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New Sig Guild?(Not Being Made)


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Well, if you are going to create such an guild, there would have to be tryouts, since, at this point practically any person can say, "I'll join". There would have to be atleast 2-5 art submissions for the tryout, just to see if there lies some skill in the graphics done. There would have to be a pre-elected board with people accepting or declining new members.








However, there is a very large possibility that people will simply be too lame, and not acitve enough, causing the whole guild to 'break apart'.








I personally would like this idea, but I hang with the same question as Azv. If, there was, as a matter of fact people who create really impressive art, and gain the most possible learning points from it (through the people in the guild), it sounds like a great idea.








Just my brainstorm :?

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i wo'nt join cuz some reason i feel that it'll just be like tipit in a way and it'll just be doubling up. . so i don't see a real reason for having it. .








Thats what im thinking. Im thinking about just making a little group of friends kinda club thing now..Hmm..








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:

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A sig team making competetion would be kool, like the one we had last year.




Where we get points when we sell sigs. 3 people teams.








If anything it should be points for who likes it better. Selling sigs is hard enough. :roll:








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:

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I think it could be a good idea, if you think of it more as a clan almost. Some clans have prerequisites like Combat 60+, well, you have to have people who enter either as abstract artists or pixel artists, or ... whatever else. Then you have a admin who approves or denies the entries. Once someone is approved, they get access to everything. If they get denied, they get access to a "Help Board," where approved members help them out to finally get accepted.








An example for an opening guild contest could be to design the tag for people's sigs.








Why stop this at only accepting (or offering it to) TIP media guys, why not take it elsewhere. Post a "Recruitment Notice" on the official RS boards, and any other?








There could be a big sig shop, where all the approved artists post their work on a topic (or board or whatever) devoted to selling their type of art (a Pixel shop, and Abstract shop, and Other shop...).








This has a good chance to take off and be really cool, if it's done right, and the applicants are scrutinously (sp?) chosen.








If I may, I'd like to apply!

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Guest Deximus

umm a sig making comp wif 3 man teams is a good idea but




its very biased as most people ask for certain categories




and pixel being favoured atm it would b biased towards the pixel groups




i would say a clan for all moderate to advanced sig makers/ gfx designers so that they can learn from the more advanced

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Er, its been done before, and frankly, all its resulted in is having a lot of people having bruised egos, lots of whinging, and very little gain.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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Er, its been done before, and frankly, all its resulted in is having a lot of people having bruised egos, lots of whinging, and very little gain.








I swear they aren't even listening....this is ridiculous. Just ignoring everyone's posts that explain that it won't work. And they just reply with "omg I think it would be like so cool1!!1."

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Will it just be like a clan, or are you gonna create a whole new forum. If so, then:








No! Not again! We had this about a year ago, and only the *good* GFX artists were allowed in. But even with the most "elite" artists on TIF (then Scape), hardly anything was posted there. At least nothing that could've been posted here anyway. I even ended up resigning myself from the guild.








So, I ask you, why? I actually see no point in it. What kind of posts can't be posted here on the Media Board, but has to be posted in some kind of "elite GFX" forum. It's the exact same people who browse this board, damnit.
















And no, I don't want to join this guild.








That'd be all.
















// Azvi.








I couldnt agree more, there is no use for a guild forum stuff like that..




We've had it before, and it basicly died out, because it just had no use..




I wouldnt join if it would be started up..

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Er, its been done before, and frankly, all its resulted in is having a lot of people having bruised egos, lots of whinging, and very little gain.








I swear they aren't even listening....this is ridiculous. Just ignoring everyone's posts that explain that it won't work. And they just reply with "omg I think it would be like so cool1!!1."








you never know :D








if it starts i would be very happy to join if ill be approved.. we could do certain activities to keep it active and keep people posting and making it slighly different from this post..?

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Er, its been done before, and frankly, all its resulted in is having a lot of people having bruised egos, lots of whinging, and very little gain.








I swear they aren't even listening....this is ridiculous. Just ignoring everyone's posts that explain that it won't work. And they just reply with "omg I think it would be like so cool1!!1."








you never know :D








if it starts i would be very happy to join if ill be approved.. we could do certain activities to keep it active and keep people posting and making it slighly different from this post..?








Absolutely no different from this forum. Except to get away from all the annoying n0obs but they seem to be the most interested in this.

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Seems to me like the most people really wanting one, are as matter of fact people that would not be the most secure joiners. Maybe, they should create a newstarter guild, where everyone should try to help each other?








Or am i just being mean :?: :twisted:

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I agree with azvy, as the old sig making guild (the 2nd one not first :S) Was very barren, barly anyone posted there. If the "guild" could do other things other than just be called "elite" and have their own forums it would be a lot beter but atm it would just end up like the last one.

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Absolutely no different from this forum. Except to get away from all the annoying n0obs but they seem to be the most interested in this.








I agree. If a guild was to be made, then the only people who should actually be allowed in, are the ones I/we posted as the "top 10" sigmakers: Demented, Keiph, Tttia, Mixterxman... etc. (I.e the good ones)








And all of them (except Misterx) were around when the first guild was made, and I honestly doubt that they will go through all the hassle by joining yet another one. So my questions stands, why have an elite guild with no elite artists...?
















// Azvi.


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Absolutely no different from this forum. Except to get away from all the annoying n0obs but they seem to be the most interested in this.








I agree. If a guild was to be made, then the only people who should actually be allowed in, are the ones I/we posted as the "top 10" sigmakers: Demented, Keiph, Tttia, Mixterxman... etc. (I.e the good ones)








And all of them (except Misterx) were around when the first guild was made, and I honestly doubt that they will go through all the hassle by joining yet another one. So my questions stands, why have an elite guild with no elite artists...?
















// Azvi.








True. Like i have been saying, im almost sure im not making it. It was just an idea.








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:

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