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One of the best stories I've ever read.


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This is a really great read. It was creepy, depressing and very long but I think that was what it needed to be for the climax to have such effect. I was deeply moved. Thank you for posting this.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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To use a really outdated phrase...tubular.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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It was pretty good, definately makes you think. Kind of reminds me of the concept behind Fight Club, where the people who you disregard as worthless actually control more of the world than the upper class do. It was pretty good, not my style to read though.

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Wow... that was... depressing.




But also very deep. The janitor seemed to be saying that basically, we have nothing to live for. Life is just here because it is, and that's just the way things work.




I could now go into a long philosophical rant, but I won't. Instead, I'll simply say this;




All humans want in life is happiness - and whatever makes you happy is what you should try to do.




And for me, happiness comes from trying to make this world a little better for everyone else. And that is what gives my life some meaning.

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Wow... that was... depressing.




But also very deep. The janitor seemed to be saying that basically, we have nothing to live for. Life is just here because it is, and that's just the way things work.




I could now go into a long philosophical rant, but I won't. Instead, I'll simply say this;




All humans want in life is happiness - and whatever makes you happy is what you should try to do.




And for me, happiness comes from trying to make this world a little better for everyone else. And that is what gives my life some meaning.






you took the words out of my mouth :o


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

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With that said, I do have to disagree with most of what the author said (in the point of view of the janitor). It really does make life look pointless and bleak, but I'd say it doesn't really matter if we all have a passion, even if there is a disagreement in the legitimacy of it (like being obsessed with material things), it's certainly something and the story is saying there's nothing worth living for because all of the stuff people live for is pointless. Kind of hard to absorb I think... But just got me thinking.

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I did disagree with alot of the things the author said about life, but at the end, it seems as though the janitor's thoughts about life changed. He went out and tried to save the kid from making any further mistakes.

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All humans want in life is happiness - and whatever makes you happy is what you should try to do.




And for me, happiness comes from trying to make this world a little better for everyone else. And that is what gives my life some meaning.




I can think of several situations where doing what makes you happy isn't what you should try to do lol. One being work. You don't want to do any work, but you need to. But that's another debate, as you said.




As for the article, I didn't want to read that beast of a post.

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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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All humans want in life is happiness - and whatever makes you happy is what you should try to do.




And for me, happiness comes from trying to make this world a little better for everyone else. And that is what gives my life some meaning.




I can think of several situations where doing what makes you happy isn't what you should try to do lol. One being work. You don't want to do any work, but you need to. But that's another debate, as you said.




As for the article, I didn't want to read that beast of a post.




I don't really want to start a debate but what do you work for? Lets say my tv breaks. I work to fix it so I can enjoy my television.

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I read it over the course of 3 days, but I'm just now getting around to writing a proper statement. It was really entertaining, extremely well written and a very good read. The length didn't bother me, in fact it added to the overall feel, but it did repeat itself on many occassions. It was fun to follow the plot; it somewhat reminded me of Fight Club to an extent. Very good story, I'd definately recommomend it, even though it is long. The ending is good, but not great. But good.






The story was good. The ending was pretty annoying with the stupid principal coming out on top and everything but other than that, the story was good.


Actually, no one wins. Sure, the principle seems to have come out ahead, but as he says in the story, he knows the principle won't find every picture, and eventually he'll get whats coming to him.

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I only read a few paragraphs and I found it quite graphic...which means AWESOME!!!





Flash. Susie McDonald is bleeding to death in the senior lobby. She was shot in the gut; the bullet tore through her liver and left a hole in her back. She doesn't know this, but her liver is sheared in half, and out of the hole in her back green bile is oozing out in slow clumps




\' :-&

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"You see. Choosing to fail in life is so much easier to live with than just failing. When my Dad wanted to teach me to ride a bike, I refused. Why get on the bike when you know you fall and hurt yourself? That's just stupid."




I thought that line was hilarious.

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