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"NO" Loopholes in rules regarding real world item


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I was browsing ebay (without the intention of buying anything), and noticed a trend in people selling rs goods...




Jagex's rule clearly states that all rs material is their property, and cannot be sold.





IsnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t it up to me what I do with my items & account?


No, the terms and conditions state that your RuneScape character and account and items are and remain the property of Jagex.




Look how people get around the rule...





Joke- w/free Level 91 Runescape Account




A good joke that comes with lvl 91 runescape account.






selling joke with free level 85 runescape account 83 wc




Hi I am selling a really funny joke which as a free gift comes with a runescape runescape account, I have had many enjoyable sessions playing this game and beleive you could get alot more enjoyment from it now!




The Joke: The joke beguins, knock knock, whose there.. is is purly coincidental that the answer is my runescape account and password i must keep insisting that you are infact bidding for the joke the account is purly a free gift to you, the account will allways remain property of Jagex! ( :





Theyre speaking as if they are selling some non rs related thing, and throwing in a rs account in for free, which really, isnt selling the account directly.

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To me, you're still technically selling it. I know the joke is the "main" item they're "selling", but when people give out bonus items, it's still being given to the person, but for free. They sell the joke for money, sell the account for free. I had a friend try and sell his skiller account (Yes I tried to stop him), and he did that same thing. BANNED






Maybe Jagex took on the same philosophy as me. :mrgreen:

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What else people do is "selling 2 words which happen to be a high level runescape aco[bleep]s name and password. Completely by coinciednce!"

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Eh, its breaking the rules one way or another. At one point, people were saying that they are not selling a runescape account, they are selling the time and effort put into it. When an account has one owner and that owner switches with the transfer of real world items, it's against the rules. Loopholes only fool morons, Jagex sees right through it.

RSN: Mutashi

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Eh, its breaking the rules one way or another. At one point, people were saying that they are not selling a runescape account, they are selling the time and effort put into it. When an account has one owner and that owner switches with the transfer of real world items, it's against the rules. Loopholes only fool morons, Jagex sees right through it.




Yea, I've seen that one too! I even went to a site some guy had listed and sent them a hate-mail. Don't worry, still not hacked. :mrgreen:




And I'm stuck with friends who think they can get away with it. Every single one of them who tried, got banned. Used my old e-mail too, which was for my old RS account, got me banned for 3 days. #-o

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Yes, still against rules. So don't get fooled.




"You may not sell, transfer or lend your account to anyone else, or permit anyone else to use your account, and you may not accept an account that anybody else offers you."

Rsn: Onauric Combat: 136 Total: 2150+


All quests done since: 3rd December 2005

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i found this a few months ago while looking for pictures of runescape accounts that were taken with cameras so i could make fun of the people who thought a "screen shot" was where you took a picture of the screen with a camera :lol: :lol: :lol:

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in a way there beating the rules some what there selling a joke with a free runescape account so kinda its not really real world tradeing but then it kinda is




smart kinda





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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Yes, still against rules. So don't get fooled.




"You may not sell, transfer or lend your account to anyone else, or permit anyone else to use your account, and you may not accept an account that anybody else offers you."




yea what he said period. the account can not be transfered to anyone. only the creator of the account may log in. at the very lest they'll nail ya with the char sharing one. only this they are doing by the "selling joke" thing is avoding real life legal action from jagex. once jagex finds the offending account its good night lousy





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The punchline is the account gets banned.




HEY GENIOUSES!!!! Jagex can (and probably does) track IP accounts. Think they don't notice a magical change in IP address and change in credit card payment?




Also, what keeps the seller from scamming you? Get a name and password, next thing you know, the account is "recovered". Woops.


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Well, my friend tryed selling his account on ebay.


He was selling a picture, then throwing in the account for free- however, in a matter of 2 days it got taken off...sooo it doesnt really work

RSN: Badassboy123, not runeboy.

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HEY GENIOUSES!!!! Jagex can (and probably does) track IP accounts. Think they don't notice a magical change in IP address and change in credit card payment?


I don't know about that.. I've moved several times in the last few years, and also had to switch the credit card payment on my account. If it were that simple, I would have have been flagged and maybe penalized for it. My guess is, there's more to it than that. Probably the majority of RS accounts sold would go to a buyer living relatively far away. Now the buyer might change the account details, which might trigger something that ends up getting the account banned right there. But let's say they don't. In most cases, the seller probably has some other account that they use more often, and was selling a secondary one. So, now there are two or more active accounts, with the same account details, being used from two different areas of the world. It would go something like this:




Trainee: Look boss, this guy is playing on two of his accounts at once. What do I do?


Boss: Probably trading with himself. Give him a temporary ban.


Trainee: Wait a minute.. He's playing one account in Los Angeles... And he's playing the other account in Germany.


Boss: Yeah, they usually make your job pretty easy.



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You can still get them for account sharing/trading... so its not like its a real effective loophole.




People just think they're being clever, when they really aren't.


R.I.P Shiva

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