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I have made a similar post in issy's gf/bf thread, but I post again with hopes of starting new movement in Runescape.




I am disgusted with the current state of my much beloved mmo, Runescape. Everywhere I look there are scammers, "Jagex filters ur pass, ****** look," pointless begging, "N00B needz free stuf, need a rich bf" and blatant profanity, "**** u."




We are also swamped with an influx of macroing, adware, and real world item trading.




Now truth be told I in no way condone such responsibility in the "real-world," A- it is not feasible, and B- I believe in every man for himself. But can we not have a shot at that perceptual utopia in Runescape?




-I too dreamt of a Runescape in which everyone had real names that lent an authentic aura to the game, like Sir Saldez, Valfodr, Baphetmet, and Lady Sophia.




-I too dreamt of a runescape in which everyone embraced the pseudo-fantasy/medievil theme of the game and acted in accordance with such.




... of a runescape in which everyone realised that there is in fact an entire dictionary chock-full of alternatives to the much cliched f*** and c*** s******.




... of a runescape in which i could escape from work, school, and my girlfriend, and relax.




-I too dreamt of RUNESCAPE







sorry if that was corny but I am completely serious, and DISGUSTED by the current state of RS.




(oh and I, being of moderate perspicasity, am fully aware that such an environment is not plausible in any setting let alone one that allows internet animosity.)




but with that aside, i must follow my blind instincts (dont we all) and URGE all who agree with me to join in efforts to CLEAN UP Runescape.




Nacht :twisted:




All who below bear their name have pledged to help make Runescape into Runescape.







Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven.



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Runescape sold their soul to Miniclip. Anyway, about the name thing, good luck, because with 2-4milish players and couting, well, you know.


I have only been around RS for around four months, and i am discusted at the community, especially on F2P. But, this is kind of going to happen when anyone can play, for free, especially those 8-10 year-olds with no maturity.


Currently going for 76 fishing

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Poor you. It seems as if you have never been outside, or know about anything besides your computer. Runescape is a simple game. It shouldn't be your life. If Runescape ended today, your heart would probably be broken. The only people that actually care about this thread are strict parents, or kids that follow their strict parent's rules.




From that last sentance, I can guess that you're going to say that i'm a trouble kid and I don't do anything good. Wrong. I just dont think that a few swear words in a game should affect YOUR whole life, like it's doing now.

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thats why i report ever single person i see swearing (badly, my freind got muted for saying "fn" lol), spamming,scamming, or just being a [developmentally delayed] under the appropraite section of the abuse button, if thats all your asking me to do then sign me up

are you finding ling ling's head?

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[bleep] i hate little kids playing this game. my neighbor plays and hes 7 and all he does is ask for [cabbage] and im 120, 109, 99 pure




so he thinks im his dad and his bank :( sorry about language just im kinda tired of rs miniclip with there little sign saying " Are you tough enough" and when noobs ask if i know zezima, i say zezima who? :D




Also the stupid people who are noobs, say they will report u for anything. U say gay they report u. My 120 got permed for saying msm. I got 2 marks because its personal info for email. Also its advertising website its crazy. Noobs also think they can out smart us by scaming, so its annoying trading for stuff on f2p. I havnt honestly loged in on f2p in over 3 months cuz of noobs. And if i do its to get stuff transfered to my noobs for storing cash incase my mains get locked and i got funds since when i lost my 120 i was left with nothing and had to make kill r 0 y to pk and get money.




RS BRING BACK RSC!!! miss staking and training that takes talent to get high on rsc. RS2 u can train from 1-99 in months. EXample kill r 0 y, made Feb 12th - Currently and its 94 att 92 str, will be maxed soon ( accept 45 def )



Check my videos on youtube search Kill r 0 y or go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L2ah1ykwIc

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Also the stupid people who are noobs, say they will report u for anything. U say * they report u. My 120 got permed for saying msm. I got 2 marks because its personal info for email.




That's also because Jagex are trying to be saints. I'm really disgusted with that too. I truly hate them for that. The love for the game compensates it though.

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I agree that something needs to be done, but what can be done? Its the same as real life, theres idiots everywhere, and not just immature kids.




I now have to turn my public chat to friends most of the time, because i get so annoyed with some people that play.

90 Combat 1900+ Total

99 Crafting 99 Cooking 99 Firemaking

99 Herblore 99 Fletching 98 Farming



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i suggested to jagex to make more ppl mod


i think that should help to get the medieval theme back


there are to many player to make it a real group of friends, thats why some player start a clan, but clans have fights, clans start hating eachother...


and like u said: i dont think terminator, pl0xhacker or kish ma ash are good names for a game like this :!:

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2. I have4 nice people on my friends list.




3. I will do my best to clean up runescape as an individual.




4. I join the movement!!

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thank you al for your support...you're the kind of people we need in RS.




but for the rest of you...esp. SPARKY.


READ the POST especially this line!


(oh and I, being of moderate perspicasity, am fully aware that such an environment is not plausible in any setting let alone one that allows internet animosity.)




god that pisses me off, when people dont read the entire post.




and no Runescape isnt my life, and i dont seem to recall saying that when people swear and curse, that it affects my life, just my gaming experinence.




but on a happier note.... lets clean up RS, and boot Sparky!!!

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i too dream of Runescape...


its a shame that a lot of people who play this game turn into noobs who have nothing better to do than make people feel lame (whether its because they arent hitting high enough or their lvls arent high enough or they havent done such and such a quest...the list is endless) or scam or insult people...


sometimes it can get quite upsetting and i end up either adding them to my ignore list or turning my public chat off...but why should i have to do that?


ive never heard of MINICLIP as i got into runescape through my best friend about 9/10 months ago...so i cant make any comment on it.


like nacht i wish there were more stereotypical RP names around but like someone else said theres only so many names to go around which is why you end up with 1337 names and silly or insulting names.






"oh and I, being of moderate perspicasity, am fully aware that such an environment is not plausible in any setting let alone one that allows internet animosity."




i dont think a heaven world or a no noob server would work...you would still have noobs who think they own it and it was made just for them.


in other words i completly agree :D


Empire Mind:Nbk killed your clan.



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Good idea, I go to varrock once weekly.. usually when I feel like being nice I'll bring 100k and a few noob weapons with me, I'll look around for troublemakers in varrock. And any newbie that trades me.. I'll buy their stuff for about 1k, really makes their day.




I respond to all of the little newbie's questions..POLITELY. When someone asks me where I get my ghostly robes? "These robes, sir, are ghostly robes. I get them from the desert treasure quest. =]" They then ask me if it was hard, I tell them it was very hard. Usually aobut this point in the conversation he turns all polite and starts typing correctly. It's funny.. he goes from..




"wher do u get thos robes"




And within a minute of my proper spelling and punctuation he goes immediately to..




"Well, I'm going to head off. Be seeing you I hope."




This makes my day, really..



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I am annoyed by 'noobs' (in lack of a better word) as well. Especially when selling and buying. They don't even try to come to an agreement, they set their standard to high, and they won't listen to offers that are fair.




And macroners are horrible. They're everywhere. And also the people who ask for free stuff. This is a game where you earn your own way through, not depend on others, asking for stuff and begging. It would be quicker to do it yourself than procrastinate.




Anyways, sign me up. I report macroners whenever I go to freeplay, and I try to recrute all my friends to members.




As Stewie from Family Guy would say: 'Blasted Miniclip!'


Me doing staff.

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