when i was like 10.




Ya, the pokemons games count. RS actually doesn't. As much as people call it a MMORPG, its really only an adventure game MMO. You arent assuming the role of anyone in a story anyways.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Tabletop RPG Vampire the Requiem
I miss the Toreador :(




It's pretty hard to answer. Anything from Baldur's Gate II to Final Fantasy VI to Diablo II really.

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im pretty sure i haven't played any RPG besides RuneScape. Unless you call Pokemon: Yellow and Pokemon: silver for Gameboy from when i was like 10.




Ya, the pokemons games count. RS actually doesn't. As much as people call it a MMORPG, its really only an adventure game MMO. You arent assuming the role of anyone in a story anyways.


come to think of it, i geuss that is very true.


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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Best one of all time, as i've said before doesn't need a name.








I can play that game for hours on end never geting tired of it. (it's chrono trigger)




That's my own screen shot of it btw, thats my party.

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Without doubt - Pok̮̩̉̉mon. The new Wi-Fi capabilities make it truly global, and it's a beauty!




After that, Tales of Symphonia on the GC. Many would say that's an adventure game... I think it's a slash between the two (there are different 'routes' to the game).




I never really liked FF. I played Crystal Chronicles, and watched someone play FF7... I wasn't impressed one bit. It didn't look much better than Skies of Arcadia, and the graphics/gameplay on that were pretty naff.




I note very few people have said RS... lol.

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Without doubt - Pok̮̩̉̉mon. The new Wi-Fi capabilities make it truly global, and it's a beauty!




I should annihilate you. :shame: :evil: :notalk: <.<




I say the best RPG ever that I've played is Final Fantasy X. That's 10..for those of you who don't get X = 10 or whatever :)




It has a great story..a great ending..and it's just overall fun and a very good RPG experience.




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I hear that Crystal Chronicles was only a Final Fantasy game by its name anyway, and it wasn't near the others in quality (probably because Square Enix and Ninty fell out all those years back). I did watch the game play as well, although I didn't stick around at the time for the plot so I wouldn't really know how it goes.




Call me a Nintendo fanboy... as my signature says that was the place that introduced me to the online community, so I guess it's only natural for me to like Nintendo games more than other games. It's what I've ultimately been brought up on. Therefore, I like Pok̮̩̉̉mon. Even at 17, I'm not ashamed to admit that - it's easily one of Nintendo's greatest franchises and I get the feeling sometimes people don't give it a chance for its 'kiddy' label.




Having said that, FFVII was voted the best game ever by GameFaqs.com, so I'll shut up now... #-o

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Hey, I was kidding. I liked Pokemon up until Ruby and Sapphire came out..heck, if I had a list of the greatest RPGs, Pokemon Silver would be up there somewhere for sure. I just hate all of the new stuff..the older games were the best




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