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Worst update in rs history?


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What was the worst update rs has even gone through for you personally? Some things that make it bad might be devaluing your items or made the game less fun. For me it was the day you could store items in your bank instead of just money. That was cool for a week or two, but now I realized that it's made rs way less fun in the long run. It has allowed players to buy skills rather than having to play the game in order to level them.




Other ones up high on my list are Wilderness and the ridiculous cook X or smelt X feature. What is the worst update to you?

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Other ones up high on my list are Wilderness and the ridiculous cook X or smelt X feature. What is the worst update to you?




How is the X updates bad??? They help you so you don't have to keep on clicking that darn food.

Currently:whacking noobs with rubber chicken

F2p and 52 prayer :-P

^^^^ Awesome Video ^^^^

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I don't see what people have against buying skills. Think about it, you get to lvl up a skill you don't like easily by using a skill you do like to pay for it...so what exactly is wrong with that?




Worst update so far was pure ess :x

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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i would have to say making the holiday items non-tradeable or the introduction of pure essense. i can understand them wanting to end essense bots, but why screw over the entire f2p population?



The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI.

First Dragon Drop 5/6/2006 -Dragon Med from Bronze Dragon :D

First Barrows Item From Chest 2/20/2007 - Verac's Brassard :D

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Guest Armagedon46disabled
What was the worst update rs has even gone through for you personally? Some things that make it bad might be devaluing your items or made the game less fun. For me it was the day you could store items in your bank instead of just money. That was cool for a week or two, but now I realized that it's made rs way less fun in the long run. It has allowed players to buy skills rather than having to play the game in order to level them.




Other ones up high on my list are Wilderness and the ridiculous cook X or smelt X feature. What is the worst update to you?

we'll i hate cook x for the reason i got 99 cooking and 2 weeks later they relase cook x it made me quite mad
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Guest Armagedon46disabled
What was the worst update rs has even gone through for you personally? Some things that make it bad might be devaluing your items or made the game less fun. For me it was the day you could store items in your bank instead of just money. That was cool for a week or two, but now I realized that it's made rs way less fun in the long run. It has allowed players to buy skills rather than having to play the game in order to level them.




Other ones up high on my list are Wilderness and the ridiculous cook X or smelt X feature. What is the worst update to you?

we'll i hate cook x for the reason i got 99 cooking and 2 weeks later they relase cook x it made me quite mad
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Fatigue in RSC but I'm glad it's GONE in RS2.




Worst update in RS2? I would say minor update with changing from "use X on Y" to "Use X -> Y", it's stupid.

Hacked 10 years old account, permamently quit if Jagex doesn't return items.



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pure essence :boohoo:




you took the words right out of my mouth


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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i wasnt playing runescape then, but i heard about that and i am very greatful for the update that lets you put items in your bank!




on the other hand my least favorite updates are the quest update that their rewards are just quest points and mabey a few hundred gp.....


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