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Man's Best Friend...


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I have 2 english bulldogs that are extremely lazy, a saint bernard/lab mix that tore up the corner of our house, and a colly/great parenese (sp?) that barks way too much...




Oh and I have a computer that is quite, only goes where I want it to go, only does what I tell it to, and never ruins stuff...

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That's so sweet :) Tess sounds like a brilliant dog!




I had a rottweiler once called Cassie. We were born on the same day! As rottweilers go, she was pretty useless, she just wanted to play and be friendly all the time. Which was great for me, because she was an awesome friend.




We reached 14 years together and she sadly passed away soon after. I was upset for a long time, but I realised I should be thankful for the brilliant moments we shared together, which is what I think about everytime I mention her.

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I got a dog thats half Begal and not sure what the othe half is tho. Anyway, his name is Archie, and he LOVES for someone to pet him. I pet him for 10 seconds, I move my arm, and he licks it or puts his paw on it so you'll continue to pet him.


He also likes running. So look out the window and he'll be Zoooming by.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Darn mutts. I have two, one of which technicaly belongs to my Gran who lives with us.




One is a small black lab whos a little overweight, he enjoys laying about, making messes in the house, aggravating my mom, and being eaten (apparently. Once whilst walking him a stray dog begins to chase me and I start sprinting away, and my dog keeps pace for a couple steps then decided running is overrated. Naturaly, I drag him along)




The other is a massive guy who is similarly lazy, very old but his voice is still holding up, he'll bark at anything.

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My family doesn't have any dogs, but our relatives do and we spend a lot of time with them. First off their is Scamp, my grans dog. Small, cute and crazy. Next Jasper who is Big, Black and Friendly. Then there is Jack. He is ugly, smelly and his farts can kill you. He has a heart of gold but Jesus those farts smell bad :shock:


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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My grandma has got a pointer. It's the best dog I've ever known. Too bad she's 14 years old and isn't too fit anymore. I love dogs.




Dogs > cats.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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i walk my mom's friends dog. his name is Falcore.


its a Chesepeake Bay Retreiver, and its really old :( .


its getting skinnier every time i see it. its like 14 or something. it also has bad hind legs. makes me sad.


its really friendly and cute too.

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My family raises Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. They're sweet dogs, but they're a tad hyper. ^_^ We had three litters of puppies recently, and the puppies are adorable! But, we don't get attached to them because we sell them.




We also have a St. Bernard and a Yorkshire Terrier that live in the house with us. :( I don't much care for them. They're extremely hyper and annoying. But, my new kitten doesn't really seem to care about them too much.

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Ah i love dogs. My parents have had two black labradors, i grew up with an absolutely lovely one. Called Polly, wonderful gentle loyal nature. It was very sad when she passed away at the age of 15, made me realise how much you kind of just expect them to be there when you come in, tail wagging. This is a picture of her as a puppy.








Now my sister also has a black lab, who's a bit more lanky but very friendly and great fun.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I have 2 dogs and a cat...usually my puppy likes to "play"with my cat until she hisses..lol..Anyways their all girls ad I have a mom so it sucks because theres only 2 guys in the house...and 3 of the 4 girls are around my house 24/7...My puppy Bailey is a 5 month old Golden Retriever and I have one which I'm not sure of but she's 6 years old and at the age of 3 she was abused by a horrible family..then we adopted her from someone.But I couldn't imagine being wihtout any of them..We just toooo close :)

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You guys are so lucky. I've wanted a dog for years now, but my parents won't get one because my mom has allergies. Meh.




I'm such a dog person. Not sure why.. dogs love me. :D


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I don't have a dog because Im not allowed :( but my cousin used to have 2 rottweilers and they were boss. Every time I used to go round to his, they would jump all over me and run about. Eventually when I sat down, one of them would sit next to me and the other would sit on my feet. They seemed like the most loyal dogs ever.




I remember once when one of them was a puppy, only bout 8-10 weeks, I was lying on the floor, and it walked over to me and started biting my ear :lol: It was just playing though.






One of them looked nearly identical to this one :)




I really love Rottweiler's and when Im older and have my own place, Im gettin my own one which Im guna call Ray :D

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Dogs are my favorite, but I also like cats. I think cats and dogs should put aside there differances and just get along. :mrgreen:lol








When Tess was, like, 8months, (ie, the cutest in the world) she used to lie down infront of the neighbourhood cats...and she used to try and play with them, but she usually ended up scratching them with her 'Power Paws' if they weren't quick enough to run away...=p




That was until our neighbours got two cats (who they don't look after particuarly well!) and Tess became very protective of the garden: it's like a platform with steps, going down to the patio. Anyway she lies at the top of the steps and if she sees a cat at the end of the garden (it's easy for them to climb over: there's some garages that look over and a wall, few trees to help them over) she just gets up and gives uo heart attacks =p






Anyway. these cats keep coming into the courtyard at the side of the house and they just sleep there. Luckily Tess can't get in there, there's two doors, so we put out milk and stuff.


Usually during storms and stuff, those two cats just sleep in the courtyard- I mean the neighbours are really great owners.


(note the sarcasm)

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