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Pest control at world 78 gone bad?


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sometimes its becauss of time zones, most of the players in world 78 pest control are from america, and sometime when they are asleep, they leave pest control in a bad dilema.




well someone told me what i just said above, personally i think it inaccurate :-k

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I played a few days ago and didnt loose 1 game outa the 50 I played throught the day.






I played about 65 games today and lost about 20 of them. Its pathetic.




Theres now hundreds of lvl 50-65s playing. Dont get me wrong, Im not one of those people that calls anyone lower then me a noob, I actually almost never use the term...but man! If they would ATTACK THE PORTALS we might actually win the games, but they litterally walk to the portals and attack the NPC, and almost NEVER touch the spinners #-o




Id say 1 in every 5 games, I take out one of the side portals completely on my own with absolutely no help from anyone. Theres usually a few 50s or 60s just standing there watching, either attacking a random NPC or even worse just standing there. :roll:




And so everyone understands, theres absolutely nothing wrong with lower leveled people playing the game, They can EASILY win the game every time. What gets to me is the people that stand there and do virtually nothing to help win the game :wall:




I wish there were some solution to this...like maby receiving no points if you attack nothing for more then 20 secs? (seems like a low amount of time, but games rarely last more then 120 secs)


YOU IDIOT HIGH LEVELS CAN I PLAY PEST CONTROL GETTING 50DMG AND THEN HITTING PORTALS (which I barely can)??? SOUNDS like you don't want the noobs playing, 'make the lvl require ment 70! Blah blah blah.' I'd rather be a mage after 2 games and get 50dmg then smash the portals... World 2=Big Memb Market=Most in Fally=common sense :idea:. And I don't think jagex will put a 20 sec timelimit to attack. BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE PROABLY WILL RUN STRAIGHT PORTAL TO PORTAL !!!!! INSTEAD OF GOING TO HIT MONSTERS!!! Think before you post, you are outrageous to me...






Is this guy serious? No he can't be. Calling high level players idiots and then spouting the nonsense. Run straight portal to portal? Of course any pest controller with sense is going to run portal to portal if they know how to play the game at all and want to win. I wish the level requirement was 70 or higher infact. Half of you post makes no snese to me whatsoever. I think instead sir that you are outrageous to me, especially for postiong something as idiotic sounding as this.

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the problem is that the official world was set by a different communit for the sake of fast exp.




Now the noobs show up and ruin it for them so they got annoyed and decided to switch it out.




You need to have access to their clan leader only section of their forum and bring only 100+ players to their island.




Once the decision maker sees that the noobs are flooding they will hop wourlds again as happened 3 times yesterday.




I'm not saying if its right or wrong but if you desire a noob free world tip it should make their own as this other forum has.


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Im gonna have to blame it on the noobs sorry =-(




It used to be good because atlest 20 percent of the people playing where always over 90.




Now theres more and more under 90 making it harder as there game experiance and abilities are lower then most lvl 90+'s




*By Noobs I mean the low lvl's that stand around and att monsters that arent doing any harm*

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I'm not saying if its right or wrong but if you desire a noob free world tip it should make their own as this other forum has.




Although I agree, the problem is there's nothing stopping all the lower levelled players on Tip.It finding this world out as well. And I can't see Tip.It having a high levelled players only section.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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so lets stop talking about using a new world...and make 1!.......


i personally WAS a pc fanatic, got the mace (only "worked" for 50 of the points 200 of em were fun..)


But its completely true people stop after they get theyre 50...then games take longer.... and we actually lose..i once soloed 3 portals in1 game...(shockingly enough we eneded up losing...)


From my pc expertise i think you need a total of 6 defenders... 1 each on east and west in case of a ravager...(body blockers) 2-3 back with the void knight and 1-2 at south gate picking off torchers and defilers..


that leaves !19! people to knock out portals...2 groups each start at west/east, meet up in middle to help finish off last portal(whichever team finishes first) game should take approx 1:30.... I played a game like that ....once.... :( :(




So any ideas for which world?

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Well I'm level 62, but what you need to understand is that I spend 300k on 300 Ice Bursts to do Pest Control. I'm not going to waste 1k per shot attacking the portal when I could be attacking the large group of monsters for up to 10-20 times the xp!. So if I hit 5 20s, I get the xp from the 5 shots, but I also get an addictional 2xp per damage. So I'm sorry I stand around and do nothing. But when you waste 1k per spell you want to make it worth it.




And no, I can't melee. I'm 700xp from a strength level which I don't want.


