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Is there a reason why guys can't cry?

Guest XplsvBam

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:shame: Im a guy in touch with his feminine side... and im not a sissy.... And i dont cry...




Hey its no use telling me... I don't make the rules.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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Guest GhostRanger
Here's what I meant to put as my initial reply:




Real men can't cry. It's physiologically impossible. If you've ever seen a man crying then it is because it is a man-woman halfbreed, more commonly known as the 'Sissy' (Sisseus Notesticulus). These parasites have infested our towns & cities and started to breed with our people - they must be stopped.




They often masquerade as 'sensitive guys' and 'guys in touch with their feminine side'. They may buy what their kind refer to as 'male grooming products' and are incapable of having one of the two true male haircuts - shaved, and totally uncut/long (and that doesn't include 'layering' or emo styles). Keep your eyes open for them.




Should you spot a Sissy, there are only two ways to kill them; forcing them to eat beef jerky and playing loud Pantera.




Sounds like you've been reading The Alphabet of Manliness. :P

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For some reason the people are supposed to be the manliest are the ones that are actually least so IMO. Example: This year, when the guys football team lost, not making it into the playoffs, they got together in the locker room for a big old cry. Why? I have no idea. It's not because they were good, even if they had won that game, they would have gotten destroyed far before making it to the championship. And no, they weren't very good. Also, it wasn't like that was the last football game they'd all ever play, this cry time included the Juniors/Grade 11's, and it also included people who had just taken up football this year. I donno, maybe they are just sissies, or the roids pumping through their veins, or I donno...

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I dont remeber the last time I cryed... Even getting injured doesnt make me cry. Meh.




On another note: I can never get a nose bleed(not that i wwant to) but I got hit in the face a couple of times=never nose bleed. :?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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guys can cry


Bruce Willis can do it even it is only acting.






if you really want to cry, try a different approch.




Try laughing really hard, maybe you will cry.




thank you Mr.Beans and Scary movie for making me cry a lot












but there is nothing wrong with man crying when one of your love one passed away :cry: If you call those people crying a "sissy" . You are a jerk! Tom Cruise style.

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Last time I really cried I was at my grandpas funeral and we were just putting him in the ground, I eventually just went and waited in our van because it was too hard for me. To this day it's very hard for me to talk about my grandpa.




As for movies: I've shed a few tears here and there, the biggest tear jerkers for me were ET, and Armagedon. What can I say, there was a strong breeze in the theatre :roll:


Goals: 80/80 Range, 75/90 Strength, 77/85 Attack, 64/76 Fishing and crafting 31k natures (o.O)

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I've never cried due to sadness. I've been to a lot of funerals of my relatives, but could never really cry.




The only time I cried...I got bonus-balled in paintball. Like they hit me twenty or thirty extra times from around seven feet away, and I fell to my knees because it hurt so damn bad. I then began to cry--a bit.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Once (like there were any other times) when I went paintballing I got nailed right in the sterdum (right in the middle of teh chest), and the welt that formed was crazy, and it got all red around the edges and almost started to bleed. Oh fun times...


Goals: 80/80 Range, 75/90 Strength, 77/85 Attack, 64/76 Fishing and crafting 31k natures (o.O)

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I actually had the same problem. When my grandma passed away a few years ago I couldent cry. My whole family was crying and I was extremely upset of course but it was akward. I seem to remember just sort of recalling all the good memories about a week later and just getting it done with.




When I was a kid I cried all the time though.

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Boys don't cry, girls don't fart.




Also, girls really.. They don't pee.


It is fact, do not try and dissuade me! :shock:




As I said in an earlier note: Girls don't do anything pooish. (kayla, that's for you :P)


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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one time I was being all manly and walking down the street to get some crack... I saw a little pink bunny get slaughted by a ford... then a dog ran across the road and just took the bunny and ate it... I cried for hours...






ooh and I found one bone of the bunny and buried it after I was done crying... and while I was burying it... I cried more... :cry:

Did you heard about the kidnaping last night? no? well the kid just fell assleep.... :D lol...

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one time I was being all manly and walking down the street to get some crack... I saw a little pink bunny get slaughted by a ford... then a dog ran across the road and just took the bunny and ate it... I cried for hours...






ooh and I found one bone of the bunny and buried it after I was done crying... and while I was burying it... I cried more... :cry:






1). You think its cool to pretend to be a drug-addcit.


2). You like the attention you get from pretending to be a drug-addict.


3). I misread the first line of the post.

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