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Do you have any Superstitions/Habits when it comes to RS?


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I have a problem with getting sidetracked on the forums while runecrafting natures, never any time else....




I also have the Exame-every-damn-thing-in-RS

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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I examine a lot, but not enough. I miss thigns like zanik in the last part of death to dogreshuun.




Bury bones. I usually try to bury every bone anything drops, even if they're just normal bones.




When doing treasure trails, I try not to use tip it to finish the clue scroll, in fear that being lazy (a.k.a. cheating :wink: ) will make the reward a bad one.




Lastly, when I die a costly death, I have to resist the urge to logout and say "omg..." to myself a couple times, so that I cna try and get the items before they disappear or are taken. :|

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I know all you guys said examine, but im like the examine god. Every single thing i walk by i examine, and i mean everything. Alot of times i try to examine things that i cant examine. Also since i played rs1 almost 3 years and when rs2 came out i only played like 1 in a half i still say dragonstone or dstone ammy instead of glory and all the new players are like 'huh'?

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i don't have too many




except when i take things out of my bank like arrows or runes i leave 1 in so the spot is saved..






and my slayer gem must be in top left corner of my inventory or i start freaking out :shock:

fight caves defeated 3/10/06 at 96 combat 77 range

99+ farming----99+herblore----99 range----99 thieving

213th to 99 herblore, June 29, 2007

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I examine almost anything I see.


I go back to any pker that killed me with my partyhat to mock them, knowing they're only wasting runes/arrows/time etc.


I also think I use the right click a lot more often than the left...




And finally... it's not a bad one or anything, but if someone says "Hi" I always try to say "Hi" back to them, whether it's public talk or sometimes I add them to say "Hi"




That last one sounds a little corny to me... :oops:

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I examine a lot, but not enough. I miss thigns like zanik in the last part of death to dogreshuun.




Bury bones. I usually try to bury every bone anything drops, even if they're just normal bones.




When doing treasure trails, I try not to use tip it to finish the clue scroll, in fear that being lazy (a.k.a. cheating :wink: ) will make the reward a bad one.




Lastly, when I die a costly death, I have to resist the urge to logout and say "omg..." to myself a couple times, so that I cna try and get the items before they disappear or are taken. :|


i always use tip.it for clues....becasue my 1st ever clue i didnt use tip.it and got 7 chaos and 31 waters....second clue i used tip.it and got green d hide body sara page 2(ill sell to anyone who wants)and green d hide chaps with gold trim.im also an examine freak and i look at my xp a bunch and i could go on all day....bed time tho c ya

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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Map always has to face north (except in some rare cases, where it obstructs vital things). Anyone else ever got it exactly north? I had a screenshot of it somewhere.




Always need my purple gloves and boots. Yeah, I'm a ninny.




I always default to my inventory tab, even if I don't need it.

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Thats another one I forgot about. Even killing monsters I right click them first! And I examine pretty much everything. :lol:




Yep I do that too. I sometimes find myself trying to examine other players... :roll:




yeh,sometimes I try to examine people to,thinking i'll find out what they're wearing or something :lol:




yeah i wish we could do that right click and examine other players would be cool.

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I have a habbit of right-clicking everything I see, sometimes I'll just right click the ground to make sure I'm in the RS window. #-o












+2 I have devolped a habit of hoarding quest items, the holy grail, darklight, the enchanted secatuers, i don't understand why though, lol :shock:

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I examine everything and right click almost every person i walk past. I've always done it and when my friends are round and i show them my acc they think im insane cos i'm constantly right clicking etc.

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1. Although i have a Saradomin mage arena cape, I HAVE to wear my castle wars one.




2. I don't go anywhere without my glory, cape, cooking gauntlets or my boots of lightness.




3 I right-click EVERYTHING

I say its time for some stat resets... who's with me!

Stat reset? :uhh: Noooooooo! *Grabs levels and hugs them* MIIINE! MIIINE! :ohnoes:

mmmm...... lol :p


Woow, Jagex made a typo, let's hate them now.
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always killing the respawn at every door i go thorugh at barrows. So instead of running through to the monsters I like to kill, I kill the everything that spawns at the doors when you open them. It's my superstition that it helps rewards (no evidence for that)


I'm the opposite lol, even if the monster at the door is the one I get my KC up on, I don't kill it...why? I have no idea...habit. Other habits:


-Taking rune boots into pest control even though I don't need them when I could be using climbing boots to hit more...I guess I just don't like climbing boots lol.


-Teleing to draynor rather than falador to check up on my herbs and flowers when falador is closer and would save me from rechrging my ammy so often...I never remember to use fally tele.


So many more, can't bothered to bore myself and everyone else with them though...


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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I am a scavanger. I hate to see things just lying on the ground, even the most useless of thgings (eg a single bronze arrow) I will pick up. If its no use I simply high-alc it, at least I get a bit of mage exp for it.




I must bury bones. Any bone, whatever type, I see lying around ,I bury




Like a lot of people I also examine EVERYTHING. I love finding Jagex's jokes and puns.




I only wear armour when fighting - most of the time I just wear default clothing and my lucky cape. It is a purple Fremenick Cape I found laying around when I first started playing RS and have kept it ever since. :D

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