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Since when has the Runescape Community become a bunch of....


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Since when has the Runescape Community become a bunch of greedy scammers? Me and my "best friend" who I became friends with 5 months ago when we started playing Runescape. We were both lvl 5's and did training together and skilling together almost everyday. We frequently loaned each other gp if the other wanted to buy something (5k short of a rune scimmy) and we always payed each other back. He had given me his crystal bow about a week ago to train with and I gave it back to him yesterday. Yesterday he told me he had lost everything while staking, and asked if he could borrow my equipment to stake back a few mils.






I had just gotten my whip a week ago after slaving away for an entire month mining coal and a bit of death merchanting. Now I'm very protective of my whip, but seeing how I had known my friend for 5 months and we had frecuently borrowed stuff I thought I could trust him. He asks for the whip, rune plate, and obby set which I give him telling him he should give it back by around 10 PM that night.




I was just 100k short of finaly getting my Verracks set after playing hundreds of pest control games to raise my defence. I just needed to sell my whip and obby set the next day and I would finaly be a Veracks staker, something I have been striving for since the beginning of May.




I Pm him numerous times and ask how his staking is going. I never get a reply. My nerves started to rack up when I saw he switched to world 2 an hour later, but then I rememered world 2 has the most stakers in it so I felt better. He then switched to his pure after only an hour of having the whip and I started to feel nervous again thinking he may have scammed me and sold my stuff. When its 10 o'clock I calmly decided to ask for my stuff back as if I didn't suspect him of scamming me, because I knew I would get no where if I cussed him out. He never went back on his main, so I pmed him on his pure. I try 3 times about 15 minutes apart and still no response. I think to myself, maybe hes pking and can't respond, but as I sit there thinking to myself I already knew I would never get my items back. Then today I Pm him again only to have him log out.




I'm not asking for free stuff or your remorse, but all I ask is since when has the RS community become a bunch of greedy kids? Since when has friendship and fun become worthless compared to material value in video games? I was sad that I lost my stuff after a month's hard work, but even more sad that we would never have any more good times together. No more pking, staking, racing to see who could get 60 fishing/mining the fastest. Has this happened to any of you?













Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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its just the odd person who cares for cash rather than friends...kinda like the story of Zaccheus from the bible :P (had to read in tp)




basically i think that its just the odd person that does this but there numbers seem to be growing as more and more people i know scam me and i have now adopted a new policy




if i give you something its yours to keep so dont pay me back :P


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First of all i'm sorry about your "friend" but you can't say it's the entire community. I've never scammed in the 2 years i've played and I know others who don't. It's just the people who do who make the good people look bad. I'm sorry you lost your stuff and most of all your friend but I hope you learned not to lend out stuff that expensive. Good luck.

R.I.P. The olde nite. A legend is gone but not forgotten.


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He had given me his crystal bow about a week ago to train with and I gave it back to him yesterday.




They're tradeable?




Plus, regarding your stats..you can't weild one.

I'm Jake Milroy

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too bad mate, but 5 months isn't a long time to fully trust some1, me and my m8 has known each other for about 2 years now and everytime I needed help he would help me and everytime when he needed help I would help him so i guess we do fully trust each other.

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Well thats life, people be your friends and backstab you... Dont let no one use your stuff unless he is a good frend Irl, then you can beat him up if he steals it lol.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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He had given me his crystal bow about a week ago to train with and I gave it back to him yesterday.




They're tradeable?




Plus, regarding your stats..you can't weild one.




Main: Savageboy1


Skiller-then into Staker: Degeneratex


Ranger/Mage Pure: R0binhood Jr

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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Tell me about it, this a group of noob lurers..if you see * in fally world 2...follow him then report him..like 10 of his noob friends of various levels are up there luring...if one of them actually gets into a fight, he prays and if he starts getting owned he teles...




No naming names

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I learnt that friend or not you should never lend items. Maybe the odd GP around 2k but not whip and stuff. No way. I never lend my best friend i have known all my life stuff...You trusting a person who you have never met in real life and have known for 5 months is a bit silly.




Sorry about you losing your items but still...

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I lent my friend 100k yesterday, since we were both merching in Fally park, and he was 100k short of having two Dharok's sets at once.




Oh, and by "my friend" I mean some guy I had met in Fally park about 30 minutes before, and who seemed like a nice guy.




Long story short, he gave it back, and I had known him for less than an hour.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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That's just sad.




Don't judge the community on it though. I totaly understand how you feel, and I most certainly don't understand what your "friend" thinks....

I know what I know and what I know might well not be what you want to know but then seeing as only I know what I know and you do not know what I know then you will not know if what I know is what you would like to know
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moral: dont loan stuff to others even if u are "friends" with them you should only lend stuff if u physically know the person or trade it for collateral


so if you wana borrow somebodys verracs give them sometihng of equal value like gp or something else sort of like a deposit



only 2 skills below level 50 :)

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Sorry to hear that happened. I've never been scammed.




I remember one time i was at Daggs, i wanted to open a new window, so i go to press file on top and instead i push back. Now i had 2 small daggs on me with auto retaliate off :wall: . I thought i'll be ok, it'll log me out in 1 minute. 3 minutes go by, saying my account is still logged in. I start freaking out. 10 minutes go by and i still can't log in. I was wearing full rune w/ d med, whip, and my friends d2h. I was on 42hp when i pushed back. I'm freakin out, i dont want 2 lose my friends d2h. So i call him up (I went 2 high skool with him) so he logs in and goes to where I am. He tells me there were 2 people around me just waiting for me to die. Bunch of greedy little kids. So he kills the daggs and i log out. Log back in with 35hp, lol. Those small daggs never hit.




Back on ur topic, i RARELY trust people i've never met. I have taken some chances, but thankfully, i've always gotten the items back.


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

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In a game as massive as Runescape, there's undoubtedly going to be plenty of players who are addicted to pixels. However, your friend really doesn't represent the entire community, and scamming is by no means a new phenomenon. Just remember, when someone's behind a computer screen, they're not the same person, so trusting people you meet over the internet is not only risky, but downright stupid.

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The runescape community has always been full of scammers. I'd be about a week and a half into the game there were plenty of scammers. I got scammed the first day I was here (iron full helm :( it was a lot back then).

RSN: Mutashi

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I don't remember many scammers or beggars back in Feb '01, which was when I started... then again maybe that was because there would be like 200 people playing at any one time, and so its easier to ignore than a stack of 11 beggars per square inch like they get on the free servers now. :roll:

A king sate on the rocky brow/Which looks o'er sea-born Salamis/And ships, by thousands, lay below,/And men in nations;--all were his!/He counted them at break of day--/And when the sun set where were they?



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I've had a few things taken that I lent someone but they were all under 50k and the person would go "ty!!!!hahaha" and run and I'd just mesage them "lol?"




Anyways, I probably wouldn't lend more than 500k-1m to someone in a game that I don't know personally.




But I have a few friends in real life who play this game and ALOT of lending goes on;p

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Same thing happened to me recently, i lent my friend my whip and now he doesn't answer my pms or anything...

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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Lost another friend today. Thought I was acc selling when I accedently said part of a joke about a scam to him. He reported me even though we've known each other for a long time.....='( Another one bites the dust.




Sorry, I copied and pasted that. :P Didn't want to type it all again...

[Admin Edit: No naming names in a negative light]

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