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Weird encounters with bugs... ;P


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What type of weird/gross/scary/whatever encounters have you guys had with bugs or insects?




About ten minutes ago, I was brushing my teeth, and put my head down on the counter for a bit. Afterwards, I shook my hair to get it out of my face, and a CENTIPEDE falls out!




I mutter "Ah damnit.." and squish him. Flush!






How about you guys?


It really has

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Meh, I had an annoying encounter with a spider. I saw him walk across the floor one day. A small, inoccent little spider so I figured I would let him live. I woke up the next day with a damn spider bite. The spider bite grew to about 3/4 an inch across. It doesn't sound that bad but this thing HURT!!! Every time I accidentally tapped it, it felt like my leg had just been stabbed. I now kill every spider I see... Damnable spiders...

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First of all, let me start off by telling you guys that I am TERRIFIED of crickets. Absolutely, heart stopping, terrified. Keep that in mind as you read this.




I one time decided to take a shower. Not that this is a peculiar thing. I take one every night. So, I took off my clothes and got in the shower and I felt something on my shoulder. I turned my head to look at it and there was this HUGE black cricket sitting on my shoulder... staring at me with its emotionless, bleak, voidlike eyes.




My heart must have skipped a hundered beats and I just stared at it as I felt the color running out of my face, then, when I could breathe, I let out a bloodcurlding scream, brushed it off my shoulder, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself, then I ran into my brother's room and asked him to kill it.




This is still one of the scariest experiences of my life... :(

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LMFAO u should see what happened to me, once i over slept and i was supposed to go to the cinema with my bro and some of his friends. so they all came, with a big bucket of maggots, and emptied it all over my head. i was so disgusted i stripped, literally, i was scratching like mad and jumped into the shower :oops: :oops: :oops:


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Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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I ones pulled a prank with a fake spider on my little brother, the morning after I woke up and saw a spider next to my bed.


I though he had put the fake one there to get back at me, so I tried to grab it, real spiders don't seem to like that,...

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The worst spider one I can think of was when I was ten. I had a bunk-bed then with me sleeping on top and a board right next to me, to stop me falling out. Well one day I went to bed early (around 5, I think I was ill) and woke up at about 9 when my sister came up the stairs. She popped in to say good-night but stopped and screamed. On the board next to my head was a spider the size of my hand. I jumped up, knocked it onto the floor and ran downstairs wimpering.


I got my Mum and she came up with a beer glass to trap the thing. We spent about 10 minutes looking then found it behind the stereo. I flushed it from its hiding space with a long twig and it ran onto the desk. My mum slams down the beer glass and manages to trap all its legs in the process, probally breaking them all. My Mum takes off the glass in horror and the spider tries pathetically to run away. It gets about an inch and gives up. When we had thrown it out the window my Mum burst into tears. It was pretty depressing to kill it when we were only trying to be nice and move it (As opposed to hitting it with a book).




More recently I had a wasp crawl into my can of doctor pepper. I only saw it go in, as it had flown past my head seconds ago and I luckily heard it through my head phones. This guy could have killed me if I had drank from that can, but whats worse is that I had to throw it away. Waste of a docter pepper.




Edit - Necro that is scary, really really scary.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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@ knives, I know people like that, we used to have crickets in our basement, and one night I was sleeping down there with some friends (sleepover) and all of a sudden we hear soemone scream, turns out that they got crickets all in their pajamas :anxious:.




As for me.... I had just opened a can of lemonade then had to go to the bathroom... I do my buisness and come back and have a sip of my drink and feel something weird in my moulth, I paniced and spit it out and there was a silverfish silverfish_med.jpg I paniced and nearly threw up :-X

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I am TERRIFIED of crickets




+ 1!




When I went to India, I had to sleep in a scratty neighbour's house and I could hear a cricket ... freaky. So I wake up at the middle of the night and feel something crawling on my face. I tried to grab it and throw it away but it came back on. I absoulutely FREAKED OUT and slapped my face really hard. I think I killed that damn thing whilst in the making, giving myself a bruise -.-

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I am TERRIFIED of crickets




Heh.. I used to have a praying mantis I kept as a pet so I would catch these HUGE crickets in my garage to feed to the praying mantis.




I haven't really had any bad experiences with bugs.. Although I know of some other peoples bad experiences...




In the 8th grade my class went on a trip to a cemetary to learn about something or another... I don't know, I didn't pay attention. But we we're sitting on the ground "listening" to the guy tell us about something. Then me and my friend notice a big ol' spider crawling up this girls back. Being the nice guys we were, we didn't say anything.. Just waited for that moment. So we watched the spider crawl up her back, up her neck, then she freaked out when it got on her face.

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I really am not afraid of any insects, except for those that flying, and cannot be identified. Once i know the specias, im fine, but the reason is because i have a phobea of Bee's, hornets, wasps, and any other flying insect that stings.




