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Abnormalities in Mental Processes


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Your head does seem just a little messed up. I get deja-vu quite a bit same with the audible thought tracking, I have like an undercurrent of dialect going on between my brain and itself. Being inside my head is pretty fun to be honest.


xD Just a little messed up?




Ok maybe more than a little bit messed up :lol:





[Admin Edit: No naming names in a negative light]

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When it comes to my thoughts, I always have at least one track going in writing, as opposed to the pseudo-auditory manner of thinking that I believe that most people make use of. People are always asking me why I stare off into space so often; it's because I'm 'reading' said thoughts.





This sounds interesting and unusual, would you like to tell us more about that?




Where is the writing? What colour is it? How does it change when you think of other thoughts?

I too am curious of this.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Lol seeing past visions are the opposite of my dreams! It all started at around when i was 9 I dreamt i would get a nintendo DS when i was 10, and a year later it really happened! I dreamt that i will one day become a clan leader on RS when i was 10 and it really happened! I dreamt i would die when i was 98 years old (i hope that happens) and i dreamt that i would have an embarassing moment in college(hope that NEVER happens).

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Pfft, who needs far fetched theorys. Maybe you are just knackered(tired) so I wouldn't worry too much.




And to the guy who said he remembers obscure things like what he was wearing aged 4 but not what happened a few days ago, ME TOO!!! XD lol.

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you might have very high IQ and/or EI, or theres just something wrong with you. See a psychiatrist (am I spelling that right).


I do have an extremely high IQ, if I do say so myself (176).




I regularly baffle my psychiatrist. xD

holy hell.......any idea about your EI? most people with very high ei can tell they have high ei (like me XD)






Btw, i also see the future in my dreams sometimes. Several times ive witnessed the exact same scene in real life that i dreamed about just a few days earlier..




My most memorable scene like that is when I visited my cuz in canada, we were sitting on a rock, and my cuz spilled the contents or a carpet foam bottle over the rocke beside him, and he said "look at this" and i did, then i started playing around with a piece of cardboard with my feet. Thats what I dreamed about just a few days before it actually happened.

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IQ means very little, it literally does mean that you are good at IQ tests and nothing more.




Think about it, how does being able to answer questions such as:




Square is to rectangle as Circle is to...?




supposed to judge how intelligent you are, the answer is debateable for a start, my logical answer would be an oblate circle but that doesn't signal to anyone that i'm intellectually profficient with my speech and come across as an intelligent person.

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Took a test.


Therefore creditability is a bit low.




Google it.

dont rely on those, mines 125 according to multyple sites, but i doubt that.


Mine's 176 according to an official government standardised test. xD

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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When it comes to my thoughts, I always have at least one track going in writing, as opposed to the pseudo-auditory manner of thinking that I believe that most people make use of. People are always asking me why I stare off into space so often; it's because I'm 'reading' said thoughts.





This sounds interesting and unusual, would you like to tell us more about that?




Where is the writing? What colour is it? How does it change when you think of other thoughts?

I too am curious of this.


It's not colorful or anything. D;




When you're thinking auditorily, do you hear the voice in your right ear or your left?


Neither, I imagine. You probably can't even identify the sound of the voice. That's how it is with my thoughts. xD

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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Roughly 1.5 years ago, every word I saw, I would make it another word, like an anagram.




Every word.




I remember doing the exact same thing! Trying to find words inside other words!


I also tried to make a word have an equal number of letters by making it longer or shorter.


I very often interpret words in the wrong language. D;




If I hear the word 'brat', I nearly always interpret it as the Russian word for 'brother'.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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you might have very high IQ and/or EI, or theres just something wrong with you. See a psychiatrist (am I spelling that right).


I do have an extremely high IQ, if I do say so myself (176).




I regularly baffle my psychiatrist. xD

holy hell.......any idea about your EI? most people with very high ei can tell they have high ei (like me XD)


I have never measured my 'EI'. >.>

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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Sir, your going through puberty, it's ok...your having a double puberety...yes i said a doulbe puberty i am a doctor at the university of Mactown.....its some place i made up







I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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IQ means very little, it literally does mean that you are good at IQ tests and nothing more.