I still average around 1200 damage per game even though I'm only active in the last 3 minutes. But really. Now for the level 42s and such. I think they should boost the needed level to 60+. Or even 70.







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This was inevitable really....




Noob see's game. Noob goes to game. Noob ruins game. :-k




I don't even like that game anyway... It's INCREDIBLY BORING! :wall: :wall: :wall:




^^ Support it or get confused by pixel-mess :D

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It's terrible, i went today to get away from abyssal demons for a while, and.. where do i begin :-k




I average hitting about 350 damage on portals alone, by myself every game.




The worst game so far was when i hit 820 damage on portals ALONE




And that damage wasnt just from spinners healing it, i made sure spinners were all under control.




But seriously! #-o



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It's pathetic.


I'm only a level 78 melee, and sometimes I range (58)


Before the update, I was a pest control addict.


Since, I've basically given up.


I generally end up taking out a portal by myself, and scoring around 300 damage.


I also generally end up surrounded by choruses of level 45-60 levels doing nothing.




At the worst times, there's about 10-15 people actually attacking things.






See thats exactly my point. You do NOT have to be lvl 100 to win pest control games. You dont even have to be level 70. You just need to work together as a team and attack the portals for quick games that you win.


Its the people that just stand there attacking the lvl 50 brawlers and such.


I understand the portals can be kinda difficul for lower levels to hit, BUT that gives absolutely no reason that they cant help out by attacking spinners, and, once they reach 50 hits, then attacking the portal. Even if you manage to take 10HP from the portal....its still a help.




A perfect example of how a lvl 40 (the lowest possible level to play) could be highly useful in the game, would be to attacka lvl 50 brawler by the portal to work on their 50 hits, BUT the second they see a spinner, even if its a lvl 92 spinner, they attack it to stop it from healing the portal. You only have to hit it once to distract it, then they can go right back to their brawler. Sure, the lvl 92 spinner might be killing them, BUT what do they have to loose? nothing, they respawn in the boat and run right back to the portal to continue helping. Doing they they are contributing to the killing of a portal by stopping spinners quickly, and they are getting in their 50 damage per game, while still be very helpful.




So i stand by my point that ANYONE can play pest controls and i dont think the lvl requirementshould be raise like some people....we just need people to willingly play.




Even the person icebursting...just do it near the portals where theresusually tons of NPCs anyways, and send a burst toward a spinner when one pops out. its a big help.


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


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Ya, I've been around too long.

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I agree entirely with what has been said. I've went from 97-99 combat on Pest Control alone, which is a lot of points, and have noticed a gradual decrease in the number of times I win per hour. I used to be able to win a game in about a minute- great! 60k def exp!- but now, well im lucky to get 30 wins in an hour.As I type this im trying to get into World 78 to play some more pest control, but im wondering if there is a point in trying to get in if i will just end up losing half the time.




Another thing I have noticed as well is the amount of pointless talk while waiting to play. It used to be filled with general chat-




"How many points you got?"




"Nice Armour"




"We're gonna win this!"








But now it's mostly..






"Omg!!111oneone! Zezima is here!"




"Zezimare is a noobor with no liver"




"Sandwiches Zeemima!"




I only noticed this a few weeks ago, whenever I logged in people would be typing rubbish like this. A few days ago it was rather peaceful while waiting, I had decided to play early in the morning to get some extra points in. But then it happened. Someone mentioned the "Z" word and all hell broke loose, I would have been laughing at some of the comments and rubbish spelling but I had seen it all before.




I don't know if there is any point in logging into world 78 at the moment but I have this voice in the back of my head that that keeps saying "Maybe its changed." Wishful thinking...







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At the VERY LEAST, do this: Get your 50 points from a random monster, then ATTACK THE PORTAL!!!




I went to one world were a majority were higher combat than me. I had to attack random monsters first cause I was losing a couple of points due to the game ending so quickly.




After I got my 50 (3 to 4 hits normally), I attacked the portal with gusto.




So, if you're low level, get your points the attack the portal IF YOU MUST.


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Also, I can no longer mage in pest control because we always loose! I mean its still xp but the runes are pretty much wasted. I have a good mage level and can hit higher with it but unless I'm with a group that i know will win I'm not using mage.




P.s. Can you mage/range the portals from the towers now? last time i checked you couldn't

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Well since the idea of it being the premier world to go to and do Pest Control, obviously the bottom of the barrel players would show up and leech off of the higher players.