When i was about 7, i went to the park, and about that time, the big thing came out amongs all the other children, talking about "killer bee's" Dont ask me way... anyways, im sitting at the park, when all of a sudden, this extreamly huge bumble bee comes up and starts to fly around me, and when i say it was big, it was big. It was slightly smaller then a golf ball.




It freaked me out so much, i cnat stand to be around bee's wasps and hornets.


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I went to put on my gloves and found this little thing sitting in one of the fingers bug.jpg i pulled my finger out and it was covered in bug guts, i paniced and through the gloves in the garbage and went and washed my hands :(



RSN: Aka Tricks

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Once when I was maybe 8 years old I was playing at my grandmother's backyard. She has a lot of plants there. It was late night and I was sitting on the dirt, when I look down and this cricket appears, jumps and hits me in my eye. I remember running as much as I could to my mom after that. :lol:


On the same backyard, years later a bat got stuck in my hair...But bats aren't bugs, so...




Alex, this thread is so you :P


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Last year, it was a nice summers day, very hot, (well very hot for us in the Uk anyway!) and I though I'd go into the garage to take my skateboard out and have some fun with my mates, When.....music pleae.... :boohoo: ......a massive hornet cam out of no where and started buzzing around me very menacingly and I started getting scared.






Then it dissapears for a few minutes, *phew* thank god for that, but then I notice something sharp and painful on my back. I was only 9 back then. Then the pain spread and got more painful as the seconds went by!




I went to the local doctor with my dad a minute later and my doctor told me I had been stung by the hornet 4 times at once....




.....Gives me bad memories..... :-X


Returned to Runescape June 2011 after a 3 year break :)

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Not afraid of bugs really, decided there were to many of them to be bothered.


But, when I was young(6), I was walking under a tree, turned my head to the right, and on my shoulder was a HUGE preying mantis. I panicked and threw it off and jumped into our swiming pool.




My gf is absolutly terrified of any type of bug, and I live in arkansas, so that causes more then a few problems. Worst one was when we tossed some sticks in the back of my car because we needed them. I was driving about 30mph when she started screaming. I quickly try to stop the car, but she jumped out of it before I even slowed down to 20 :\


harmless itty bitty brown spider that I crushed with my fingers...




My heart skipped a couple beats :D


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I once went to a huge party/sleepover thing.


My friends and I tried to stay up as long as we could.


I told everyone that the first person to fall asleep would get teabagged. (Just not by me, I dont have the guts.)


So maybe 30 minutes later my firend logan just dozes off.


I found this huge black roach-like thing.


I stuck it in his mouth and we just stared at him for a second and laughed


til we all cried, the laughing woke him up and he spit the roachy thing out and immediately tackled me and punched so I gave him two punches


back and he decided he'd had enough. He stayed awake just like all the rest of us after that. Amazingly fun party by the way.

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Not afraid of bugs really, decided there were to many of them to be bothered.


But, when I was young(6), I was walking under a tree, turned my head to the right, and on my shoulder was a HUGE preying mantis. I panicked and threw it off and jumped into our swiming pool.




My gf is absolutly terrified of any type of bug, and I live in arkansas, so that causes more then a few problems. Worst one was when we tossed some sticks in the back of my car because we needed them. I was driving about 30mph when she started screaming. I quickly try to stop the car, but she jumped out of it before I even slowed down to 20 :\


harmless itty bitty brown spider that I crushed with my fingers...




My heart skipped a couple beats :D


Omfg like me and my bro... he was taking me to the piano lessons and i decided to pick some nice red roses on my way to the car... when he started driving this big black spider jumped out in my face. i just screamed and jumped ouuta the window. thank goodness im skinny :wall: :wall: :wall: :mrgreen:


Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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This is still one of the scariest experiences of my life... :(






That does sound freaky.. o.o;




Alex, this thread is so you :P




A centipede, stuck in my long, glorious hair...




rawrz. ;P


It really has

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I'm an arachnophobe, my sister finds this hilarious, i'm sure you can use your imagination to fill in the rest :(




Meh, you poor guy... I know how you feel.




Honestly, if you don't have a phobia you just cannot imagine anything like it. It's like, some completely unreasonably, unexplainable utter terror of something.




I mean, for me...Centipedes, fine. Maggots, a doddle. Killer stag beetles with 6in pincers, cool dude, no problem.


But spiders, even like teeeny ones... OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!


It's just so weird, the world stops moving and you can't breathe, everything is shimmering, you can't stop crying and yelling and it's damned well not funny....




Meh I was at a party once, a year or so ago, we were playing Murder-In-The-Dark at a mate's house, in case you don't know it's hide and seek after sunset and there's only one light on in the whole house. Anyway I was standing at the top of the stairs, facing the room opposite, and someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around, WILD PANIC!!! ok so the tarantular was plastic but ot was hanging in the light from downstairs, I just yelled and screamed and it was on my head omg...then I ran downstairs crying my head off and he got it serious trouble. Ha. Serves his right.




(ok for payment I put a REAL mouse in his bed on school trip. Serves his right. Omg was hilarious!)

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