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What Would You Do? W111 Massacre


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i would go to the autoing spots and kill them all!!!!!


i hate them so much, this would have been the perfect way to go down as you would be doing everyone a favour but what you know who did was understandable......if i had that power and his lvls i would have probably done the same and vidoed it then put it on the net, this event is sure to go down as runescape history.....i was there by pure luck...i was buying nats and someone told me to come to world 111 to buy them...i was sat in the east bank having just traded with him and some player runs past being minced by a lvl 121 so i banked all items and ran after him...i got some good loot from that and i now have quite a few nats because of it 8-)

Warning, psycho at work =p

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I hate to admit it but the temptation would be just too much to resist.

My friend you would not tell with such high zest / to children ardent for some desperate glory / the old lie: Dulce et decorum est / pro patria mori.

These 'noobs' are not people as such, they are soulless creations of corporate greed.

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I would gather a group of close friends (you don't know who you are) and go attacking people (of whom I don't know) that are wearing costly items (p-hats, Dragon items... yada yada yada...) and then celebrate. :D


^ Blog.


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i would spend all the money i could to get 94 mage as fast as possible and go kill someone for a phat if i need more then just go to world 2 and ice barrage everyone! but thats if i still had members.....

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I think I would go on an autoer killing spree, sure I might be banned but who wouldn't want to kill lots of autoers. I might even pretend I'm a random event and give stuff to those arround who didn't auto.




"Say hi or die" might be a bit to direct though. :P

f2p skilltotal 1050+

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if there was someguy with a phat and i could own him i would have done it


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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lol dumb question
'Lol dumb answer'. :roll:


I woulda logged out and reported to Jagex, And maybe see If I could get their permission to go kill autoers and search in all their hotspots :twisted: .(And I'm not trying to act like a goodie tooshoes)

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what's the point in killing the autoers ... so they go to lumby and have to go back to their autoing place .... big deal




i would go around killing people. But i wouldn't have much luck since i'm only lvl 51 :?




If i was in that world i would have surely lost my phat cuz i'm always in faly and i usually wear it which would have of course sucked

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Knowing I had the ability first, I would go to Fally world 2 (if it still worked after switching worlds), and find the person with the highest rare. I would then try to lure 1 person away, saying I'd buy their rare or something for a ridiculous price. They may think it would be a scam, but if they don't and they follow me, then I would walk in the complete opposite direction of the wilderness, perhaps to the Port Sarim Docks. After that, I would make sure there was no one there, then I would kill him. If I kept doing this, I would get good rares, but no one would know it was happening. This way I wouldn't get banned, but I would get some nice rares! :D

Click here.


If you go there good things will transpire.

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Test it out privately on a friend and get the hang of it




make posts on forums of me buying phats, crackers, other rares




kill them






transfer it to another account






grab all my runes and best mage gear




go to cammy ice barrage EVERYONE take good loot




transfer it






go to pest control island and repeat




keep teeleeing to random spots to lose crowd






reapeat until mod locks account






thats HONASTLY what i'd do




of course it wouldn't be that planned out because I wouldn't of been expecting it.








And to anyone who says they wouldn't you're either a saint, Or a liar.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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I'd go test it out on a friend, then just never use it until my str/range/magic lvls are higher. Then... well you get the idea. :twisted:




If banned i'd probably make enough to start another char.




If not, it was fun while it lasted.



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Honestly, I would go to some secluded place with a lower level following me, kill him to see if it actually works, and then go to world 12 and try to find my old friend that took my D sq when I lent it to him. I'd kill him, take whatever he had, and then just report the bug and leave it alone.

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I absolutly hate what Durial did to Runescape...However I must admit, I'm not sure what I would have done.




Honestly, probably, I would have teled around, and every single Party Hat I would have seen, I automatically target and go after them, get their party hat. After I have a nice collection, and my account gets locked, I trade all Party Hats to a friend, and have him transfer those to a new account of mine.



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