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What is the funniest Shirt slogan you have ever seen?


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"i is a kollege st00dent"




the first s is backwards :lol:




and "fbi..female body inspector ::'






oh and of course the one with the squirrel with a stick guarding a pile of nuts




it says protect your nuts :lol:




Seen that one :lol:




And I've seen "If you see the cops, Warn a Brotha." With the Warner Brothers logo. :lol: \'








"Gettin' lucky in Kentucky!"




Jack Black had that shirt on in "School of Rock".

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'I don't having a drinking problem.


I drink, I get drunk, I pass out.


No problem!








I say no to drugs but they just don't listen!




Ha they always crack me up...

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i dont find funny tshirts all that funny. in this topic i almost smiled at the "warn a brother" but that was mostly because of something else. none of the others so far have provoked any response.



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one of the sargents at aircadets has an awsome t-shirt it goes ofr ginsters


on the front it says 'ginsters only the truth ( this is not on the t shirt! or something) see back for deatils'


on the back it says


'they should be paying us for wearing their t-shirts beacaues we are advertising!!! thats why these t-shirts are free!!!'

\../0.o\../turnipman11\../ 0.o\../

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i like this one.















I say its time for some stat resets... who's with me!

Stat reset? :uhh: Noooooooo! *Grabs levels and hugs them* MIIINE! MIIINE! :ohnoes:

mmmm...... lol :p


Woow, Jagex made a typo, let's hate them now.
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Mad, I'm going to suggest that idea for the Mu Alpha Theta t-shirt this year. :P



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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"Keepin' It Real"




Heh, I just had to do imaginary numbers for summer math today :D. Remember, i^.5 = 1 ... I think... I hope.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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I saw a shirt with "1337" talk. It said:




On the front: 0mgwtfbbqpl0x.


On the back: If you understand that you must be leet.




:notalk: What have people come to nowadays. :pray:

back to rs, i guess. it's been 4 months.


RSN:P H Osho <- gonna start on him soon, fresh.

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Only if you have a perverted sense of humour.




Heh... what teenager doesn't? :P








I still like, "All ur oil r belong to U.S." :P




Jack Black had that shirt on in "School of Rock".




Gettin' lucky in Kentucky!




Hehe, those have been sold everywhere around here for a long, long time. I love them.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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