Looks like we've got to find a new world and this time make it like the Underground Farm TELL NO ONE! It'd have to be one big secret shared by higher levels and hopefully only the higher ups that were trustworthy to only tell other high level and trustworthy people.




There was a group gathering together on here but I haven't seen much from it, but maybe their following the plan to the letter :wink:




ALready happened, and when one goes and blabs they switch worlds. So it's pratically impossible to be taken over by lower lvl's

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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Off topic:wizard im sry i was the one to mention the "Z" word friday morning.but they were goin crazy the night before because he was actually sighted there so again sry...lol.




On topic:i agree with all the noobs(yes i say noobs and im lvl 66)playin this game.and i dont think a noob is a low lvl.a noob is an additude thinking that they get wuteva they want.and im tired of them sitting around doing nothing!in 1 game i got the west portal(the one that peeps should go to first)down to 50 hp then bam bam 2 spinner popped up and there was nothing i could do.the portal couldve been dead in 30 secs even if 3 lvl 40s woulda halped me but nooo they gotta attack the noob monsters.




Here are signs of people not trying to help anyone but themselves:




(1)if anyone at all is attacking a splatter of any lvl they r tryin to get their 50 damage and nothing else.




(2)rangers and mages that just stand there because they dont wanna lose arrows or runes.




(3)if they ignore help kill spinner calls.




p.s.if i hear the word zezima at pc one more time im gonna blow my top(but its partly my fault anyways)

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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Another thing I have noticed as well is the amount of pointless talk while waiting to play. It used to be filled with general chat-




"How many points you got?"




"Nice Armour"




"We're gonna win this!"








But now it's mostly..






"Omg!!111oneone! Zezima is here!"




"Zezimare is a noobor with no liver"




"Sandwiches Zeemima!"




I only noticed this a few weeks ago, whenever I logged in people would be typing rubbish like this. A few days ago it was rather peaceful while waiting, I had decided to play early in the morning to get some extra points in. But then it happened. Someone mentioned the "Z" word and all hell broke loose, I would have been laughing at some of the comments and rubbish spelling but I had seen it all before.Wiz.




That's one of the main reasons I stopped after my first 100 points. I enjoyed playing it late at night, it was very peaceful and we won quite a lot. But I come on the next morning to "OMFG ZEZIMA". Some people actually changed the spam to the World Cup, which was much better. But then some kid started it all over again.




Maybe we should set an official TIME on World 78, which would be later at night for Americans. Not sure about everyone else.

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You don't need a world 78, you need about 5 to 10 guys roughly 100+ that have 5 to 10 other friends also 100+ they can contact.




Only the main 10 decide a world, and all goto it. That's upto 110 people that will finish games VERY FAST.




When too many noobs show up, well, time to message everybody for the new world. Don't say it in the open.




I'll put it this way, getting upto 60 points an hour is amazing. It's worth a little group effort to bring about such speed training.




PS: Can we at least have the ability to kill noobs that range wearing a rune-helm? Is that too much to ask?




Pest Control: At the very least, get your 50 points, then get the Portal.


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I use to care but now on world 78 there is no point in even playing. Im lvl 96 and I am usually the only high lvl there. Even if I take a few portals out we still lose just for the fact all the lvl 50's and 60's dressed in mith and steel do nothing at all.

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I think so many people know about that world now the lower levels have took over and just attack monsters to get there 50 points leaving the knight vernerable and the portals swarmed with spinners




its proabably alot better at wierd times when alot of people are asleep




yeh i'm lucky as i live in the UK and i find between 10am-2pm GMT are the best times as i've found i rarely lose a game as most people go for portals or protect the knight and very few stand doing nothing after they hit 50


(i think 10am-2pm GMT is 4am-8am eastern america, not sure though)




however later on, i find PC on 78 swarmed with low lvl's and pures who only attack monsters at the gates and do nothing more, they have no tactics about what they do and do nothing to help secure the win...




i kno that they are not able to win without the higher players gettin the portals but it annoys me how everyone loses out because they want easy xp or rewards from the points, to be honest i think they should raise the required level to 70 at least

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they should make the lowest level to play 60 or 55 at least, level 40's can do nothing really and just ruin it for everyone else. i'm not amazingly high (lv 75) but it's annoying when you see lvl 40's with iron on going in because they don;t realise that you don;t lsoe armour or whatever



40 Barrows trips, 4 Barrows equipment (Guthans Helm, Veracs Helm, Ahrims Skirt, Dharoks Helm)

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