Think about it, how does being able to answer questions such as:




Square is to rectangle as Circle is to...?




supposed to judge how intelligent you are, the answer is debateable for a start, my logical answer would be an oblate circle but that doesn't signal to anyone that i'm intellectually profficient with my speech and come across as an intelligent person.


I never take it seriously. However, I was asked about it, so I responded.




xD Besides, it's fun to brag about! <--self-absorbed

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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  • 1 year later...
Roughly 1.5 years ago, every word I saw, I would make it another word, like an anagram.




Every word.






I used to do that.. But not with every word.. Now I just play Tetris in my head.. I hate my brain :wall: #-o




Instead of Tetris, I play war games in my mind. I am strange :D


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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My brain can sometimes seem to not stop thinking. However, I only think of one thing at once. The thoughts are auditory, but can sometimes be visual.




I do meditation to keep a clear mind. If I don't, my brain can start thinking of a scenario or think about a situation that happened recently and it can cause me to overthink the situations and I can become paranoid, depressed, etc.




But once I do meditation in the morning before starting my day, it makes me more alert, energetic, playful, gives me a positive attitude, happy, and just gets rid of the depression/paranoia. In fact, it almost seems that I am not able to get depressed/paranoid after meditation.




Do you meditate?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I can't stop thinking!




What do you get when two elephants tussle? PM me when you think you have the answer.




I've seen a psychiatrist. He's completely baffled by my weird mind.


I regularly baffle my psychiatrist. xD




You seem quite pleased with this result. You do realise that when psychologists counsel you, you are the one who comes to your own solutions, coping strategies, expectations? Doh! Well now you know.




You seem to display a larger ego than normal and my guess is he's not that baffled but you like to think so because in your mind, you are a genius. You've clearly displayed that and made it known by all, a common trait found in those of some kind of personality disorder. Their beliefs about the world, their perception and superiority are blown out of proportion. After all, now you have tip it attempting to guess what you suffer from. You feel satisfaction with people who try to work you out; you also exaggerate a lot, also a common trait with schizophrenic tendencies. I believe you have one or more types of AXIS II disorders, which one/s? I would need to speak with you personally to find out rather than over the internet.




google that word... you might learn that what SHE is experiencing is nothing close to it.




I'd have to say over 3/4ers of the traits have been shown through out this thread. You'd also need to know what you're looking for rather than reading about it. Also try using a DSMIV or at least a ICD10 if you're attempting to link someone with a disorder.




If you want to know more about these schizophrenic tendencies, I'm sure your psychologist who isn't counselling you properly (if you've really succeeded and baffled him) will help you.




Are you really sure about that? 40% of psychologist to patient success is based upon their relationship status and if he had any brains he'd be going along with your little ego problem there to figure out the real problem. Anyone who won't feed your ego, you wonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have a bar of. I doubt you've baffled him at all, he who knows nothing, knows more.




There are over 400 kinds of psychotherapy approaches and you mean to say you've baffled him? *shakes head* thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s kind of cute that someone with your IQ really believed it.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Too bad the topic's a year old and the thread creator won't see it, but IGoddessI, that was pretty impressive. I knew there was something up, but you really nailed it.

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Too bad the topic's a year old and the thread creator won't see it, but IGoddessI, that was pretty impressive. I knew there was something up, but you really nailed it.


I gotta say though, it was worth the bump; some of the ego's on this thread are hilarious XD.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I love my brain for it can play any song exactly the same as the original.




And another cool thing is I can change the tone of my thoughts,




for example I'm thinking 1,2,3,4,5,




the tone is normal not too high.




Now I say it in George Bush's voice.






:XD: :XD: :XD: oooh the entertainment its unstoppable!

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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Im glad i brought this back :) i just picked a random page and good topic and posted...anyway i can picture the house i moved away frmo over 4 yrs ago clearly and i have barely seen pictures of it since.

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